Suggestion Celeste Quarry

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Erastothenes, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    I really like the way the Quarry is moving, becoming something like good old prevu10 PA.
    I had a thought... those oil/drill looking towers... why not have them spawn a little oil from time to time. That would for sure attract people to Ark / Celeste Quarry, call it marketing at a low cost.

    Just a thought :)
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Whilst I understand your reasoning behind this suggestion, i'd have to disagree with it.

    As I understand it, the Quarry is meant to be an area for the new players and will feature in the New Player Experience that the A-team is putting in tomorrow (if I heard correctly during Daves interview with Zume). The last thing we want is new people getting disgruntled and leaving because they get shot by Ubers, "closing" the Quarry to "protect their Oil spawns" like they do on Calypso, when the new people are doing nothing more than exploring or completing their new player missions.

    Just my 2 pecs.
  3. MIND

    MIND Member

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    and also it will come a great newb mission and it will take a few hours to complete
  4. Morgan Gekko

    Morgan Gekko Member

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    Actually, I think the OP's suggestion is an interesting idea. I would add, though, that it should not be enough oil, nor spawned frequently enough to make it worthwhile to camp the area. Also, the area in which the oil would spawn should encompass more than just the immediate drill/mall area, again, to keep avas from camping. And, needless to say, it would not be pvp. We don't need "ubers" or wanna-be bad asses trying to "shut down the rig" like on Caly. I think a very infrequent, wide-ranged, tiny bit of spawned of oil would be interesting.
  5. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I'd rather some sort of repeatable mission where you have to maintain the drilling machines.
  6. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Something you actually have to work for.. In the strictest sense, even the hoverpod and weapons aren't "free" in that you have to do something for them. If we must have oil spawns here, then a mission is better. But I honestly don't really think it's needed in the first place.
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    We already have stone and fruit randolmy spawning? Do we really need oil as well.
    Howabout implmenting a use for fruit instead (hint textures).
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  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I would say leave oil spawns to the oil rig on Caly. Oil does not come from a quarry... rocks do. So if anything spawns from the quarry, let it be stones of some kind. But I'd much rather see the drills be part of a good mission chain than a free-for-all greedfest. Maybe they could spawn a new kind of stone that has no economic value but is needed for a mission.
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well I for one think it would be counter productive, you would have campers and it would cause stress and conflict in the community. I for one like our friendly community and would hate to see something like spawned oil or ores cause conflicts between who and who can't camp to collect the items. If there is such a thing ever implemented that spawns regularly it should either be PVP like the oil rig on Caly where it is a free for all and you actually fight for your rights to own camping privileges or it be sponsored by some real life entity like the Beer Garden on RT, well actually I am not sure if that is sponsored so to say but it sure looks like it to me. I also think if it is sponsored it should NOT spawn something useful but some generic gimick items to show who sponsored said gimick, that can be tt'ed only or displayed. I don't know are the motorhead kegs actually used for anything besides to set on the ground and dance on?
  10. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    I think its not easy to have such thing.

    As time pass there be a split of experienced grabbers and new players.

    And i can't Imagine that the Drops get fairly split so can make someone dissapointed quickly.

    Im rather looking forward to April when im 6 month Old and be able to get disciples to teach and encourage others for properly takeing part on activities to help the Economy grow.

    People who get Fed all the Time learn to be unsuffisciant for themselfes.

    Responsibility shall they Take.


  11. Tengu Yama Mono

    Tengu Yama Mono New Member

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    I don't vote for free spawwning oil or any PVP around the
    Drilling Towers in Celeste Quarry.

    I would rather surgest a new mission to give new player
    knowledge about vehicle maintaince.

    Most of us have done the "Hover-Pod" mission and recieved
    a hover pod plus a load of free items and at the same time
    great information. I often help people repairing their pod
    as they dont'know what to do.
    The new mission could be like this:

    Mission broker teach player to use the vehicle tool RK-5.
    A training version of the RK-5 (tt=0.30 PED) and 96 wires.

    I see no need for further free items. If players have done
    the missions and got the free items, then they should know
    if this game is worth their time. If so they should either
    deposit or gather fruits, dung and stones. No free oil IMO.
  12. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    I thought about this some time ago. By the way, the Quarry is not the only place where there is mining machinery running - the 8 Coins mining area might qualify here, too.

    Any planet partner is going to be reluctant to give away anything with real value for free, and MA even more so. One thing that might work is for the drilling rigs to spawn stones (brukite etc.) or maybe a new stone - something like granite perhaps, with its own texture and BP for it. Or even crystals.

    All these items have next-to-no TT value, but would be valuable on the player market.