Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante vs GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by CyberPunk, Oct 18, 2011.

  1. CyberPunk

    CyberPunk Member

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    Before I go on with what I'm about to say, out of good conscious, I feel I must admit I own an ARK-30 BP and am doing this to increase it's popularity. (If you are an avid Apis user and at first opposed to this thread, please take a moment to consider that ARK-30s increasing in popularity may help push down the prices of Apis.)

    Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante vs GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante

    Effective Markup Based DMG/PEC:
    (120%) Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante = 2.858 Dmg/Pec (I can sell to you in trade at this %)
    (120%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.858 Dmg/Pec (Supply at this % is very low)
    (121%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.855 Dmg/Pec (Supply at this % is very low)
    (122%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.851 Dmg/Pec (Supply at this % is very low)
    (123%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.848 Dmg/Pec
    (124%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.844 Dmg/Pec
    (125%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.840 Dmg/Pec

    Effective Markup Based cost of inflicting 350k points of damage: (350k ~ Effective damage through a full TT Dante on either gun)
    Cost = (350,000 / (dmg/pec) ) / 100
    (120%) Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante = 1224.63 PED
    (120%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 1224.63 PED (Supply at this % is very low)
    (123%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 1228.93 PED
    (124%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 1230.66 PED
    (125%) GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 1232.39 PED

    TT Costs: (Nobody's paying TT for these guns, this data is a bit irrelevant. However, I felt I should include it.)
    Effective TT DMG/PEC:
    Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante = 2.930
    GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 2.933

    Effective TT cost of inflicting 350k points of damage:
    Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante = 1194.54 PED
    GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 1193.32 PED​
    Herman ARK-30 (L) = 60m
    GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) = 58.3m

    Effective Damage/Second:
    Herman ARK-30 (L) + Dante = 51.2
    GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) + Dante = 59.5

    Minimum Skill Requirement:
    Herman ARK-30 (L) = Level 20
    GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) = Level 27

    Best effective markup based DMG/PEC (at current prices):
    Herman ARK-30 (L)
    (Save 1.552 PED per 1% over 120% paid for Apis, 5% is a difference of 7.76 PED)​
    Best range:
    Herman ARK-30 (L) by 1.7m​
    Best DPS:
    GeoTrek LP485 Apis (L) by 8.3 DPS​
    Lowest Level Required:
    Herman ARK-30 (L) by 7 Levels​
    My Conclusions:
    You now have the information and having been educated can come to your own conclusions. As such, you don't need my opinion.
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Love this weapon. Will probably be in touch when I am back on Arkadia in a couple of weeks.
  3. CyberPunk

    CyberPunk Member

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    If you're on Calypso I am selling on Calypso auction at 120%, I just don't want to list on Arkadia auction since I fear they may go unsold due to lower demand.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    dont need em on caly. got merps to kill...
  5. Boardian Chilix

    Boardian Chilix Active Member Pro Users

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    maybe you should lower your prices
    i find lame that you guys want to charge over 5% more to arkadian than caly residents, and them blame on demand
    maybe you are making arkadian needing to buy it at calypso as almost the difference of one gun is equal to transport cost
    i do the opposite of you to support the economy and as i think is the more fair thing to do, not rip the richness of this world to sell in other
    as i see it arkadian things should be more expensive in caly not the other way araund
  6. CyberPunk

    CyberPunk Member

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    I've never once listed an ARK-30 for sale on arkadia auction so please don't think I'm lame for trying to charge more there, I fear the sale not going through at any price. I'll be happy to meet there, when I am there, in person to make trades. I make finder amps on caly to mine resources on arkadia, so I'm travelling back and forth anyhow, just to mine, the prices I set on caly reflect the supply of similar guns (such as apis).
  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I will buy from you if you throw in a dante for a viable MU to use with these... The hard part is not the decission for the gun .. its the aquisition of the dante
  8. CyberPunk

    CyberPunk Member

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    I wish I could make you a dante but sorry I don't have the bp