Important! Space Pirates & Space Knights Section

Discussion in 'PvP' started by ArkadiaBot, Oct 13, 2011.

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  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Dear Planet Arkadia Forum Users,

    As you all know, back in June/July, we created a section of the forum where people could post threads regarding players that were Pirates and Knights, with the intention of supporting evidence being provided by reporting players. In the spirit of addressing what has previously been a taboo subject on many forums, the Admin Group decided to make the rules as relaxed and flexible as possible. The idea was that, seeing as the vast majority of the EU players are generally of an older age group, it could be assumed that this section could be managed with the minimum of effort on the part of the Moderators as the participation would be civil and generally more mature.

    Sadly, this turned out not to be the case. A series of incidents occurred, that resulted in the Moderators eventually shutting the section down. This in turn resulted in other incidents, a separate discussion on which is being continued elsewhere.

    As you are no doubt aware by this stage, in recent weeks there have been extensive discussions, amongst the Admin Group, on the current future of the Pirate/Knight section that we created. Many opinions have been considered and several alternatives have been proposed. We would like to thank all those people that have forwarded their suggestions regarding further administration of the section, as well as their feedback in general.


    At this time, the decision has been made to dispense with the section. We know, and understand, that this decision will not be a popular one for many people, so please be assured that this decision has not been made lightly.

    Furthermore, we would like to point out that no one group or person and no one incident has been the sole cause of this result. The decision was made after taking ALL AVAILABLE information into account.


    We are still open to feedback if you wish to provide it (See the relevant section of the Forum in doing so), but please be aware that the decision is not going to be reversed at this point in time.

    Thankyou for your attention in this matter.


    The PAF Admin Group

    PLEASE NOTE: If there is any content (such as the threads for groups etc) that you want saved, please find it in the section and send a PM to the Moderators including the link to it. We will keep the section open for the next 30 days before it will be sent to the forums "Death Row".

    Vantastic adds: This has now been moved to Death Row and all posts will be deleted in the distant future.
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  2. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    I do understand the reason of this decision and I will respect it in any way or form.

    However I would make a side note of my thoughts about it.

    The EU community is made mostly of mature people with only a small part which can't handle issue's like this.
    I find it a little sad to see that once again things will be settled only for this small part of our community.
    They are willing to act in game in a manner that most players won't condone but they are not willing to accept the results of there actions.
    We had a forum section that called them to there responsibility's, but just by complaining they managed to get that section closed.
    To my opinion, they just have to stop those actions or simply don't read that forum part or just accept the results of there actions.

    Anyway, that is my humble opinion.

    With best regards,
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  3. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm actualy glad this section is now down.

    It has way to much potential to become nasty and it has already shown up even with only a few reports on the section.
    I much rather prefer orginizasion based lists that is unofficial.
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  4. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Tack on another point for the crybabies as I had a feeling this would be the decision and have stopped posting here.

    Maybe use the trade forum occasionally but other than that, this decision has made me feel alienated.

    So long.

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  5. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    was it only me who saw the "good guys" also become bad in this section?
    Don't blame it on the little group, I saw many people behave and post immature things without facts there as well as people making themselves knights for no other reason then their own ego. If they had another reason then they should have waited and perhaps asked someone they rescued to nominate them, which I pointed out at least once.

    Sadly I dont think people will be mature enough to handle a section like this while the pirates is allowed to steal ped which is rl money, there will always be people no matter good or bad who cant handle it in a way to provide facts and if proven wrong step back and apologize.

    So watching how the section evolved I think you made the right call.
  6. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Here is a suggestion. When I was into the reef hobby, however outdated the info/thread may be, the info within may still be useful for people as references, as often it was important for people to read upon the old theories/methods and the changes that has since taken place.

    One of the forum I was part of had an R/O "deleted" section. All the closed/deleted threads were moved into that section by the mods to keep the active sections of the forum clear of clutter.

    Maybe we can do this with the now "deleted" pirate section and similar threads from now on?

  7. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    That is exactly what will happen so that people won't lose on their post count etc. *OP updated to reflect this*
  8. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    Did you guys want a list of known pirates and pirate hunters?

    As one of the dudes that hangs out at ark ss and defends random travelers since the IFN's reach stops at sphere, I got that list. Or maybe to avoid accusations and demands for proof and such, just list known societies that openly engage in acts of piracy? I know all the pirate hunters I know sure wouldn't mind their names listed as pirate hunters lol

    Be nice if my hard earned high karma quads paid off somehow, looks like ya guys gave a shot at getting MA to do something with space in terms of cops vs robbers :/
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  9. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Man is so easy to solve this. Why majority of players have to stick on little chunks of rock while others try to steal their hard earned work. Wanna keep pvp in space? Make it dynamic. Disable loot from players, or add alternative planet exits. The way it is now, thieves only have to sit and wait. If you want lootable pvp make them move their fat butts. Tell me how many players can afford a gun for their ship and fight back?
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  10. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    please check the dates before posting, this thread is 3 1/2 years old so please start a new one if you feel the need to bring it alive again

    • Funny Funny x 1
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