Space, a few changes....

Discussion in 'Space' started by Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    So, space as we know it is not working.... getting tailed by a "pirate" leaving a station, is not the way a proper pvp zone should work. So here are a few ideas to promote a better game.....

    This is pvp above all else, so "pirates" are part of the game, and the rep system should be modified a bit....
    a.) Players who go above and beyond to be rude should not have access to station space....
    b.) there should be the same turrets that keep mobs away from the safe zones around tp's, keeping the space around the stations safe... there needs to be a better flag system so players getting chased don't fall to the turrets as well. But the existing system needs to change. If you are hit once in pvp space and fly into a station, your flag is still triggered and you can be attacked and killed in the blue "safe zone"
    c.) players with rep unable to dock at a planet station, may repair and congregate at the Pirate base. <or any station that is not affiliated with a planet mabey> there needs to be the same opportunity's for them, as any other player.
    d.) NPC ships spawning to keep space safe from pirates would be a good addition, keep the range close to stations, maybe allow them to be farmed by pirates.... have to keep a good balance for all sides...

    There was a game called "Privateer" back in the day, where you could trade and smuggle goods, fight pirates, and choose your path.... I think that game would be a good model for space here.... MA could implement both good and "pirate" NPC ships to help even things out..... yes, space is the "wild west" but its not populated.... and underused... we need more opportunities there.... there are also too many ships sitting idle, changes to space may help change that.

    not that any of these ideas will be used.... but i would not mind steering MA towards a better space opportunity for all 8)
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  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There's a basic problem with the reputation system (it's meaningless) and I am having difficulty thinking of changes to it that would allow the system to distinguish between pirates and non pirates.
  3. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    The Rep system needs work, yes.... right now, a red player is easy to see and keep a distance from, but most of the heavy hitters are green...... so any ship in space is a potential threat regardless of red or green... a "flag" system may help... but depends on the implementation
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Red/green/blue (there's green?) means nothing. And I don't see any feasible replacement method that cant be gotten around.

    Is shooting another ship always wrong? Not necessarily. So how would a system implementation correctly work out which ships or players to penalise (which I strongly doubt MA would want - they designed space to encourage piracy). IMO, we really just need an ingame system or official forum that allows easy sharing of pirate identities, plus the safe zone needs to be bigger so that one ship can't monitor it all.

  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    *Thread Moved to Space forum*

    I like the idea of NPC ships being thrown into the mix, would certainly give the Pirates something else to think about.
  6. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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    Personally I feel they should make the flag change from blue to an active colour when someone is sitting it the vehicle, either passenger or pilot seat, at least this way you know the vehicle is active and not just Docked. So Basically if no one is in vehicle make the flag blue, if someone is in vehicle make it red regardless of karma. Solves the problem of where to look.
  7. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Personaly I wish they make it imposible to sell player kill loot to the TT. This will atealst give the player some chanse to get their loot back before the pirate TT it all
  8. Beanie Bugbear Adamski

    Beanie Bugbear Adamski Member

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  9. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    there really is a simple solution. just make space pvpL just like planet PVPL.

    You dont make the whole thing PVPL just areas that hold one of a kind mobs and one of a kind materials. You dont have to make the entire way between planet safe either. I'd suggest some sort of asteroid belt area beteween planets that would not only make sense but it would be more fun for pirates and they're prey. Being able to pilot and dodge around asteroids to safely get away would be cool. I'd even consider flying then because i could "fight back" without fighting back just by good piloting.
  10. djinn

    djinn Member

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    An additional ideas
    Pirates when shot down should have to pay a fine in peds of some sort depending on how bad a reputation they have or how many people they have pirated. If unable to pay fine in peds they should be banned from entering space for a time period.

    There should be a reward for shooting down pirates the peds could be taken from the pool of fines. As it is now there is litte incentive to be a good guy.
  11. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    well, MA has stated that it has no intention of changing the lawlessness of space. They want to keep the "wild west" feel..... It needs to be fair for all sides, and not pick on one side.

    Really though its MA sanctioned PVP so labeling a player a "pirate" is not quite right.... but that was MA's blunder off the get go, they coined the term. as for right now, I do not see the problem with listing "pvp matches" and having the loser post the loss, with the winners name.... its a record of pvp, not piracy.... i know its arguing semantics... ;)

    Fair and balanced space is tough to achieve, I dont like players getting penalized for having a flag tipped one way or another.... so if station space was guarded by NPC ships, or turrets, there would need to be a safe way for "red" ships to pass and spawn. That would entail a flag system. Maybe the player can spawn at the station, but cannot spawn a "red" ship. that would allow for safe tp to the planet.... thrusters are going for 20 ped now so the cost of re-entry is not a factor.

    will have to continue this thread later..... i am late for thanksgiving dinner lol
  12. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Actually, there is plenty of incentive to be a good guy or gal in space: your reputation.
  13. djinn

    djinn Member

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    I stand corrected you are right. I was thinking of it from a peds point of view. It would be nice to see it more balanced from the peds point of view. Pirates seem to have the better incentive over pirate hunters.