Mining Amps

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Kosh, Feb 13, 2012.

  1. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    Greetings Arkadian Community,

    I recently decided to give Arkadia another visit, and perhaps stay here longer this time because so far I like what I see (content and attitude).

    I am primarily a miner and so that is what I am doing here too. The first thing I noticed here was the low volume of sales of resources, it is going to be much harder to cycle peds here because you need to wait much more time for auctions to sell. This is of course expected as the economy and playerbase is still small compared to Calypso.

    My question is about crafting:
    I see there are many BP's for weapons and you see many of them selling on other planets and competing with the traditional Calypso weapons. So this is generating some direct demand for Arkadia resources, along with demand via the components used for weapons.

    But what about mining amps? The volume of mining amps being crafted on Calypso is huge and there is a cycle of demand for resources and amps , basically the amp crafting makes the world go round :)
    Right now Arkadia miners are using Calypso amps and thus mostly creating demand for Calypso resources (I know some of the required resources are found on Ark too). For a healthy miner-crafter cycle more mining amp blueprints that use Arkadia resources are needed. If they are planned properly they will even take a bite of the Calypso market and stimulate the economy even more.

    So are there plans for new mining amps?

    I apologize if this has already been raised, I could not find a discussion about this.

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  2. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Well there are blueprint slots for mining amps, but so far none have been looted yet. So it's anyone's guess if the droprate is really really really low, or if they just haven't been added to the lootpool yet.
  4. siremi

    siremi Member

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    Well, with the recent nerf to the mining amps from Calypso, making lvl 7/8 unusable, maybe we'll get Ark mining amps now heh...
  5. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Their saying we will have more bps dropping but........ I have not got any nor hav i heard of any dropping. i hope they dont make it a big to do like last time because we will get all the ubers from other planets to come and well.......... loot them and then take them back to their planet never to be seen or heard of again unless it goes to auction for some stupid price like the hover pod bps did. we need more bps to drop for things that we do not have like the terra master and the terra amps. but im just a player who spends 3K in peds crafting Caly bps because we have very few ark bps. I would rather spend my ped here but cant seem to get bps to craft. it has been a problem but hopefully this will get fixed other wise my arkdaian shop will become a claypso shop on ark?