Wednesday IFN Grinder Event

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by KMax, Dec 2, 2011.

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  1. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yup I do understand but I do state MA time, I do state the Month and Day every Friday. Wednesday should not be all that hard to work with, when I give out all that other data as well.

    I am not just forming a group hunt I am holding an event. In essence a contest as you said.
  2. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Dec 21st Event (week 3)

    Creature: Madana
    Location: East of Dauntless Firebase Academy (Young-Provider)
    Meeting Place: Dauntless Firebase Academy

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 1 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 2 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Event Leader:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Team Organizers:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Loot Tracker Volunteers:

    Dustoff at 0:00 MA time sharp....
    Please let me know prior to day of event if anyone wants to help be a team organizer or be a volunteer loot tracker backup.

    PS: Sorry for being a day late RL commitments has kind of kept me away from pretty much everything for awhile and where I was at had horrible network connection.
  3. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorry for late notice but no Event on the 21st, will reschedule for next week. My computer crashed 2 days ago and I am still trying to repair it, multiple hardware failures and it is being a total pain recovering.
  4. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    So sorry about this weeks canceled IFN Grinder, if you were planning on joining this week but couldn't send me a PM. Next week will be the same mob. My computer is currently recouping from it's great rest and will be ready for action next week.
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Dec 28st Event (week 3)

    Creature: Madana
    Location: East of Dauntless Firebase Academy (Young-Provider)
    Meeting Place: Dauntless Firebase Academy

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 1 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 2 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Event Leader:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Team Organizers:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Loot Tracker Volunteers:

    Dustoff at 0:00 MA time sharp....
    Please let me know prior to day of event if anyone wants to help be a team organizer or be a volunteer loot tracker backup.
  6. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    Sorry gonna be on calypso for merry mayhem :-(
  7. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    No IFN Challenge this week. Sorry for late cancellation notice. Will resume next week.
  8. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Jan 11th Event (week 4)

    Creature: Kadra
    Location: West of Sanctuary Cove (Young-Old)
    Meeting Place: Sanctuary Cove

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 1 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 2 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Event Leader:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Team Organizers:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Loot Tracker Volunteers:

  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Jan 11th Event (week 5)

    Creature: Huon
    Location: North of Sanctuary Cove (Young-Old)
    Meeting Place: Sanctuary Cove

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 1 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Tickets Available: 11
    Session 2 Current Participant List:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Event Leader:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Team Organizers:
    Killarious K-Max Maximillion

    Loot Tracker Volunteers:

  10. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    OK I will be changing this event a little and how the event thread is used etc. So postponing next couple weeks of events to discuss with community some things.

    First the event still will have ticket prices to attend so that will not change. Community prize pool will be maintained participants supply 100% of the prize money and 100% of the prize money is payed out. The 1/2 tt item only and 1/2 open sessions will be part of this event still.

    Items up for discussion. Most popular public opinion to the following will be used so please comment or hold your peace.

    1. What is best time to hold this event? I can only host the event between 2300-0400MA time M-Th and that is sometimes only 90% of the time because of RL. I could do weekends but that is more like 50% chance I'll be available, RL comes first. If I could get some volunteers to help run this event it most definitely can be moved to a weekend or some other time. If you would like to be a volunteer please say so as I would really like this event to take off, it is a great classic style event.

    2. Length of the event, 30 minutes per session seems to short should this be a 2 hour event, 1 hour for each session?

    3. I was allowing any tt items from any planet, should I change tt item only session to use Arkadia tt items only?

    4. I was using total loot tt value collected per player using Entropia Loot Tracker to capture this data, any suggestions of better methods and still keep the event as fair as possible for anyone to win (well in tt items only session anyways, the open session is open after all) and still do a 100% payout each week for each session?

    5. Ticket Prices what do you want to pay for each type of session?

    The following question is just open for discussion these ideas may or may not find their way into the event

    1. Any other suggestions to make this event actually happen and be more successful and still have it be simple and respect the style of event I intended? Really participation can't be any lower so all opinions are welcome. But please don't suggest removing tickets for participation from the event or removing one of the two types of sessions.

    Thanks for all replies.
  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ok clearly the only thing wrong with this event is ticket's....

    So to remedy this I am proposing the following solution as an alternative to ticket prices. I will close down the Find KMax Prime Event and use that 5% I give away there as prize money for this event. Being I am giving it away either way it all equals out in the end and tickets are gone.

    Also I would do every other week as Oro week, Arkadian TT items only so the new players can get in on the action as well. On top of that instead of doing a laborious task of loot tracking, I'd just be looking for largest global within the time frame of the event. Teams or solo individuals can register and who ever runs event would just need to keep eye on the chat window to track if there is a winner. Hoping this will help attract more people to help run this event if needed so it can be run at a time when I don't have to guarantee to be there. I would like this event to run at the most popular time people want to participate.

    As a result of no global during the event, the prize for that week will be carried over until the next time that mob comes up. example: Oro week 30PED prize no global, next time Oro week happens the prize is 30PED plus whatever for current 5% donation. Same goes for other mob types, I am guessing not many will show up for those hunts anyways so prize will just keep building until someone does show up.

    Probably will need to have a 10 person minimum participation for the event to happen every week also, this would be so prize money keeps building for the larger events over time.

    Free to enter, prize money is free, I am allowing players to pick the best time each week, any new player has ability to participate every other week and has equal as any chance to win.... I am not sure what else I can do to make this event work.

    Please comment
  12. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Mod's this thread can be closed
  13. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    *Thread Closed*
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