Hello! My name is Kelli Eve Aensland. I recently joined Arkadia, and the Universe. I just wanted to say hello So far Im enjoying Arkadia very much, with its nice and helpful people, and its beautiful environment Maybe I can use this opportunity to ask a question. The Treasure hunting, that is scheduled for later, will Hunters be able to find treasures as well, or is this strictly for miners? Thank you for reading and I hope to see you ingame soon!
Hi Kelli (or Eve?), and welcome to Arkadia and the forum No treasure hunting won't be 'just' for miners, it is the 'theme' of the entire planet, so along with the mining equipment functions to find treasure, there will be story line missions and 'instances' for example related to treasure hunting and the artifacts of the ancient Arkadian culture. Just a matter of time to get all those systems in place and ready to roll If you haven't read the storyline I highly recommend it, see HERE.
Hey, welcome to Arkadia and the forums! I hope you enjoy you stay with us, you'll find that the community here is top notch. It sounds like Lee took care of you already, but if you have any questions ever feel free to ask!
Hiya Kelli! Welcome to Arkadia. Dont hesitate to talk to anyone! We're all looking forward to chatting with ya.
Welcome to Arkadia I tend to hang out at the quarry when not hunting so if you ever have questions feel free to add me to your friendlist. I've always made it a practice to teach new ones so that they dont loose there money and enjoy there time playing.
Right now we are all treasure hunting alienware mice (like 20 more still waiting to be discovered in loot), both hunting and mining, feel free to join in And welcome to planet Arkadia
What he said! We have a bunch of great people here and I hope to see you around as part of the community.
Thank you kindly for the welcomes! I have found a great mentor and I have made my way to the Oro mission. Its almost a romantic experience Im having massmurdering these blue squirrels! Cya ingame.
Welcome to Arkadia, Eve Remember if you see KMax Prime out and about you can win a prize just look up the keyword on the event forums. Note: has been slow for about a week but RL and Hardware issues have interfered and the event is still in effect. Sorry somethings a person just can't control no matter how hard they try.