If Arkadia is Home Read This

Discussion in 'SocTalk' started by RexDameon, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Maybe have soc representative(s) in each society. This would be the person to contact for questions related to their area. Each soc rep would have all other soc reps in their FL. So if a crafter needs a steady flow of alternative ingot to make welding wire, he'd get in touch with his soc rep who would then get in touch with the soc rep of the space trader soc, and that rep would ask his soc members for a volunteer to arrange delivery of the alternative ingot. Then the soc reps would get the two parties in touch with each other. We'd probably also want to have several reps in each soc since one isn't online all the time.
  2. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    What about this? to get started/

    We first build a List of Soc leaders / Participants

    We come up with clear cut goals i.e. Stop using Auction, Central meeting/selling/buying location

    I don't think we really need to go with the model i applied above of having just x socs being set. It was just an example of how we worked it. We could simply have "guilds" to which members of each soc could be part of. So we have a mining guild a teaching guild hunting guild that members of each soc would be a part of. From that we can maybe come up with like 3-5 reps from each guild to kind of be the advisers. The people who listen to the members and then help make decisions.
  3. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    One critical aspect will be communication and information exchange. Let me PM the mods and see if we can get something going on that aspect ...

  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    No need to PM us...WE SEE ALL!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA :soangry:


    What would you like to know?
  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree with organizing trading locations, but why would we want to stop all auction activity? To save a few fees or try to "stick it" to MA? I'm not seeing how that would help Arkadians...
  6. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    LOL, we know ...

    A request ... if it is okay with Dave, the A-Team, and you guys ... to set up a subforum for this organization, name yet to be defined, that we can use for the purpose described within this thread to help share and exchange information.

    The subforum will need to have the following:
    1. All Arkadia Advisers (normal access)
    2. Reps from each soc within the organization (to be determined) (normal access)
    3. R/O access to general public

  7. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    I don't believe it is about stopping all, but is more about cutting down those profiteering blood suckers that feeds off of needy Arkadians.

  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Subforum I agree with, but I don't think you'll get much "exchange" of information if you prevent the general public from commenting....
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think the only solution to profiteers is to increase the availability of items in auction (and private trade too)... which is the opposite of what I thought I read in Rex's post. If we stopped offering items on auction, we'd leave the profiteers a wide open playing field. And, let's face it, most people automatically check the auction first when they need something, especially if it's not something they buy regularly and already know who to get it from.
  10. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Name idea ...

    Arkadian Commerce Exchange (may sound like we only care about trading)
    Arkadian Common E... (something?)

    Anyone else?

  11. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    From what I can gather, this group is an umbrella governing body of member societies. As mentioned, one of the functions is to have this body to set fair market prices and other similar issues. I see the purpose of this sub-forum is to provide such a place for the member societies; hence having soc reps instead of everyone.

    If we allow everyone to comment, then there is no need for this body since this forum as a whole already provide all the necessary tools for information exchange on a general level.

    Maybe it can be open up to all members of the member societies. This is something that this body needs to determine, provided that it can be done by the forum software.

  12. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Or AEC - Arkadia Exchange Commission... :p
  13. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Remember that we can't attempt to set prices (except of course by normal supply and demand) or we'd be price-fixing, which is against the ToU.

    I think at this point, it's best to keep it all public and allow the discussion to proceed with input from every Arkadian, or at least those who bother to read the forum :)

    Arkadia doesn't need a "governing body", merely better networking and communication between its residents.
  14. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Hence the term "fair market value". :cool:

    Hopefully by providing such functions, it will make it much easier to communicate the supply and demand requirements, and associated market value based on demand, among all players, not just those that are on one's FL.

    The guideline set on the fair market value should help with a continuous flow of supply and demand, or help highlight those items that are seriously lacking in supply, and possibly imbalance issues.

  15. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Well so far the fact is there is like 4-5 people interested in this so we really can't go anywhere with this unless we get more people together.

    I think basically our goal is to try to allie a bunch of socities/people together to work together for the greater good.

    As for making it open to all i'll give you an example. In R.O.M.E. (our early entropia alliance) There were definet benefits to being part of this alliance. You got better pricing on things, you got protection ( we would protect ppl in pvp or our miners when they had a find surounded by mobs and couldn't get it out). Those benefits made people to want to be part of it. It also made them stick to certain rules so that they didn't get kicked out. The rules basically kept people in trying to help each other out by giving a very small discount on things and also in not doing things like scamming, or just being offensive. If you open it up then there is no need for anyone to put themselves out and go out of there way to help others.

    As for names i've been thinking of TAG (The Arkadia Guilds) but unless we can get a bunch of local arkadia soc leaders in here and talking we are really not going to go anywhere.

    As for not using auction, it's the only way to kind of regulate prices in the group. Otherwise some guy just buys all the materials low and puts them back on auction high which is really easy to do right now. Having trusted traders part of the group they stick to agreed pricing that makes sense. Sweat is kind of a good example as something we "regulated" We all kept sweat and nexus and ME price at the same proportion with each group having there pre-set profits. So the sweat gather got X amount the miner got X amount the trader who bought both and made it to ME got X amount and the ME user paid X amount. It was soo stable for quite while with no real flux to it. And EVERYONE was happy with the price cause everyone got a little something instead of someone just taking advantage and getting most of the profit fromt he whole deal.

    It's actually hard to do this with established players because they have there ways and wants and what they are used to. Part of the reason this worked was becasue we started mostly with fresh new people when we had a big newb rush and built from that. I dont see Arkadia having a newb rush like that anytime soon though.

    Basically we first need to just get a bunch of people/socs together and say hay lets try to get together and make this a better place together thats FIRST. Then lets all talk about what we can do to organize ourselves.

    So if you like this idea talk to your soc and your friends and everyone you see online and just tell them to post "I'm in i'm a part of this soc" I'm in i'm the leader of this soc" then we can starting comming up with a plan together. Like i said what my first post was just what worked for us back then and it's an idea. We should really come up with a plan and ideas and goals togther. it's just the getting together part we need to do first.
  16. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Arkadian Community Entrepreneurs?
  17. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    A.C.E. - Arkadian Cooperative Entrepreneurs

    Cooperative may fit Rex's general description a bit more ...

  18. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    i like the ACE part either Community or Co-op
  19. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I like Co-op. Co-operation is the word of the day.

    I was out hunting today—and mining yesterday—and from my perspective, I think the single most important thing we can do right now, simple as it sounds, is make it so that hunters, miners, and crafters can sell their small stacks of loot to traders.

    It's like we're always waiting for the traders with "big ped cards" to come from Caly and rescue Arkadia. We're waiting for someone who can buy everything. But those big-time trader city boys can't handle Arkadia... their fancy clothes get torn to shreds out here in the frontier.

    So here's a simple idea. It's obvious none of us can collect hundreds of different items and tie up 50k peds collecting and reselling every scrap of loot from hunters, miners, and crafters. So.... let's co-operate.

    What we CAN do is each collect one or two or three different resources or items depending on our ped card and our inclinations. Let's make a list of all Arkadian items and pick what you want to buy and sell. Don't have many peds? Collect something cheap with low MU that most people normally TT. They'd be happy to get 100.5% or even 100% if they know they're doing their part to help other Arkadians. And if you avoid auction fees, you can buy at 100% and sell at 100.1% and still make a real (tho tiny) profit. And if you can't sell your resource because supply is way more than demand (green paint for instance), you can tell people to TT it guilt-free or even arrange for export to another planet if there's a market. If this list is public and kept up-to-date, no one has to wander around begging someone to buy their loot.

    BTW, I'm happiest with simple names. What about just "AC" (Arkadia Co-op).