RSS Feed Entropia Universe 12.4.0 Release Notes

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Beacon Missions

    Beacons are back! Gather your friends and society mates for an exciting new challenge.

    To give participants a chance to try out and become familiar with the format of the new Beacon Missions, complimentary Level 2 Robot Beacon items will be distributed to participants possessing any of the old beacon items. For example, if an avatar has one Level 4 beacon and one Level 6 beacon in storage, they will receive two complimentary Level 2 beacons.

    How to enter and complete the new beacon mission areas:

    1. Form a team with fellow colonists (4 - 12 members). The team leader must be carrying the Robot Beacon in carried inventory.
    2. Team leader uses the Robot Beacon to locate the robot gate.
    3. Team leader activates the robot gate and enters, followed by the rest of the team.
    4. Team must fight its way through the levels and destroy the main boss before the timer runs out. If the boss is not defeated before the timer expires, the beacon mission will end, and the team returned to the Planet.
    5. Once the boss is defeated, a new timer begins. Find the loot stored in containers throughout the levels before the timer expires and the robot ship explodes! Any containers unopened once the timer expires will be lost!

    New features and changes compared to the old Beacon system:

    • Beacons missions vary in difficulty levels depending on the TT value of the Robot Beacon item.
    • Be advised - Robot enemies inside the beacon areas may be much tougher than those encountered on the planet. Be sure to bring a strong enough team to complete the mission!
    • There are checkpoints inside the beacon areas where team members will revive if killed.
    • Team members can now exit and enter the beacon mission area (Note: A player must be a member of the beacon team in order to re-enter).
    • If the team is somehow disbanded or you are kicked from the team after entering the beacon area, you can still open containers and receive loot.
    • Loot from containers is now automatically shared equally between all members who have entered the beacon area.
    • Some containers hold more loot than others. Make sure to find and open all of the containers to receive the maximum possible loot!
    • All team members no longer need to visit the last room to be able to open containers.
    • Watch out for automated defensive mechanisms and potentially dangerous traps!

    Make Up

    • A Make Up session is now continuously backed up and the backup can be loaded in the next session if the session was aborted or otherwise interrupted.
    • A Make Up session is now possible to do without a valid empty 'Make Up Mask', only cosmetic brushes are needed to start a session.


    • Item Info for Calypso Land Deed now shows projected weekly revenue and ROI percentage.
    • Support for video files (Bink) has been removed. It is no longer possible to display videos on ingame screens. As a replacement, we are investigating support for streaming YouTube videos.
    • Player Register is back online.

    Known Issues

    • Area name on the radar does not update when you exit/enter a dynamic area.
    • Using a beauty tool on an avatar who sits down on beauty chair may cause the client to crash.
    • It is possible to use invalid letters when you reset your password. You will not be able to login if you do. Workaround: Reset your password again and use valid letters.

    Originally posted here...
  2. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    Can you find them on Arkadia too?
  3. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    alright now the A-team get the dev kit for instances to work with :)
  4. Morg

    Morg New Member

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    also wondering if we have an old beacon, is it ONLY usable on Caly?
  5. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    For now, yes.
  6. Morg

    Morg New Member

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    "To give participants a chance to try out and become familiar with the format of the new Beacon Missions, complimentary Level 2 Robot Beacon items will be distributed to participants possessing any of the old beacon items."

    ...just checked my inventory and a Lvl2 Beacon has not yet replaced my 25tt beacon. I also checked the "show on map" and it doesnt show anything (just marks my present location) use to show where you had to travel to to meet the Spaceship.

    Would really love some clarification on how beacon missions are presently related to Arkadia (if at all), or what is coming in the future, and the eta.
  7. Morg

    Morg New Member

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    ah, found my own answer :)

    "Robot Beacons were originally a Calypso-owned feature/system, and thus are only available on Planet Calypso for the time being.

    However, the instance system that has been built for the newly released robot beacons is very powerful and flexible, and will allow the other planet partners many exciting possibilities for creating new types of instanced content and dungeons."

    so I am guessing from that, Ark not getting any any time soon unless the devs have already been working on something before hand. :(
    guess we have to wait and see.
  8. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Not sure but I suspect from what you said you also had to be on Calypso for the update (or travel there) to get the complimentary new beacons because you had old ones in inventory/storage. A bit like the holiday presents etc. I'm sure we will hear the shouts if this is the case :whistle:
  9. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I discussed this in the recent interview with Zume on Atlas Haven Radio.
    Arkadia currently does not have the tool set to construct instance missions, so I can't give an ETA until we get the tools and start to work with them. My best estimate would be at least 6 months before we have instance missions on Arkadia.
    We have lots of new content coming, so the development pace of Arkadia will certainly not slow down.
  10. Morg

    Morg New Member

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    Thank you David :)

    Just one of many reasons I prefer Arkadia over Caly :).
  11. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I should also add that instance missions will be heavily tied to Treasure Hunting on Arkadia, so they make little sense to add into the game until we get Treasure Hunting operational. Our writing team are working on this stuff already so that what goes in by the art team is strongly based on story.
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  12. MG Mighty

    MG Mighty Member

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    It's always nice to see such informative feedback from developers.
  13. Bemo

    Bemo Deactivated User

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    Yea see when a dev comes in and says the reason for not implementing something or the reason something is delayed, being worked on whatever it lets the community know that they do care about the players. With Arkadia it seems like nothing is left to be questioned cause the dev team is always on the forums keeping us updated. Thx for that :)


    p.s Can't WAIT for treasure hunting :p
  14. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    An insta answer from the CEO..... thats why ARK prospers, the team cares at ALL lvl's 8)