can not login: ( see what happens when I try ---------------------------------------- okay now it works again Have not seen this before.
Wow. Ok that is a strange one. Are you perhaps on Calypso (it may be a bug with distributing the xmass gifts)? If your on Arkadia did you perhaps finish stage 4 of the orro mission some time ago (it may be MA is finaly giving out the oro trophy heads to the players that completed it proir to its reliese) If its ether one of those 2 we can expect to see a few more popup then otherwise perhaps try a repair on the client loader under options.
That is certainly different... Never seen that before.. I'd try a repair, try later, or (as a last resort) contact support...
It started with I did not get lot when I killed Feran, think ok I log out and try again. When I tried so get this picture up