How to Complete the IFN Challenge Oro's (can also be used for other missions)

Discussion in 'Missions' started by Faye, Jun 26, 2011.

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  1. Cymonika

    Cymonika Member

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    Thanks for the info, much appreciated :)
  2. Chiffon Jaguar

    Chiffon Jaguar Member

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    This is great advice man, also very good beginner advice. No wonder it was stickied! Glad I saw this. Didn't even know about the spreadsheet. Thanks a lot man. :D
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    To add my 2 pec... I'm not even sure what's on topic in this thread anymore, but I recently had someone ask me whether they should specialize on laser or blp/handgun or rifle at first or if they should do everything. I suggested they use all the types of guns and here's the reason: at present on Arkadia it can sometimes be difficult to find the particular gun that you want, once you've moved past the TT level. If you've skilled on both blp and laser and handgun and rifle, you're going to be able to find a model that is suitable for your skill level and the mob you want to hunt. If you're focusing only on, say, laser rifles, you might be stuck for a week or more waiting for your model to hit the market, or you might choose to get a lower model blp gun but then you may have to move down to a different mob. Since the skills feed each other, I don't you'll end the oro mission too far behind the specializer if you skill on all types of guns, but your skills will be more balanced.
  4. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    to add to Neil's post about what to choose, i might suggest reading this:

    Its still first draft and imperfect (its my writing), but i've found new players to like it, so if you are a new player and see this post, feel free to read.. and for the older ppl, feel free to read too and comment.. :)
  5. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Great guide Zume. +rep here being I have to spread some around before giving you more :)
  6. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    I definately agree with Neil and Zume, in regards of skilling more then one weapon, but not only on Arkadia but any Planet, as there will be times when your next SIB weapon will not be available on any planet. So keep your options open, always handy when you got choice of weapon you can play the MU market then and get the cheaper option at anytime.

    very Nice guide Zume :) +REP
  7. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    There is another thought on the skilling one weapon type, a long time player explained to me. because of the hidden skills you unlock as you progress tend to bundle your skills together, allowing you to skill across full weapons range. When I say full range I mean as in firearms or melee or mind force.
    You can basically use, say example : Laser weapons all the way and only them, but you must not move up to your next SIB weapon until the gun is fully maxed on both the hits and damage.

    and as you unlock your other skills due to the way the skills work eventually the other skills will start to catch up.
    Be it firearms, Melee, Mind Force. It can be a way of defraying the costs of skilling multiple weapons.

    But that brings us back to the factor or not having and available SIB gun to use when you need it. Which why I prefer to skill multiple weapons for that reason alone.

    but then it comes down to how much you can afford.

    I hope I havn't confused anyone :)
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Gratuitous plug time...

    There are a number of crafters including myself who would be happy to craft your next Arkadian SIB weapon. I don't always list on auction because some weapons often fail to sell and then I am out of pocket for the auction fee. But if you think you will need a replacement weapon soonish, then you can contact me or others and we can provide as many weapons as you require. You'll find a list of weapons I can craft here.

    On the issue of using one weapon or multiple weapons, my recommendation is that if you are sticking to laser or blp you at least use both rifle and pistol so that your damage profession level keeps up with your hit profession.

    Additionally, skilling in a melee weapon will really help with hitpoints because of the hp related skills that are improved by blades,fists,clubs.

  9. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I agree the only difference between hunting with blp/laser/plasma is the weapon technology skills you will gain. As a general rule for any new player:

    At low levels lasers are more eco because you can pair the weapon with an ul 10# series amp. You do not have this luxury with blp weapons, you can only attach ul amps (fi/ra/co) on higher level weapons. Blp however has much higher dps and even better eco when you reach a certain dps level.

    A good hunting tip however for new players is to use both pistols and rifles, this is to keep your profession levels balanced. If you only use laser carbines for example you will reach a point where your laser hit skill will be a couple levels higher then your laser dmg skill. The downside of this is that you will be maxed on hit for a weapon but still not maxed or even have sib for the damage. Mixing pistols and rifles your sniper hit and damage profession levels should be very close to each other. I personally use one pistol for every 4-5 carbines/rifle's that I shoot out.

    Also (and I know "eco" warriors wont agree) do not get to caught up with overkill on a mob. At higher levels and stronger mobs they have such massive health levels or fast regen that the overkill becomes negligible. It is only on mobs that have under 1k hp that overkill can be a problem and then only if they don't have regen.

    Lastly have fun :D
  10. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    ok i just wanted to say a few things,

    First, Thanks to Faye for an informative guide on the oro mission.

    Second, I saw someone said that Faye's method of swappin weapons to improve loot may have been proven for other planets but not on ark. Well my comment to that is simply, IT IS TRUE. I have killed more mobs on ARK than most by far. But instead of just saying it I will give a few examples.

    I used a cb26 as my primary weapon during the Hunting event. and over the course of 6 weeks I hadn't even gotten a loot of 1k, but the times that i hoffed what when i swapped to my Katsuichi determination or my FreanD Delta SGA. During the course of the event around the last 2 weeks I aquired a Camo Arms Jungle Stalker. I only used it for pinging for a while.

    The first time i decided to actually do a hunt with it after 3 hunts that day all with significan losses, I started the next hunt with the Jungle Stalker and the first mob was a 2700 ped hof. Same thing happend to me other times on caly RT and on Ark. I normally land my best loots with a secondary weapon and not my primary.

    So I surely would subscribe to the believe that changing weapons can definately have an effect on your loot.

    Lastly I hear alot of people having some concern about getting the weapon they need or the next weapon up in the SIB line. I have a couple solutions for you. Either get some friends that are crafters, become a crafter, or get friends that are hunters.

    The hunters know what mobs drop what weapons, so we can hunt down the weapon you want. Crafters can craft just about all the weapons by now.

    And keep in mind that this was targeted at newcomers, and i just dont see a lack of TT weapons for them.

    Build a nice FL with people who will be useful to your needs and vise a versa, as well as friends and that will do a world of good for u :)

    If anybody got questions pm me.
  11. Phenakist

    Phenakist Member

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    I appreciate the post, and think it has had a lot of effort put into it. But I can't help but cringe at this claim. In your post you use solid numbers, logical arguments for example hunt for at least a couple hours so statistically you will hit good loot and bad loot as a small sample is a bad sample.

    But this claim is not backed up by any evidence, and stories do not add weight to the claim. I think it IS an interesting idea, but back it up with evidence, data and statistic. However saying that, I don't think there is much in the way of data you can prove or disprove this claim..
  12. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    :p More loot theories I love em... I still don't think there is one method over another that increases loot return, it is all from some random number generator with some seed value based on the serial time value of day mixed with how much PED has been cycled into EU to skew the payout slightly to give the company a better chance to make more then they payout. Any patterns people see is strictly coincidence I believe, I myself see patterns but when I make full spreadsheet of data run statistical analysis on the data I see my pattern beliefs shattered to all extremes and I am back to the drawing board and figuring out how to maximize my returns. I am currently testing a mining theory pattern but it is slowly falling apart as well :( at least I have increased my percentage slightly in returns, it probably has nothing to do with the pattern I was seeing and more toward stumbling upon a non random placement of resources on the maps.

    Psychological studies have been done to test if the human brain overlooks data to ensure a person that believes they see a pattern in data hold true. Almost 100% of the test cases even focusing on trying not to believe their pattern exists still seen their patterns exist and were convinced it was so by the end of the experiment. But when a unbiased person compiled the actual data there was no pattern to the data at all, the subject's minds trained itself to see the patterns exist and believed it was so. When I was in college this was one of the side studies done in Psych 101 it was a very interesting experiment.
  13. Phenakist

    Phenakist Member

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    It's like Kmax said. You can get number generators from pretty much anywhere. Mine craft uses your documents to generate random terrain maps by reading a random file from a random location and using its data to...not to repeat myself, make the terrain ^-^. Or at least that was what I was told of how it worked
  14. DxBlueIce

    DxBlueIce Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Can anyone tell me where to find a dense low mat oro spawn? :)
  15. sholle

    sholle Active Member

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    hmm swiching weapons.. thats intrestig :)

    and I love your hunting spreadsheet, awesome, thanks man.
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