Mission Error: ACA - Weaponry Store / Code: 1

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Kuber, Feb 2, 2012.

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  1. Kuber

    Kuber New Member

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    I searched but didn't find anything specifically on this, although I'm running into a few people here that have the same problem.

    Got through the new player missions okay until I got to the Supply Depot, and tried to speak with the Weaponry NPC there. After the conversation, at the point where the loot window should have popped, instead I get the following error:

    An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
    ACA - Weaponry Store
    Code: 1

    You may try to repeat the action leading to this error at a later time or contact support for assistance. If contacting suport, make sure to supply the information above.

    Is this just botched until the next patch? Is there something I can do other than dropping and readding the mission? I can't interact with any of the other NPCs and my mission trail has pretty much ended at this NPC.

    Any help would be great. Thanks!

    (Oh and up until this point, other than the texture bug on the Hoverpod, I am LOVING these new missions you've put in. I think you all have done a fine job of introducing players to the experience. Much better than previous iterations on other planets.)
  2. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It is just reported to David and we still wait for a fix Kubar ;)
  3. Kuber

    Kuber New Member

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    Thanks so much! Really appreciate the quick responses, both here and in-game.

    Your team is definitely on the ball. Great to see. :)
  4. Kuber

    Kuber New Member

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    I'm not sure if this is related or not, but I also cannot turn in the ACA - Transport Unidentified Ore mission. I tried dropping and picking this one up again as well to no avail.

    I get the mission, but when I go to the Archeological Research Lab, I only find one person there, Dr. Leigh Terpecaya, and she won't speak with me. So the mission cannot be turned in.

    If this isn't related, it's a separate bug.
  5. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Did you talk to one of the twins first?
  6. Kuber

    Kuber New Member

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    I'm not sure what this is in reference to. If you mean the two women in the other part of the compound, yes I tried to speak with both of them and neither would say anything. As far as I can tell only 3 NPCs exist in the Scientific Research Area, and none of them respond with anything, or have the mission status icons above them when I see them.

    Dr. Livingston told me simply to take the special ore sample to the Archeological Research Lab. What am I missing?

    And thanks much for your help.
  7. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  8. Kuber

    Kuber New Member

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    Nope. As I said, according to those videos in the link you provided, and thank you for that, I talked to all of the NPCs I was supposed to up and including the NPC in the Weaponry Store.. I talked to the guard at the front gate, and he said go visit the various areas and get geared up.

    As I went to speak to the NPC in the Weaponry Store, that's when I get all the way through the interaction until the very end, and whether I follow through her alternative conversation or just say "Just give me the gun", instead of getting the loot window with the trainer weapon and ammo, I get the error message in a little dialogue window that says what I posted in my original thread.

    Because I got the error instead of the completed quest routine, my quest never updates. Since my quest never updates, and the quest NPCs are chained together with a requirement to finish the previous step before moving on, I cannot move on. Going around the corner to the Armoury presents me with an NPC with no status icon over their head, and no ability to talk to anyone. If I try to Operate the NPC or just right-click in mouse-move mode, either way presents me with nothing, not even the "I have nothing else to say to you" comments that you'd usually get when going backward in a quest.

    For all intents and purposes, my mission chain is dead, and I cannot do ANYTHING else in regard to the mission that will make it update. As such, there are no guards that I can speak to. There are no other NPCs that I know of that I can speak to. The NPCs in the Supply Depot areas, Weaponry, Armoury, Medical and Clothing are all mute and don't interact.

    If I drop the Weaponry mission and go talk to the Weaponry NPC again, the same thing occurs. I get all the way to the final part where I SHOULD get a loot window popping up, but instead I get Error Code: 1. And once again all of the other mission NPCs are again mute and say nothing.

    I am wondering if the Ore mission is chained in at the end of the others, which would explain why I can't speak to the NPCs at the Science lab area, as I haven't completed the previous quests first, and the Science areas is farther along the road than the Supply Depot.

    So I hope this helps. Apparently there is no one else I can talk to to move the mission chain forward until I can successfully complete the Weaponry NPC conversation which must apparently end with the final trigger which pops the loot window and moves the mission chain one step forward...
  9. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Okay, makes sense... Just figured might be a good idea to see if we could pinpoint the problem. Definitely sounds like you're stuck... Sorry to hear... Wonder if there were too many people doing them right off or something...
  10. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks for the feedback guys. My apologies for not posting here sooner.
    It seems there is a PED limit on MA's end which we have hit. So the missions are not bugged or broken, but the system that gives out items of value (PED's) has reached it's limit. I spoke to MA late last night about it, hopefully we'll have it resolved very very soon.

  11. Archman

    Archman Member

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    Thanks for the quick explaination. Hope it gets fixed fast. Guess I can hover around while I wait for the fix.

    Such a good idea these beginner missions are. I wish it was around 6 years ago when I started. :)
  12. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Whether it's fixed it or not, my understanding is that it will reset each day, so just try again soon.
  13. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    so anyone able to get the mission today?
  14. chevrons

    chevrons Member

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    This is a little confusing - you say there is a bug, but imply that a daily reset is not the bug itself (because you say the reset will continue even after the bug is fixed). So is the bug that the daily limit is too low? Or do you mean that it won't reset until the bug is fixed, or that the fix will remove the reset?

    In any event, there is another bug that the error message is uninformative, but I suppose this is too trivial to count.
  15. ton1957

    ton1957 New Member

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    Mission Error ACA- Weaponry store -code 1

    This happend to me aswel yesterday after 3 times relogging i didnt help to fix this so i made a supportcase about it. So i thought i redo the mission so i abandon the mission. How can i redo it because any afn guard doesn t respond anymore.
  16. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I say it's not a bug on the basis that a bug is an error in the coding/mission design. The mission structure works perfectly, the problem is an internal limit applied by MA on the amount of PED given out on a planet per day. This is a daily limit, so 24 hours after the problem it should be working as normal. The first I heard about it was late last night my time, so it should be another few hours before the reset (i.e. before the next day allowance starts). I am working with MA to get that value changed to avoid this issue in the future.
  17. Kuber

    Kuber New Member

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    Man, you guys are awesome. I don't think I've ever seen a support ticket handled this quickly. "Impressed" would be an understatement.

    I appreciate the quick feedback on this and zeroing in on the issue. A daily limit does make perfect sense, and perhaps you're just a bit extra famous at the moment for having such a cool set of missions.

    I'll keep trying at random points to see when the limit resets. In the mean time, thanks to Dave and others in the thread for such quick answers!
  18. Iphigia

    Iphigia Member

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    This is precisely why many of us that were born on Calypso are now playing and depositing on Arkadia. The fact that the PP is in constant contact with the player base both on the forum and in-game is what will keep me on Arkadia for years to come.
  19. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Awesome Dave thanks. Not a bug, a 'fix' would be an increase on the cap from MA, and missions can still work after each daily reset. I see this as a sign the NPE is a big success, with the number of players going through it being so many as to reach the cap. Now bring on the day when we can have that many actual new players going through it :)
  20. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I imagine it resets at 00:00 MA time, or maybe the 08:00 lag time. Interesting that we've never run across this in recent history... does this really mean no planet has ever given away so much stuff before?
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