Hey Guys. I want to openly apologize for my actions as a pirate and a**hat in space. I was Nebula Virus and was proud of what it stood for in freedom, ethics (in a twisted but honest way), and respect. But recent events have made me think twice about these actions and see nebula in a new light that for many now see them the same way. i am no longer associated with them, and will discontinue any actions as a pirate and will limit my time in space. My decision at the time to become a pirate was right at the time under the circumstances, however i see now what it has caused my reputation that i have earned over the many years I've played entropia. I'm no longer willing to trade friendships for a small set of loot stolen off others. Hope you all can accept this as well as any victims who i have looted. For those who wish, Pm me or seek me in-game and i will teach anyone and everyone the tools and secrets of Space combat to better protect people from the other pirates. This is the lease i can do to return some of the time I've taken from people and peds I've stolen. Thanks for your time Raven Raven Valicur
Hi, glad to hear! This shall earn you a bit of +Rep. You'll understand that it will need some time and experience until we'll trust you, OK? But I, at least, will take you into consideration for my most rare space journeys now. With certain precautions, for sure, for now. Prove your words with actions, you'd be welcome! Have a good time!
i dont ask people to fly with me, dont get me mixed up there, i usually fly solo and well continue to do so. my only point is now, as a way to give back, i will be teaching people space combat for those who request it. absolutely no charge. =) and this post is also to bring out the one i looted while ago betraying a friend of mine, hoping they step forward so i can pay them back in full for the loot. =)
Good to see that you came to your senses regarding piracy. So far they are only words but I hope you will follow that up with actions to give those words true value. Trust is hard to gain and easy to loose. Signature is changed Regards, Ion
Good to have you back, Raven. I for sure am one that will take you up on that space dog-fight training, once I get my quad. Soon I hope. ;-) jc
for those who dont know the extent of how far im reaching with this decision, i am seeking out some individuals who i have looted rather noteworthy amounts. when i find them and return peds to them ill post screenshots. This is the seriousness of how i feel about my actions i been ingame for years and built a reputation i destroyed in a matter of mere months. i dont expect anyone to trust me anymore but i only seek to regain my lost honor and dignity.
You are lucky you stole money in this weird game where it is legal... in real life if you steal money from others you go to jail.
Good luck with your new direction Raven. I hope people give you the chance to demonstrate your sincerity. I'm always happy to hear when people choose to step away from piracy. Regards, KikkiJikki
Thank you Raven for your efforts to change your behavior and your straightforward approach to this endeavor. It will take time but I, for one, never lost hope that you would return and renew yourself. +Rep
Welcome back to the ligth side. And thanks, you should know what its for, incase you dont know It will be in the PM to you