When i arrive to Celester Harbour my computer memory use for Entropia.ex is aeound 9xx.xxxkb when i came in with the tp it increase to 1.1xx.xxxkb at once and then it just continue to eat memory and end up at more than 3.xxx.xxxkb ???? Any good reason for that???
Looks like its connectet to spawning of a vehicle - then memry comsumbtion is just running crazy.....
I haven't checked the memory use, but my system can barely handle the new Celeste harbor, even on low settings.
My guess is there's a leak somewhere at the new Celeste Harbour... And there may not be an easy explanation for that, but that explains the lag a lot of people are having there.
I flew into Celeste last night with my VTOL and it was extremely laggy and eventually crashed with OUT OF RAM error. I noticed places on RT that had the exact same issue and talking with a dev there we came to the conclusion that those areas have a high concentration of items with a lot of detail to them. He suggested using a lower graphics setting, so I did that and it helped out for me, they are currently looking into how they can fix those issues on RT now. I did the same type of graphics testing here, I changed from High to Medium and Celeste is much better now. There seems to have been a change in a lot of detail in the items after doing that so I am assuming that is the same issue here. They need to start adding hot keys to change graphics modes, so you can switch graphics modes when entering/leaving towns, LOL. So maybe the dev team here can work on dispersing some of the content in those areas out a little more to better accomodate this issue. I know I was able to run through Celeste on High graphics setting before the last content update just fine. Just my opinions and experience with this issue here, I am not 100% sure why it actually is having these types of issues.
I've always thought there was a memory leak on the VTOLS themselves because i always seem to get the error when one of those are around. Maybe we should all hang out at celeste and do some experimenting. everyone start of naked then start adding items and see when ppl crash or memory starts to spike. I'll be home like 4.5hrs from this post i'll try to be on.
my slowdown always comes when a vtol or chopper is launching and that smoke animation happens otherwise mine seems fine but I run 64 bit maybe that helps?
How close are you guys to tp's when these mem crashes occur? I have never hit a mem crash with my system and I can hang out for unlimited times. I do however go from 60+ frames down to 5 frames when using certain tp's. Pay attention to how close you are tothe tp's as well.. I would suspect they may be at least part of the issue. I run full screen at 1920x1080 res with max settings in game so I dont have a chance to track mem usage. I may play in window mode a while and watch my ram. I have 12 gig so it may take a decent amount of time before that is all allocated.
I notice a framerate reduction as well.. but haven't really watched RAM usage.. I play windowed mode 1440x900 (sometimes will go 1680x1050 full screen) on Very High, with 8 GB.
Sounds like a memory leak somewhere. Personaly I havent had any of these problems and notice no diffrance in CH regardless if im there for hours or vehicles get spawned there and im always on full graphics and at 1600 x 1024 res. On Omens laptop however its laggy as hell there but its laggy on other places aswell so cant really say. I run Win7 x64 8gb DDR3 1333 Ram Geforce GTX 550TI Phenom II X4 965 black edition. Nforce 980a chipset MB (M4N98TD evo)
Hmm, have not paid any attention to the system's memory usage. Maybe I should keep an eye on it. I also noticed the lag when I TP into one of the new FBs w additional landing pads. However, once the area has been rendered, the lag no longer happens on the 2nd viewing. jc
Vtol's, Hovers and to some extent choppers have been like this since they were introduced so maybe now people can agree to keep vehicle spammers off Arkadia? Choppers seems worst when in use, but vtol/hover is just as crappy when just spawned and not in use... (no matter texture or not) And too much vehicles of other kinds also drain alot of power not to mention they screw up the field of view, just look at Twin or PA at Calypso any day...
Just checked.. Going to CH only used an additional 265 MB of memory with.. 3 people there.. will check again if we get a bunch of people there.
K I hung out there for quite a while last time I was on. I started at 2.6 gig mem and within 15 minutes was up to 4.6 gig used. There were people in an out with approx 5 at all times. I moved around and checked different sections. My results were that when on the main section with the new brown texture on the ground usaage steadily rose. When any vehicle was spawned on came and went there was a 20 meg spike when it showed but never rose after it was there and the same reduction when it left or was picked up. When not standing on that brown area ram usage was stable for me. I think it may have something to do with the texture that was used for the ground in the main area as ram was stable on the wood platform and away in the dirt and grassy areas. Some one test this out and see if it holds true on lesser and greater systems. Hope this little expreiment helps.
Sadly, I think there will be little to nothing to do. LAG and sluggish system in crowded or very complex area is a problem in the platform IMO. Same thing we can experience in Twin Peaks or any place like that. The landscape of CH is now quite complex, all those buildings you see in the horizon, chairs, details and so on... are present in the scene and occupy memory, and rendering GPU time. Unless you have a machine like Fopsie's one , lag (due to many people present) and memory hogs (due to scene complexity) are the least you can expect. And that's why generally people now avoids very crowded places (now, because VU9 with its lower gfx handled the situation better). An interesting thing to note is that while you are inside a command post... no matter how many people are there outside, the system is more responsive (graphically wise, network is another problem).
That is simply becaause there are less things to draw due to the limited view distance. Added to that no clouds and water for which the crytech engine is known to be a mem hog for.