Other mined resources

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Jenny ferr, Jan 20, 2012.

  1. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    please A-team don't bring* every "shared" resource to Ark, or how should a noob or anyone for that matter be able to get sellable stacks with 94! different resources?

    37 Enmatts
    54 Ore

    Personally i found 37 different Ore so far and that's missing some rare people claim is possible to get here, and even this is a lot.
    And 28 different enmatts, also missing a few of those I'm sure.

    But as some people want to bring every resource here just so they can craft whatever they used to do on Caly is just plain stupid so please don't give in to those. But if you do why not bring every Caly "shared" mob here too as some people maybe want to hunt Atrox or sweat a Daikiba... (think most agree we dont want Caly mobs here so why caly resources?)

    PS. don't come with "no BPs" issue as that's no reason to screw up mining, that's something for the balancing manager(at MA) to fix as well as so many other things

    *bring, as in make it findable on Arkadia for miners
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  2. djinn

    djinn Member

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    Would be great if they could make Caly shared resources more rare on Ark and other planet partners. This would probably increase interplanetary trade opportunities although pirates would love this too.
  3. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Obviously there are some shared materials that are required for Arkadia blueprints.. So those we need.. Everything else should go as far as I'm concerned.
  4. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yes obviously, but they should NOT incl more of the "shared" resources in new BPs, is more needed they should add more Arkadia specific ones then. But I don't see any reason to need more resources then what we already have
  5. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    Maybe the reason the are bringing Ores and Enmatter is because they can't get enough here in the first place, we want people here, and we want people crafting, as more resources become available less will have to be imported. But to say don't bring it here is against all sorts of free trade. ask anyone of the crafters they buy here first and only bring it in because of not being able to get enough.
  6. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sry thought it was clear, it's not traders who bring things to sell here I am against. It's the A-team making all the resources available to mine on Arkadia, made that clear in the OP now too I hope
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I understand miners' desire to be able to accumulate sellable stacks, but its not quite as straighforward as that.

    This thread appears to have started after an enquiry I made re presence of lanorium here. I asked cos I would like to craft and sell p5a here. Ok this is a non caly weapon. But it's popular and reasonably eco. So I am going to craft it and sell it here. The only question is where I buy my ingredients. If I can get them all here then I will buy off arkadian miners. If one of them is missing then I either import at greater cost or, more likely craft on caly an the ship the gun, and therefore buy all ingrediants off caly miners. So if lanorium is absent I buy less alferix, lyst, alice, along with the hunting loot ingrediants.

    Without the ablity to aquire local resources to craft popular "foreign" weapons and tools, established crafters have less reason to come here and work as they have to acquire local bps and click them into profitible QRs. So once again this reduces overall demand for mined and hunted resources here.

    I havent asked that every shared resource be avilable on Arkadia. Heck I haven't even asked that lanorium spawn here. But I do think its short sighted to lobby for a restriction on the resources that are found.

  8. Dwiss

    Dwiss Member

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    I would like to add to this as well as there seems to be a heavy misunderstanding related to the other posting KJ mentions. I was not asking nor suggesting to bring anything - its ALREADY at Ark. Ark is based on the same technology - will say framework - as Caly is based on. That also means that the minerals and enmatters are included that come with it. To my best knowledge planet partners could add to that list - but cant remove as its base technology.

    You loot leather extractors etc as well that belong to the shared pool of resources - would you have everything removed here as well?
    If so i suggest a weeks vacation on Next Island to understand how that messes up a Planet.
  9. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    Sorry Jen it was they way you worded it saying "bring", I understand what you mean now, I Remember David saying something in regards to the shared resources, was along the lines of the mob and the BP's, MA still hasn't got the BP drops right yet, So I don't think its a matter of the A team I think it still has a lot to do with How MA does the loot drops altogether.

    Sorry for my misunderstanding, I am on the same page now :)
  10. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yes it is "here" but the A-team can choose to use it or NOT, same as they done with a lot of other Calypso things, is that clear enough? Or have you found Atrox in the wild or looted a Riker off hadraada or something? Lanorium as well as other resources isn't needed for the Arkadian BPs apparently (and wish that remains) so you don't find it mining
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Jeeze Jen, whats with the agro attitude? Think we might just have to agree to disagree on this one.

  12. Dwiss

    Dwiss Member

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    I dont know how i stepped on your toes here - but let me clarify pls.

    There is Lysterium and all other resources on Ark AS OF NOW. KJ simply asked if there is Lanorium and it was answered that according to all other stuff there should be Lanaorium then as well - AS SHARED RESOURCES ARNT SWITCHED OF YET.

    You always compare the mobs which noone has even mentioned. If you would compare two things here it would have to include the drops from those mobs then as well. They drop a lot of shared stuff as extractors etc as everything is based on the shared tables. You are basically asking the A-Team to change really every single item to be a special Ark one here - which imho will be impossible to implement in due time nor will it ever make real sense - hence my suggestion to look at Next Island. They tried that and look where the main planet ended.

    As of your wording 'you dont find it mining ' - thats exactly wrong here AS OF NOW. Every resource from shared tables in mining CAN be found on Ark.
  13. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I said what I wanted to say, and this is my last reply here... if you need close the thread as I'm sure the person I wanted to see it has done so
  14. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    yea too many of all resources everywhere
    just look at the little big mining log map.