Smuggler Armour Design Competition

Discussion in 'Community Events' started by Few Scars, Sep 15, 2011.

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  1. Tony Pendragon

    Tony Pendragon Member

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    I was playing with the idea of using the musca as well.
    Im still working on the final touches but its something simple that smugglers might use.

    View attachment 3078
  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Some cool designs here guys, keep them coming - I won't confirm or deny whether you'll see UnL Smuggler armour or whether it would use the same base model, but we are looking at your designs.
  3. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    can my oro textured Mastercoat be converted into harness armor :)
  4. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    these are nice suggestions =)

    i am not that talented with graphic program software to make a own design that can show how i see the armor. =(

    i can only take part describing what i see when thinking about them.

    i never had the idea that a smuggler is some kind of very evil person wearing the most darkest combat armor that one can ever achieve.

    in my idea a smuggler is some person who doesnt always follow the government rules but what he does is for the good in the end.
    because of their behaviour smugglers get blamed for being evil by the "bright and shiny" upper class but if you take a closer look they are the ones who have the good in their heart. people look at them and are not sure if they should even get in contact with them. but the few that dare to find the most honest persons in the galaxy they never imagine.

    "take from the rich give the poor" thing.

    therefore i see a smuggler not in a combat suit.

    i rather see people in leather armor. light, mid, dark brown , white, maybe a little red colors.

    they dont have the equiptment to produce high tech armors the government army has so they use their "street knowledge" to help themselfes otherwise.

    they have no helmets - they wear leather hats and to protect their face they use some kind of bandanas /scarfs

    no real harness but some leather coat with leather cloth underneath which is at most platet with some metal plates a smuggler crafter made from hightech metal they could win of a calypsonian mothership they entered or shot down once. =)

    as the goverment normally protects this metal with all possibilities they have, the win of this metal was for the smugglers one of the biggest success they have in their history. therefore there is no unlimited supply of this metal thats the reason why the armor is not common but very rare. as the crafters wanted to make as much armors as they could they decided to plate leather.

    they have shins and thighs, foots that look like a trousers and boots, metal plates also.

    their armor can tell a whole life history =) that offers a lot stuff for storylines =)

  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  6. Fox

    Fox Member

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    A smuggler armor? I see there only two choices for an armor for smugglers:

    1) an armor with low to medium protection and MUCH stealth. To not to be seen.
    2) an armor with much protection for the case, that your cover is blown.

    Either way, it has to be effective. Just simple paintings won't make it a smuggler armor...

    This is the stealth variant:

    And here an idea for a heavy Fox-Armor:

    btw.: Neils armor might be the best choice. An armor not to be seen in a crowd... that's a smugglers way. ^.-
    And imagine a security officers face, if a smuggler in Neils outfit is running away and simply ignoring the hits he takes in his leather coat armor... hrhr...
  7. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    ye right, i have the picture in my eyes but dont know to use graphic programms. lol
  8. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Thanks Dave, keep those designs coming Arkadians! Smuggler Armour UL coming to a loot window near you (when someone says neither confirm or deny....we know whats coming! :) )
  9. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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    Nice competition! I dont know sh*t about photoshop etc but Ive decided to at least try for fun :) So here is my pic...I did pixel by pixel hehe.


    im not sure how to make the picture vissible here so please help me :)
  10. Fox

    Fox Member

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    Hrhr... The [​IMG]
  11. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    oh how could I miss this thread. lol I'll give it a try after my assignment deadline on 9th of jannuary if I don't forget about it till then. :) We've got some nice entries allready. Smuggler Armor FTW! :)
  12. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hmm Smuggler Armor, lets see, anything that makes you invisible, else wouldn't the armor be a dead giveaway your a smuggler? Here is my image of the armor. May have to squint hard to see it, it is invisible after all. Use's Carbon nano-fiber tubes to bend light, like this expirement [video=youtube;3YO4TTpYg7g][/video]

    Here is a picture of my armor design using this new technology :p:

  13. kobar

    kobar Member

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    I better start working on a design to submit. :)
  14. kobar

    kobar Member

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  15. Fox

    Fox Member

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    As I said before, just some textures are NOT a way to create a smuggler armor. I mean, if you have a Toyota, just some black car finish will not change it into a Maybach. Or does a paint job in red miracly turn a VW into a Ferrari???



    Like we said before, a real smuggler needs a very unobstrusive armor. If he/she is working in the normal mode.
    But what, if it gets dirty? Then you'll need some HEAVY armor and the efficiency is the most critical point, not the looks.

    So, if it gets dirty, you need a heavy armor. You are heavy in it, so it needs to be like an exoskeleton. To use heavy weapons and carry heavy loads.
    So let's begin right down at the bottom: normal shoes are nonsense. Why? Because they won't give you the needed footing. Let's add some Claws for stance and traction...


    Dammit. We are so heavy with all the armor and equipment, that we are already bending the steps of expanded metall stairway!
    But alas, let's go on. We said armor, but we should shield our neck and face too. Even our eyes. So we have a helmet. A full face helmet and some additional cervical armor. Smugglers normally aren't operating just in bright sunlight, so some lights will be helpfull.


    The overall design may be crude, but effective. So, why don't we add some weapons in the arm protection? Or a generator for a weapon? It may even have a psychological effect on the enemy.


    So, here we are. Heavy armored, not looking to sleak, made of parts from other things... Ah, I forgot! The traditional armor from Arkadia has this very thin gloves. Okay, that will protect you against bites from Oros maybe, but with a HEAVY ARMOR we can protect the hands some more. And, don't forget, it is an exoskeleton, so your grip is artificially harder. So you can handle heavy goods too.
    What I forgot, some protection for your lungs. Filters aren't enough, sometimes you need just more. If you are under water or the enemy is using tear gas, a SCUBA is VERY useful! :p

  16. kobar

    kobar Member

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    Can we get a high res image of the Arkadian armor chasis to open in photoshop or coreldraw.
  17. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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    would be cool to have an armor that have features like others have posted, invisibility. Would also be nice if it could boost your running speed, invisible on radar etc. That would be a awesome armor in a PVP area, even more awesome if veichles was prohibited ;p
  18. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    I can't draw but I love the idea of the competition :)..... one thing I was thinking about, was the storyline in regards to smuggler equipment.

    Its not a new item, its an existing item thats been upgraded, but still looks the same so the person who upgraded it can't get in trouble. because of course its illegal to do so and they can get into alot of trouble. So keeping that in mind maybe it should be a combination of a few different armor types. this being easier to disguise, because in most cases alot of people will use whatever armor they can get a hold of to survive.

    remember the guns all look the same, just work more effiently.


  19. Fiasco V

    Fiasco V Member

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    To the best of my knowledge, no one has been identified as a smuggler; implying a set smuggler armor must have some degree of stealth.

    Perhaps we have seen smugglers without realizing the fact. Perhaps there was one standing next to the auction terminal yesterday; his hat pulled low, hands in his coat pockets and you didn't even notice.

    I have heard rumors of modifications made to existing armor that would allow normal clothing to be worn simultaneously.
    Apparently, if afforded the proper tools, a person could remove most of the bulky outer carapace reducing a common set of armor to its innermost layer.
    While substantially weaker of course, the thin, flexible nano-fiber lining still protects against shrapnel and small-arms fire. Like a set of long-underwear capable of surviving 20 rounds in the ring.

    Now, consider this type of "concealed" armor would both protect someone's body and their true nature. It would allow them to move unnoticed, in disguise as a famous trader or a foolish noob, yet ready for combat. Combined with the fact that smugglers are notorious for modifying and improving their gear, I'm sure you will agree this is a very real scenario.

    View attachment 3144

    also, i really wanna wear armor underneath clothing.
  20. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    And lets not forget the added protection benefits of wooden trousers, Fiasco.
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