Lower ped balance players cant stay on Arkadia long.

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Saoirse, Dec 12, 2011.

  1. Saoirse

    Saoirse Member

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    I have a slight problem with the loot system on Arkadia and this is really gonna sound like i'm off my head but i'm not!

    There is too much stuff in loots on Arkadia with MU vs the amount of ppl buying stuff on Arkadia!

    Look at ESI's and a newly born planet how many ppl do we think are actualy chipping out and quitting? Not many i'll say so why are so many ESI's falling in loots? I'm all for great MU items in loots but i've got 6 ESI's in storage totaling about 550 ped and there is ZERO market on Arkadia so i'm forced to go back to Calypso with them to get them sold. As with many other stuff thats dropping with high MU, there is little to no market on Arkadia to get them sold.

    So look at this for a lower ped balanced player say you have 1k ped $100, like me last few weeks i've been cycling 1k ped due to the massive losses i took in first weekend here on Scoria 275 kills for 1 global.... Lost about 2.5k ped so wont get a depo again till after x-mas kids come first this time of year ;)

    Now I have 6 ESI, and about 270 ped TT in Tiarak leather cant TT the leather as its 180% MU and cant sell ESI's as no-one wants them so my ped balance has came to a grinding halt and i'm forced to take ESI's to Calypso costing me 30-50 ped round trip. I could save myself the travel costs and under cut market and sell ESI for 500 ped instead of 550 ped that they are worth but this will just create what I see happening already and downward spiral of the ESI MU.....

    All you BIG ped balanced players this is not a dig at you as your all here and storing the goodies and I bet its great but when your not so rich your just cant stay here long :(
  2. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Well its not nesaseraly for chiping out to quit the game, meny players regularly sell of skills they do not need for a extra few bucks. Along with the markup and drop rate of ESI's it can realy push you into the green. If you dont want to fly over to cally to sell the ESI you can always find a local trader willing to buy it.
  3. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    I beg to differ, Myself and my partner depo a little each week, not much but we tend to be able to hunt craft and mine on that little bit, Yea we got to take the ESI's to calypso, but no big deal we save them up and make a trip of it. of course we don't hunt the big mobs non stop, but every now and then we treat ourselves to a few. The thing we found is that you can't play EU the same on each planet, you need to adapt to a style that suits the planet your on.

    Yea can be annoying, but the positives outweigh the negatives by a big margin.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sounds like you were very unlucky on the Scoria although as a huge hp mob the variability is likely to be quite high. In my view, Scoria is not a mob for someone on a low budget. But I sympathise anyway.

    You are right, good MU loot is hard to sell. I have some pegasus armour sitting in auction at a bargain price... But I would still rather get some high MU loot than all sockets, oils, hides. Some of the high MU gear I sell at discount because I still get to make profit off those pieces while getting some turnover. I am still better of than if I had looted the equivalent TT in non-native hides. Others I always take to Caly for sale. Eg ESIs. I never sell them here because the just isnt the demand.

    So you can do the occaisional trip back to caly or try selling to a reseller, er, trader.

  5. Saoirse

    Saoirse Member

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    I'm not complaining here god i love Arkadia but with the loot swing i have suffered on Scoria my 1k left lasted 2 weeks before it choked up on loot and requires me to go to Calypso.

    More players I hope will change this in the hopefully near future :)
  6. Saoirse

    Saoirse Member

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    P.s. I find it funny being classed as limited Budget when I had $350 to start with, the things you can do in RL with $350 lol

    But your right Scoria are a big HP mob and my brother done much better on them but 275 kills for 1 global is ridiculas if you ask me when i'm watching guys getting 3 globals in 5 mins every day i hunted.
  7. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    350 doesn't get you far these days, Iphones cost more. And then you have to pay monthly for the service.

    But like with anything, If you play within your means and do activities you can afford you will be okay.

    I compare playing Entropia within your means to using coupons at a store.

    The coupons are always out there, some will choose to go to the store without them and spend full price to bring home a bag of grocery. Others will coupon and spend less or nearly nothing.

    So goes entropia

    We have players that skill, and do things they enjoy at any cost. On the other hand, you have players like me that watch our peds, and put the time to play economicly, but more importantly within our means.

    There is always something in entropia you can do on any size ped card. Everyone has different goals, and different time lines to accomplish them in. The shops and economy will pick up, and continue to grow as the planet grows and brings online more features.
  8. slither

    slither Active Member

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    So you're complaining that you're going to have to make a trip to caly so you can get 500% markup on your loot instead of getting tt loot you can sell on arkadia?

    I feel for you with that horrific scoria run, but wanting oils instead of esi is insane :)
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  9. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    This is one of the great reasons why I love Arkadia. There are lots of high MU resources and items that can be found here. I find it easy to profit, and that makes me able to play more, and contribute more to Arkadia as well. I see it as a positive.
  10. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    uhm if you don't want to loot so much ESIs mind to tell me where you got them from? xD
  11. Oboy

    Oboy Active Member

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    Scorias I believe. They drop a lot more often since the MF stopped.
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Saoirse, I don't mean this in an offensive way, but I just find this post wrong on so many levels. First of all, you're saying that a 3500 ped card balance is the "lower" range?? Second, you don't like getting ESIs in your loot?? Third, people with "lower balance" ped cards should not be hunting the highest HP mob on the planet. Fourth, since ESIs aren't lootable, interplanetary transport does not require a mothership. Buy yourself a thruster and then you can make 24 round trips to Caly in your sleipnir for under 10 ped each trip. Or if that's too much bother, as Fopsie said, make an arrangement with an interplanetary trader who will buy them from you.

    Many of us have MUCH MUCH lower ped card balances (my hunting balance hasn't been over 200 ped in ages), and yet we manage to somehow find reasons to keep staying on Arkadia.

    All that said, you're right that it's hard to sell hunting loot sometimes (not ESIs, I'm talking about extractors, components, and paints... odds and ends other than hides and oils which sell well). We need more people to buy and use these items.
  13. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    yea just sounds like your hunting the wrong mob. Just funny cause i've had the exact opposite reaction to Arkadia i've actually love being here because it suits me wanting to hunt at a lower level and not have to go on 3-400 PED runs on one mob i can stick to 80-100 PED runs.

    Scoria must drop lots of ESI or something cause i havn't looted one and i've hunted the many lower-mid level mobs. I kinda hop around mobs a lot actually maybe that is why.
  14. Bemo

    Bemo Deactivated User

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    I am on a 100 ped/week budget atm and find plenty to do on Arkadia. And I play all week. If I went to Caly with 100 ped/ week hunting budget it would last only a few hours. Maybe try hunting lower hp mobs. GL

  15. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    I dont know if i was just lucky, but the 4 esi i put on arkadia auction were sold at buy out price.

    But the topic of this thread is a tad missleading, when i saw the topic i thought this thread would be about caraboks, not about one of the highest hp mobs on ark ^^

    I think i have had 6 runs with scorias, and on average i ended with profit.
  16. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Nice one Saoirse, it's been about 1000 scoria since I looted my last esi. Great work you did there getting them to drop tt oil instead of 500% esi.

    (actualy it's probably the normal esi cycle but i'll blame you anyway lol)
  17. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    And you are complaining? what about no depositors like me that survive on the little MU from oils, skins, leathers, fruits, etc from low level mobs?

    I'm leaving Arkadia after the oro challenge just for that, even when I love the planet I wont survive much longer. There's like 34 million resellers and absolutely no legit market for that stuff. No swunts, no TT hunts, almost no events ... sweating is a pain in the ass and mobs here seem to never miss a hit, and their melee attacks have a crazy range. All of that stupid little things make things alot harder for us.

    I used to sell most of that at 104-108% on Caly (to texturers, crafters, even on auctions) and the best you can get here is something like 102% if you are lucky.

    You'll say no probs just store it...and play with what peds? my balance is about 400PED (hard earned sweat selling peds).

    I guess the game is going thru hard times like every other business, let's hope things get better.
  18. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I sell general oils and hides for higher mu than on caly and of course the MU on native hides is huge. But it can take a while to sell. So I do sympathise with people who have low ped balances. I think Dave did say this planet was targeted at depositers but that won't be much comfort for you. Not sure how u arriving at conclusion about prevalance of resellers. Sure there are a few but I dont think they are in the majority.

    I hope you will come back and visit us from time to time.

  19. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    Well, in the time I've been here I've only met 2 players that are legit buyers. One is a texturer that no longer comes online, he gave me incredible good MU for hides and skins, and a crafter that's always buying my eye oils, the rest are the usual resellers (100.5% and that kind of jokes)

    And I think you're completely right with that, Arkadia is aimed at depositors. But I know I've cycled more peds than some of my depositing friends.

    It's just hard :)
  20. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I really think that a big solution to our economy is cheeper clothing and more new players. New players tend to want to look different then others and with the many hides and paints we have here and with new arkadia only clothes comming. I sure hope that Arkadia's clothes have a lower TT then previous ones and can be sold for a lot cheeper. It's a win win to have lower TT on clothing. Especially stuff you take off an on. Because it decays and looks like crap quickly. Loosing 1 PED off something that is 2 ped means it looks like crap quicker and you will repair it quicker. If i loose 1 ped off somethign that is say 50 ped i bearly notice and dont bother repairing it so there you go more repairs more money for the company and less cost to purchase for the players.

    plus it will up the hides and paints markets too to help hunters out. and the materials to craft them.