Six Celeste Quarry Booths

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Few Scars, Dec 1, 2011.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    So we have been presented with 6 Celeste Quarry Booths, each with 20 item points. The auction is going to be a blast :)

    These babies are in a prime position, what do you estimate they will sell for? Or what would you be willing to pay?

  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hate to say it but with only 6 in such a good location you might wanna talk to the ones from Caly that tend to snatch up the first of anything in game and resell later. Trying to bid against them will only jack up the prices for later. Arkadia wanting for these so much I am sure bidding could get outta hand REALLY fast.

    Ill put my guess in for these first ones between 10k and 15k before people realise they cant out bid these guys. Open ended with no buyout is great for the sales numbers but kills the market for later sales.
  3. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Well personaly I would say anyone that bids over 5k ped for one of these booths is just plain crazy. The dev team made it clear that they dislike those that will just buy the shops to sell off for a profit afterwards and that they have a plan to combat it. What exactly the plan is I don't quite know but to take a guess, I would say theyre going to reliease a load of shops or set a buyout bid for these shops and all furute shops will use the same price.

    Prime location is only a Prime location if you trade for the market in that location so sins these are at the quarry you will likely have to stick to selling to new players inorder to get the maximum out of the shop. Selling to this end of the market there is a low turnover and it can take years to earn the PED back.
  4. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Actually the BO part isnt that crazy.. It's a starting price.. If the buyer wants to sell at some point, he can still ask for more (or less) than what he paid.. The "problem" is taking future booths into consideration when aiming to set the BO price right.. It has to fit the future total number of shops.. no use in setting BO at 5k if the future brings so many more that the realistic price would be 1k.. (just examples)
  5. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    anyone heard anything about when these shops will be up for sale?
  6. capt.dex

    capt.dex Member

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    i just checked them, pretty nice location.
    some shops would be a good improvement to ark.
  7. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    If I had to make a guess, the first few days of bidding will be below 2k, going up slowly, allow the deep pocket people to gain some perspective on how many people want them they will run some future projections and as always buy them out no matter how high they go always raising the bid just a little each time. Then either use them for a month or so then resell them for 150% to 200+% MU over what they payed for them or just turn around and try to resell right away, and from what I have seen on Calypso the people usually that were out bid pay the extra and get the shops anyways. I don't know of anyway to combat this type of action in the game, it is just the way the game is designed, new players with few ped will never out bid the older players or just rich players with the deep pockets. This is just a fact everyone has to deal with and get past it, if you don't have 500 - 20,000+ USD to drop into the game you will not own a shop or any type of land. These are the gaming facts from all past auctions and discussions I can find and I do not see that changing. Once in a great while you can find a shop owner dumping a small shop or booth for 2000 -5000 PED but very rarely on the main planets.
  8. jellyfish

    jellyfish Member

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    the fix could actually be very easy.

    remember the first aid packs that you can buy at "hunt the thing" on rocktropia? once you buy it you cant get rid of it. it's non-tradable, meaning yours forever.

    this way only the people that actually want to use the shops will buy, and the greedy reselling calypsians will stay away ^^
  9. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well that would just suck, what if I buy a shop for 1500PED and in like 2 years I no longer want the shop and want to sell it and now I can't. I am stuck with a 1500PED deed I don't want and can't trade to another that wants it. I'd never pay mroe then 0.50 PED for something I can't get rid of.
  10. Samuel Sam Robet

    Samuel Sam Robet Active Member Pro Users

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    I would pay up to 4k ped for a booth. I am hoping I can get one, but I guess so is everyone else. I can tell you from experience that shops and booths are usualy way overpriced. I bought a shop on calypso for 10k peds, and sold it for 5k peds before it hit rock bottom. The same shop can probably fetch 4k ped now... There are booths on calypso going for 2.8k ped ....

    I remember on rocktropia the first shop sold for over 15k peds .... and that poor shop owner will probably never get his ped back. If you also think about the ROI on the calypso land deeds... a booth for 4k ped better turn over 84 ped in profit a weel to beat the land deeds ROI if you get 25% on the deeds (which is lower than predicted. So anything over 4k ped I feel is a waste. That being said I might get stuck in the bid war myself and really want it... IDK its really exciting, but very scary at the same time
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  11. KMax

    KMax Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yup I agree Sam scary venture, I'll play it safe and stick with the AH, better return on investment just playing the trade market there IMHO... Shops booths have way to much MU due to hype and owners tend to be selling for way to much MU to cover that loss. I spent weeks browsing shops on Calypso and have only found a few things that were not ridiculously overpriced, most everything I seen in a shop sells for much less in the AH. Shops do look nice and add a cool aspect but they are taken way overboard and become pointless really fast once a person realizes they payed way to much and then they just try anything to get their PED back, hoping some poor person doesn't notice the AH has same items for 1/4 to 1/2 the price they are trying to sell at.
  12. Grez

    Grez Member

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    Actually, if instead of not making it able to sell again, if they could put a time period, say 2 years before being able to sell may help keep only the ones that would use it interested in buying it.
  13. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Brilliant Idea :) however some will simply then let the shops lay dormant for 2 years before trying to sell it off.
  14. w d roberts

    w d roberts Member

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    There are six booths at the quarry now, but it looks like the space was designed for 8 booths (there are two boots spots with awnings, but no booths). Does anyone know when (if) they plan on adding two more booths?
  15. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    I would say 3-5k price range anything over that for lets be honest a 20item booth in a newbie area is just crazy.

    The prime locations are 8 coins, Sanctuary Cove and Celeste harbour. I am personally looking at the shops in the harbour area when they are finally released.
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Celeste Harbour seems the most attractive - untaxed...
  17. Deathifier

    Deathifier Member

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    On Calypso the shop tax is present even if the shop is not on a land area and the only difference is where the money goes - to the LA owner, or to MindArk (or perhaps the Planet Partner).

    I'd expect this applies Universe wide.

    - Deathifier
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  18. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    I expect those to sell for 10-15k ped each. That is why I won't even bother trying to get one at this time.
    If I would have the ped, I would put maybe 10k in it with no regrets. It is perfect location. 20 items is a bit too low and would force you to have a ton of shopkeepers, or buy an upgrade later. But still...
    If I get an ath by then, I will try to get one.
  19. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Current bids are:

    Booth 1: 3.001 Peds (Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff)
    Booth 2: 2.000 Peds (Harmony Bella Simpson)
    Booth 3: 1.000 Peds (Harmony Bella Simpson)
    Booth 4: 1.000 Peds (Kikki KJ Jikki)

    I'm wondering if we will see a bid war at the end (kinda doubting it since it ends when most people are offline).
  20. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    If you havent noticed, they've been added with certain intervals.. My guess is that is to ensure all timezones has a chance of being there when the ending bidding war begins.. So my advice is.. Only bid on those where you know you can be there for that. :)