If Arkadia is Home Read This

Discussion in 'SocTalk' started by RexDameon, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm just going to throw this out there and see what you guys think. I was reminising in a post i just made about keeping the right attitude in Arkadia and it made me think that maybe we should do what we did back on calypso with a group of us back in 2004. We basically didn't quite create a government so much as an organization. I wont go into explaining what we did exactly back then and i'll just give you my idea of what i think we should try to do now.

    So this is what i suggest.

    What if we had a couple different societies Organized to do certain tasks and these societies worked together to form a larger Organization.

    Society A Information
    -Disciples (new players)
    -Information (stats on mobs, items, mapping...)

    Society B Army & Hunting
    -Player Killers

    Society C Production

    Society D Adventure
    -Space Pilots
    -Event Organizers
    -People who just Like to do everything and unique roles

    We did this before with R.O.M.E. back in 2004 and it worked well. Basically the Information soc would group mentor and bring in and monitored new people teaching them how things worked. This usually became a temporary spot for most as they would go onto one of the other societies where they fit in and would receive even more training and information i.e. Hunters go to hunting soc. But some would stay and be the Mentors and teachers and organizers.

    The Hunting soc and army would be the sort to go after land grabs and would focus on hunting and would then provide those materials to the Production soc.
    Having Miners and Crafters and Traders all organized into one soc really helps keep prospective and communication as to market prices. For example crafters need materials and the miners can say look its really hard to find this stuff, and the traders can kind help in getting the materials from miners and hunters to the crafters.

    The big part of being part of this organization is working together as a team trying to not be greedy and to try to help each other. Like we had traders buying at lesser price and selling at lesser price. Also for new ones them bringing in all there small amounts of materials to the traders instead of them TT'ing it helped them sell to the crafters cheep and then the crafters could then sell to the hunters and the newbies cheep too.

    Look I'm not trying to be president or rune the planet or anything i'm just trying to provide the formula and the organization its really up to everyone else to make something like this work.

    And if your wondering what happened to R.O.M.E. basically MA lied to us about the first land grab and screwed over a lot of people and over half the people of R.O.M.E. quit the game. Otherwise it still be going. But I'll tell you this it was the coolest and most fun thing to be a part of. We'd have meetings to discuss what WE can do to make the game better. Like Regulating sweat prices to something reasonable to everyone, talking to people who use it and the people that supply it and come to an agreement of buy and sell prices. We also organized events for ROME members only and trade deals, hunting parties, social parties. We really felt like we were new colonist on a new planet and doing something really cool.

    So it's in your guys hands I'm willing to take a bit of a lead if that's what people want but like i said I'm not trying to be some tyrant ruler kind of thing i have no hopes and desire of being a big powerful leader.
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  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I think communication between different professions is THE key to the growth of Arkadia, and something like this would help immensely.
  3. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Sounds as a interesting idea.

    This might be a great benefit to Arkadia.
    Maybe we can incorporate ASF into it as well since we now have interplanetary trade?

  4. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    A group of societies working together would definitely help the planet and economy out.
  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What you have proposed should be the natural evolution in EU. To a certain extent it does function like that. The main change I see is an in flux of people from other games that cant grasp the over all premise of the game. Many have come to practice different forms of profiteering from the ethical trader to the system exploiters and manipulators. Most of our new players come from games where money means nothing and holds no in game value and continue to play under that mindset.

    In most games this mindset is necessity to move forward and has minimal effect over all. Unfortunatly that same mentality is dragging EU down. Then add in the ones who claim to play "just for fun" This will also drag the economical system down and I think this is the biggest issue we face keeping the economy here unstable. The lack of understanding the simbiotic relationship you speak of is a key factor.

    Forming segregated socs as you propose seems more dictorial locking people into job catagories. I would think discussion and education would better benefit EU over all more so then a system that limits or hinders the diversity of it all, thus dragging it one step closer to being just another mmo as it seems to be sprinting twords of late.
  6. rastamannen

    rastamannen Member

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  7. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Totally get what you mean about locking in. Fact is you dont have to lock in to one profession you just sort of pick as to what fits. Like if you mine 50% and hunt 50% you may want to be in the Production Soc/group just so you have a say in markups on materials.

    I my 1st thought was that ASF would fit perfectly for that Soc D Adventure do many things type.

    I think to make this actually happen we need a bunch of volunteers / socs willing to try to make this happen.
    Also you can have more then one soc of each kind t his is just basically an organizational idea and open to ideas and such like 2 army / hunting socs.
  8. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Sadly my soc doesnt really fit in, because we do both hunting, mining, crafting and trading.. we are a broad flock, but most noobs.. And I'm affraid a soc like mine is gonna be locked out because of such alliance.. Ofc. we have some reasonable connections to crafters and stuff like that, but if this becomes a reality, what will come of us, that it mostly playing for fun, doing our own little bits for the society without having to go all organized...
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Yes, if you were locked into one of the 4 socs in the plan above, it would exclude a lot of the people who like to do multiple activities, especially new players who are trying to get a feel for all aspects of the game, and some advanced players who just want a soc for the social group rather than any kind of profession/economic reasons.

    But if you're free to move around between the 4 different socs according to your current focus in-game, then you'll be able to meet everyone—the traders, the hunters, the miners, crafters, and others—and learn from them. Above all, build your FL with valuable contacts that will ultimately help the economy run smoothly and make game play more enjoyable.

    I'm not sure if this kind of mobility was encouraged back in 2004, but I think it'd be a good idea if players (new ones especially) were encouraged to move between the different soc "branches" whenever their primary focus changes. We Arkadians are a small bunch and we need to get to know everyone... not just the few others who are interested in the same profession.
  10. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    It doesn't have to be 4 socs and it doesn't have to be locked into one. Separating people into societies is not really the key. The key is the traders working together with all the miners and hunters of all societies. It just helps having those people together. Realistically YOU just need to figure out how your soc fit in and thats it.

    Basically our goal was to NEVER USE AUCTION and we didn't. The savings alone on auction fees made it worth while.

    The fact is also though for this sort of thing to work it will take some sacrifice, I'm not sure sure the current entropia community quite has the balls for that anymore like we did back then.
  11. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    This is allready working - i trade much more hand to hand than from auc. No need to be some big organization - just get some contacts on fl....
  12. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Even trading peer to peer we still need to get past the "all for one and one is me" mentality. For EU to stablize people need to realise they are part of a living entity and what they do as an individual effects the whole in some small or even large manor at times. Like I said many coming from games where it is extremely easy to make money and manipulate markets do not understand the larger effect here when done with real money vs the play money in non RCE games. Yes they can make a few extra ped in the short run but the over all effect is hurting themselves as well as keeping our markets in flux.

    Anyway Id say someone who does alot of number crunching and likes math needs to put up some numbers to show cause and effect of the strange markets we have. Of course MA not dicking with it at every chance they get might helps us over all as well. Specially with this bullshit of isolating Caly to protect their interests. They do a shit load of steering after supposedly wanting to develop a "platform" unless my MA speak is off and this weeks use use of the term platform is now the "we want it all and we want it now" campaign type platform and not a gaming platform where all planets should be left to their own for growth or failure and not have the whole thing steered to one planet as is happening now.
  13. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    I think that's a really interesting point. If we created a culture in EU of educating each other on the value of the whole, and how your activities really do have an impact on the whole, it should follow that people are more concerned about the whole. At the moment, I often have the feeling that it's each person for himself.

    While there's always going to be an element of that in a real cash economy, there doesn't seem to be anything to lose in trying to foster a culture of each person putting the community first.

    Nice one CB.
  14. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    yeah CB makes a very Valid point.. Just look at the incident with that soc that abused a bug that made them use a broken OA-109 infinitely.. I recently heard this:

    "Some info about lockdown topic : Banaczek - Pavilon (gate) - just on cnd raddim pushed 2.2 Milion ped of ganganite to TT . Total damage to MA 10 milion peds . They had time to 10/20/11 to straighten out the debts or it was passed to lawyers . It was . Theyre items were destroyed : imkII,supremacy,VREX2000"

    Thats 1 MILLION USD stolen from MA, and in the end the rest of us players, seeing as MA has been forced to earn that money back by "taking" from us other players.. Worse loot, more misses, more decay, you name it..
    When being a part of a community like EU, we are ALL a small part of one identity.. One player can affect the gameplay and economics of ALL the rest of the players, which this is a perfect example of..
  15. Zanzibarjones

    Zanzibarjones Member

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    I think this is a great idea, providing you can get all those involved to stay involved.
    I think that is the biggest problem with stuff like this, the longevity of it.
    However, as this is Arkadia, I believe the opportunity to start and maintain a 'Soc-mmunity' like this is in the best interest of all of those who get involved.
    I am not part of a SOC yet, but I would like to be involved in this however I can.
  16. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    My Soc thats coming soon is willing to join in this however we will be restricting membership to only South African Players due to us going for the steriotipical South African thing :p

    We will be taking in anyone regardless of their skill lvl and give them a home. For now the soc is still bussy with getting everything sorted out IRL and havent been registered at a soc termina yet. This soc will function as the central point of operations and will also be open to members joining into the group even if they wish to stay in their own soc, Almost like the current ASF Org
  17. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Very interesting idea proposed and also many valid issues raised. To help kick start this project ... if I may add ...

    1. Prof-restrictions: I feel this is an easy issue since there is no restriction on when a player can leave and join another soc. All we need to do is have a well understand guideline that any member soc should openly accept a member within the organization.
    2. Multi-tasking socs: Arkadia Pioneers falls into the same issue as AU. Our purpose is basically helping new players. However, I do see socs as this having a better fit into Cat A, mentors aka trainers. Maybe we can create another task, which is training new players and help them get a smooth start w/o the mentor requirement from the game.
    3. Keeping inline with the "task" breakdown, it will also be ideal for the organization members to direct players of different levels to join a member soc that best suit their playing style. Therefore a new member should be directed to join AP or AU or like socs, and upon learned enough skills, can either choose to stay within the soc and become mentors, or move to other crafting/hunting/mining socs to further adv their knowledge.
    4. We all know the A-Team is more than welling to help us the players, as what benefits us will also benefit them. This is why Dave and the A-Team created the Arkadia Advisers group. It may be a good idea to have the governing body structured in such a way that the Advisers can be used to help communicate between the players and the A-Team -- a sounding body/lobbyist function per say? This may also allow us players to help filter out the noises and keep the A-Team focus on the real issues.
    5. Information is key. To help speedy information exchange, we either need to have our own website, or have the A-team involve and allocate hosting areas for this organization and its members. There are many free websites hosting services if the A-team path is a no-go.

    BTW, what are we calling this organization?

    That is all, for now ... ;)

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  18. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Easiest would be to get a group on this forum.
  19. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Well said AttacKat.. :) yes AU is a "mentor" soc.. the "older" players in soc are in fact already mentors, and the new players are all disciples to somebody either in soc or outside soc.. We have a great cooperation within soc to help each other (and especially new players) out as much as our funds allow.. And we can mentor the basics in all the main professions, which will make room for the noobs to choose their preferred profession more easily.. :) Furthermore, both me and Rick are Advisers AND I do have direct contact with Dobson via skype.. He is always open for feedback, so I guess he wont mind if i "abuse" that direct line as long as its for the greater good of the community.. :)

    (If you read this Dobson, and disagree, feel free to say so :) )
  20. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Giving it a bump, maybe we can kick start it by figuring out how can we start sharing critical information, such as things we need on the planet for crafters ...
