Why not have more opportunities?

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by anthonymorris, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Well first off I would like to say I’m new to Arkadia. And even though my buddies told me not to come here because there are NO opportunities here like shops, houses, apartments & land. I still decided to come and check it out for myself, well that was 2 months ago I have since moved all my items here to Arkadia.

    I have been looking over the forums and have seen that there was plans to add shops and apartments, and I know the A-team wants to take their time and let the planet grow but I have some questions/comments. So please don’t anyone think I do not love my new home because I really do and if I did not love it would I move to it?

    So here is my question how can a planet growwhen there is no opportunity?

    I mean you can mine hunt and craft but in order to sell your items you have to list them on the AU or spend hrs trying to sell them in the quarry. I understand we DO NOT WANT this to be like caly that is why I moved to many of everything but, there is opportunity there and that is why I think they are still as popular as they are.

    I would think within the time the planet has been introduced there would be at least a single mall and a single place where we the dedicated Arkadian’s could start a business and have a house to stay in. We only have 6 booths not shops on the whole planet? I know the business owners do not want over growth of shops and all but, in order to grow there must be some sort of opportunity?

    This game emulates real life and without businesses and opportunity it will die, here is a real life example Flint Michigan a booming town at one time when GM had a factory their making cars well…… the plant closed and the town when to the dogs people had no reason to stay there because there was no money, and shop after shop closed in this town making it like a rundown and unappealing.

    This will, not could happen to Arkadia. I see the masses crying for housing or shops I think it would be a good idea to have a few houses/apartments and I’m not saying put 30 -40 shops. I saying allow 4-6more shop heck even as little as 2 more shops would be a start. And I’m not saying booths like in the quarry, I mean full-fledged shops that we can go into and shop for items and have services done would another 2-4 more shops hurt the economy?

    No, what would happen is that people will start to hear that Arkadia is getting more shops and houses/apartments and then people will come. Like the old saying goes “if you build it they will come” and vice versa “if you don’t build it they will never come”.

    Am I wrong in thinking this way?

    We all are here forthe same reason “we LOVE Arkadia” so why not show why we love our planet and help it grow and flourish. I for one have told all my friends about the planet and how wrong they were, but if we do not have more opportunities I think they will be right this will be just another dead planet. And I for one will not let it go down like that without a fight, I left my old planet to seek out new opportunities.

    And I know this planet is still young but within a year should have had at least 2-4 more shops and some housing. And David you have created one of the best planets here please don’t let this just wilt away to nothing with no opportunities. What we need is growth and without opportunity there can be no growth.
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  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    First the negatives...

    Walls of text are tough to read and your font is basically invisible using the Arkadia theme.

    But I mostly agree with the content. We could really use release of a few shops and arpartments. I have furniture to sell. I would like to expand into a larger space than is offered by booths. I dont think the economy is in immanent danger of collapse but I think everyone could benefit if it were easier to trade.

    Previously Ark Devs have said they are constrained by MA and it was tied to population growth. It will be interesting to see if the recent content release translate to a sustained increase in planet population. Hopefully that will give us the trigger we need. I understand that they are also about to launch the next bunch of advertising, with the recent trailer the first salvo.

    One other possible issue holding things back is possible bug. I recall some problems with apartment/shop design relating to elevator function. And its not clear if these have been fixed or where they sit on the priority list.

    Anyways, basically in support of your post. Lets get apartments and shops back on the agenda.

  3. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I can agree with most of what you've said. Yes, I've heard that MA won't let them put in too much without a population. Therefore, top of the priority is getting new players, meaning getting the NPE out and working. Now that that's out of the way, on to advertising and continued development.

    Guess time will tell. Though I will say that in the last couple of weeks or so, the auction pages have grown pretty significantly. While it may not be an accurate determination of planet growth, it is an indication.
  4. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Always great to see enthusiastic feedback, thanks Anthony.

    Everything comes down to priorities and working within the limitations of a small but dedicated development team. We have achieved an incredible amount in the 7 months since launch and that pace will continue. As Rick said the NPE absolutely needed the overhaul that it got and so far that has been a huge success with loads of very positive feedback. Next step is for marketing to really kick up a gear and for us to attract new players to join Arkadia (will kick in following the next release (21Feb) when the hoverpod texture and the weapon sounds will be fixed).

    Shops and Apartments are getting very close and I do fully realise their value to the economy. We have resolved a technical issue that was holding us back and have given the shops and apartments a much needed makeover. Now we are working to squeeze it in to have the terminals and addresses set up - keep your fingers crossed we can have it in for a release in March - although no absolute promises yet. We do have approval to release more shops and apartments, so there is nothing from MA holding them back, simply us getting them set up alongside a myriad of other priorities on the development pipeline. (ofc Treasure Hunting is in ongoing development in the background, aiming for a mid year release).

    We currently have more mobs in development specifically aimed at newer players, further refinement of the terrain (caves are being greatly improved right now) as well as clothes getting ready for release.

    So I have no doubt that when our 1 year anniversary comes around on 25th May we will have plenty to celebrate and lots of improvements to look back on and to look forward to.

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  5. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Woo! Great news indeed! Thanks for the response. :)
  6. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    A bit more newbie mobs in IFN challenge please, Madana and Oweko just too hard for me to hunt :surrender:. But I really want to hunt in Arkadia when I feel tired of mining all day long, so please more newbie mob in IFN challenge or some missions with reward at the end is great as well :p
  7. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    Some points about estates in general:

    Point 1 is that some of the more exotic teleport chips (I don't even know whether they drop at all anymore, anywhere) have an option to "teleport home". Obviously, this only works if you have somewhere you can call home.

    Another has already been touched upon. The furniture market on Arkadia is just about nonexistent; not unreasonable, given that there isn't anywhere to put it. This has a knock-on effect on the market for furniture raw materials; there is a very severe glut of various types of timber, which are extremely common loot drops. (I have something like 2000 arkace boards lying around, AFTER TTing about 1600.)

    I think TT fodder loot is a bad thing, if it's a significant fraction of the loot.
  8. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    you do know you can hunt without IFN telling you what to hunt?

    Why dont you craft textures with it or find someone who might want to craft textures with it, the arkace texture looks awesome on boats (I have one if you would like to see)
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I make furniture, textures (from hides and wood), apply texture and colour to furniture and then TT it. Am probably losing peds but if I was gonna TT the loot anyway I may as well use it a few times to generate some skills. Had basically no crafting skill when I came to ark but am now lvl 10 carpenter, lvl 9 material designer, lvl 6ish colourer, lvl 5 what ever the texturer profession is.

    OF course I would rather be selling the furniture for MU...
  10. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I hunt mobs harder then I can fight alone all the time. I put together a hunting team to tackle the problem. Hire a fapper most all fapper services are for decay only and heck your paying decay anyways on your fap whats the diff if you pay it for someone elses fap. Also hire a coupel newbie support hunters give them some small pistols and some ammo, also great job for disciples if you have them as they get a ton of anatomy as support hunters. While you use the bigger gun to do the most damage on the Madana and Oweko the littler guns will keep the regen down.

    This stratagy works great for me and I can get involved in some good events on Caly doing things this way. I am currently grinding down the Allophyl missions doing Allophyl Stalkers with my few disciples and a Fapper behind us keeping us healed. Without them I'd be able to handle Allophyl Olds maybe Provider by myself and would take a lot longer to achieve the kill count, I am getting 80-100 Allophyl Stalkers an hour using this method.

    If you think team IFN challenges are all doable. Just be sure that you are doing the most damage so you get kill credit.
  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    As for Anthony's post, great post a bit wordy but brings up some good points. I am glade Dave commented so quickly as always :) It is great to always hear what's coming up. I am always excited to see what your team did when VU's come out. Shops and Apartments would be a great addition to Arkadia, I personally have been waiting to get an Apartment here since I first stepped foot on the planet :) Shop would be nice but I'll let the big crafters get the first ones as it seems they have good grasp on market values here on Arkadia as opposed to some of the shop owners on Calypso, 70% of most everything I see in stores there is 50%-250% over AH MU's it takes forever to find a good store deal on Calypso compared to just browsing the AH. With seeing the booths here I have confidence our entrepreneur's here have a better grasp on market and sales. I am proud to say I geared up my next hunting party using Arkadia Booths and got good deals on everything I bought from them.
  12. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Let me startby saying ty you all for the reply’s and the consensus seems to be the same wedo need more shops and homes (I’m getting tired of sleeping with one eye open).And yes K-max I am a little long winded, but my passion for this planet is thesame passion I have for my pizza shops. I want nothing more but to see it flourishin the coming months. And it honors me to have the CEO David Dobson reply to mypost, and sir I do not know nor could I even fathom the complexities in puttinga planet together or running one for that matter. I know you are doing everythingpossible to get us up and going. And I cannot wait to see when we hit our firstyear’s bench mark to see where we started and to where we will be is going tobe amazing. Know of a few people on arkadia that has shops on caly and when I gothere that is where I get my supplies from like the one I frequent very oftenis Boardian Chilix who has a shop in Deer Mall floor 2 shop 6 that is where I getmy amps. So if you guys got to caly and use the lvl 1 terra amp that is whereyou need to go and for lower than the AU it’s a great deal I think last time I wasthere I paid 50ped for one. But anyways I’m super excited to get the ballrolling with all the new things going on in arkadia. But David we know it takestime and patients, but I seem to have more time than patients lol.
  13. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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    80-100 allophyl per hour? Are u using a tier 9 strikehammer and 10 disciples? :) But anyway, a good point!
  14. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Nope LR41 amped and enhanced, Cap 101's amped and yes a small army behind me :p and 1 hour event two weekends ago with 92 Ally's downed (I admit not all stalkers) but that wasn't the point and exaggeration can be accepted here I would think. This weekend I'll have two smaller groups so probably less kills per group but that wasn't my point of that post. Point was teamwork is acutally efficient if done right.

  15. Roamie Tanjooberrymutts

    Roamie Tanjooberrymutts Member

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    Dear Dave,

    Please, please don't forget some Event Terminals :)
  16. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    The only way we'll see a big improvement in the market would be if all players automatically got a free small apartment accessible through the tp that only people on a guest list and themselves could access, otherwise it will always be a small market as I'm guessing most players buying the apartments released today on auction will be from Calypso and already have a lot of furniture.