The Great Recruitment Project

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Raven Lunchbox, Oct 5, 2011.

  1. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    ---------------------------CALLING ALL ARKADIANS----------------------------------

    UGENT MESSAGE FROM: Arkadia Commuity Economics and Population Department

    CC: Commanding Officers on Arkadia and Community Advisors

    SUBJECT: Desperate need for assistance from entire Community

    Arkadians, we have recently discovered that due to powers out of our control our resource supply shipments will no longer be coming inbound on a quick and frequent basis from other areas of the Universe as we have come to grow accustomed to relying on in doing our day to day dealings.

    This has caused an abrupt stoppage to many of our industrial construction and mining sectors, with negative consequenses following on down all the way to our ARMY.

    We are now in need of 2 key things:

    A team of Space flight vehicles with personnel who can coordinate combined efforts to run trade routes regularly in squadrons. So to keep each other safe from the blatant and unchecked piracy that goes on in space so near our trade routes.

    Someone please volunteer to head up a team to organize the planning and execution of this ASAP.


    We have discovered through our studies that there is a direct relation on this planet between population and resources as well as the success of discovering new items of Unlimited value.

    Because of this we are calling for the Great Recruitment Project to be set into motion. Every colonist here has friends and family. Please discuss with them JOINING ARKADIA and helping our fight for survival. With each new colonist we will grow increasingly stronger, this will be our AWAKENING.

    We need to get recruiting ASAP, not a moment to lose. The faster our population builds the more we will succeed, discoveries made, industry, mining and trading will be booming.

    We NEED your help.

    We are requesting that every colonist on this little planet we call home, go out and recruit at least one person they know to be born again and share a life here with us on Arkadia.

    We are actively seeking a volunteer to head up the project, to record possibly new colonist activity and even how or from whom they heard about our great planet.

    Look for new events to come.

    ------------------------------------------------------Raven Lunchbox Palehorse-----

    -------------------------------END MESSAGE----------------------------------------
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  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I asked my cat. She's thinking it over.
  3. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    very good thats a start,,,, an how about friends with hands?
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  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorry am short on those. Cat wants to know if there are cheeseburgers in game. Should i lie?
  5. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Mate, I am reporting in. Just made the trip to Calypso, managed to dodge the pirates. I will gather intelligence and try and get the warp drive technology for Arkadia. I hope the infrastructure projects on Arkadia are completed soon, we need Vega class Hangar systems on Arkadia and hopefully a dedicated Motherships for Arkadia.

    I share your fears that limited resources are hampering our efforts to craft warp drive technology. Unfortunately smuggling is high risk at moment with planetary safe zone shields down.

    General Longstaff
  6. MIND

    MIND Member

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    Sir its awsome Sir
  7. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    ok here we go people
    option 1: recruit friends
    option 2: recruit family------you could aways tell your mother, remember how u said you would always support me, well nows that time.
    option 3: recruit coworkers
    option 4: recruit the bum that lives down the street in a box but owns an iphone
    option 5: recruit your enemies-----we can get the to the planet teach them ass backwards and talk them into being bait for pvp looter in space, and if that doesnt work, then we can always feed them to the oratan and korwil :)

    Guys and Gals, we all want this planet to succeed, everyone knows at least someone, the game is free to try, if they like it they will continue, if they dont, they WILL CONTINUE. muuuuuhhahhhhaaa.

    look at how many people play those stupid ass games on facebook. I know we can get our numbers up there. Lets get too it!
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I will help coordinate the import of off-world items for which Arkadia has no adequate replacements or for which the existing resources are insufficient. Examples would be alternative ingot from RT, brawler weapons, mindforce chips.

    However, I don't see that importing items which are available on Arkadia is good for the economy. To use a touchy example, muscle oil can be obtained by our own colonists if they would do more fishing, and this is an appropriate creature for our armies of bored new colonists to hunt. Relying on imports of universal resources needs to stop and our hunters and miners need to target resources which are in short supply.
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  9. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Lol i'll wait till the fish evolve, grow legs and walk out of the ocean. I'm willing to hunt anything, but not while swimming! :)
  10. Skywoulfe

    Skywoulfe Member

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    let caly (stuff and ppl) stay on caly! we dont need them. RT has some nice (L) weapons that even New colonists can use (shotguns etc) Ancient Greece has some Cheap old school weapons that are good for skilling with that are also cheap to repair (50% value break limit) lets close our borders, requit our own ppl, and learn to play the Arkaidian way instead of complaining that things arnt like they are on caly!

    We Dont Want A Calypso Clone!
  11. rick_janson

    rick_janson Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I agree.. Arkadia should be more on its own... And the changes to Space has opened that possibility..
  12. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    At the moment I cannot buy a qaud to help with this but I will def b getting one end of the month and will then be able to join the shipping fleet.

    In the meantime I am helping as many new ppl as I can to help our playerbase grow.

    The key to our success is in becoming more independent of the other planets, this is partly up to us and partly up to the a-team.

    We need to:
    1) Cultivate strong relationships between miners, hunters and crafters.
    2) Hunters and miners need to use arkadian equipment to help keep the economy strong.
    3) We all need to help especially the new players with good mentoring, we cannot afford a player to leave this game because they were stuck with a poor mentor who did not care about them.

    A-team needs to:
    1) Get textures out ... next vu
    2) More blue prints especially more uber level gear that can be exported.
    3) Give us hangars of our own.
    4) Shops & appartments need to come asap
    5) Akardian vehicles ... will bring much needed crafters and income (needs to really mostly on arkadian resources)