Scoria Mission

Discussion in 'Missions' started by slither, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Stage 1 = 75 mobs = 1.51tt melee combat

    Stage 2 = 400mobs = ?
  2. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I moved from 3509.4 to 3541,1
  3. EyE

    EyE New Member

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    melee combat is nice, hope on 400 mobs you get at least 10tt or more :)
  4. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    It is prolly an attribute as on Korwil
  5. Klod

    Klod Member

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    1 Agility after 400
  6. sherwood

    sherwood New Member

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    1200 Scoria give a Gyro Fap-30 (L) Blueprint (L), 12 click... source Planet Calypso Forum
  7. Beni

    Beni New Member

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    That sucks i want attribute
  8. Makitoki

    Makitoki Member

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    just finished stage 4 of this quest, the reward is a Scoria Trophy Head there was no skill or attribute, just a trophy head, very disappointed consider the amount cycled (over 86k ped just to finish stage 4, using asi 30 desert with dante, adj pixie w/2a, 3 herb boxes and a gyro fap 35 for emergency still got 24tt left of the original fap35) also stage 5 isnt available or ready and even if it is i dont think i can afford it, my total lost is -10.6k peds after mu (had to tt most of the oils, if i had been on calpyso could of probably made an extra 500 to 650ped in mu off the oils and some of the generic leather) looted a total of 2 esi (13tt, 140tt), a total of 12 L guns (1 cap303 arctic, 4 law404 desert, 1 ark40 jungle, 6 of those plasTorch guns), and 3 generic fuse. very disappointed with the reward for killing 4800 of a mob that has a minimum 3500hp. lesson learned on my end, and also to the arkadia development team, you guys need to bitch the shit out of MA for the loot balance on this mob, 2 freaking esi in almost 7k kills of a mob with 3500 HP is not the norm under any circumstance...
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hi Maki,

    All the stage 4 missions (except for Oro) only give a trophy head as reward. This thread gives a good summary of the rewards for all missions.
    There has already been some player comments on the stage 4 mission rewards and the lack of stage 5. Dave Dobson responded in the most recent interview with Zume. Basically he seemed to be saying that the stage 5 and 6 mission rewards will make up for it - once those missions are enabled. I have no idea what the rewards will be.

    I quite like the loot from Huons though I have noticed a significant drop in esi frequency since they fixed the muscle oil problem. Shouldnt need to TT oils here. Can usually get higher MU on them on Ark AU compared to Caly.

  10. Makitoki

    Makitoki Member

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    nope i've tried auction oil and with exception of adrenal and this is only on weekends the oil usually end up not selling, i've had maybe 7 oil auctions with 7 days in between expire on me with no bids, and when i list em i am the lowest bo. but yeah when the 12k do become available i dont think i can afford that, 12k kills will be around 160k ped cycled and at 5% tax and other unforeseeable outcomes dont think i want to stand losing 25k ped in hopes for some reward that can possibly make up for it, maybe someone else will brave that first before i can jump in. just thought i share my experience so others know what to semi expect when they take on this angry bird quest :)
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thats interesting. I never have any problems selling oils, 100 TT at a time.

    Anyway I can understand and sympathise with your frustration. I'm doing most of the mission mobs up to stage 3 but I am not in any hurry to go further than that.
  12. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    thats hard.

    i see it as a lack of universe wide old loot behavior which is not up to date anymore for me.

    almost all type of mobs and no matter what level they are tend to give out the same or closely the same type of loot. (oil oil oil)

    for me the loot and economy need a big reform i know as i hunted myself already several type of mobs.

    hunting is by far the most popular profession and will ever be. that flush the market and crash the price i know and i know that the hidden rule is "everyone decide on his own what he does inside" but it be way more playable if all mobs would loot unique types of loot which all are needed in every days crafting for items everyone needs for daily activity.

    that make the economy grow and reduce the cost per play to a level which a more larger group of player can afford and i bet we see an increase of playerbase.

    but if newcommer are hunting first mobs and already have to compete against high level hunters who cycle 10000 peds of ammo on mobs on the loot market it reaches a very unbalanced point specially on the side "afford against market loot price" and the result is that if you dont get a big big big hof to nearly brake even is almost end of EU career for some. at least if you dont belong to the few people who depo 1k dollar each month for fun anyways...

    i whish MA would look into that before they launch a high costly ad campaign which is paid from the player's planet deed money which will only lead to new player come in and go out again due to not match of expectations (RCE RCE RCE)

    i can understand that it gets dissappointing at such point.

    and as the decision was to involve players into planet and ownership of a planet it should be seen.

    i know we are at arkadia forum and not ma but the loot distribution is quite equal, just that a-team is doing for sure a way better job on types of loot.

    i just saw this and wanted to give a comment that you see youre not alone with what happened.
