Skilling up to use BOTH hands...

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Erastothenes, Nov 26, 2010.

  1. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    Some ad-artwork for Entropia, a year or 2 back, had ava's holding pistols in BOTH hands (fighting drones). Hmm. Would it be cool to be able to skill up to use TWO pistols at once :)

    For skill/DMG balance et all this, if implemented, would have to take very high skills. Something like, perhaps, starting all over at skill zero for the second pistol or knife or what, and perhaps super-slow skilling up also.

    But it would be cool to go two-handed! Maybe this belongs in "wishlist"? if so, mod pls move it.

    always optimistic, eras
  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Gotta remember this with additions like that the cost will double or even more after the frst batch of nerfs. Specially when pvp'rs who cant afford to duel wield will cry like theres no tomorrow how unfair it is.
  3. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    It's something I'd love to implement in the future. The only way to do it would be to have an item that is double pistols, would throw all the balance out if you had someone using twin mod mercs. Same thing with twin daggers, axes, whips or swords.

    Obviously needs some work to the character model and animations though.
  4. Jamira

    Jamira Member

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    Not at all ... I am The Samurai Girl! Samurais use different swords. A big two handed and smaller blades in right and left hand with lower damage but higher frequency. My big question is: Are you able to implement new moves? Two small swords can be handled like ONE weapon but would need a comlete different movement. (Same for ranged weapons btw.)

    And since we are at this point: What about a spin strike for critical hits, eh? ;-)

    (Got that at an old C64 game already in 1985 if I remember right ... LOL!)
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  5. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I say it once, only weapon suitable for double hands would be boxing gloves ;)
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  6. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I just re read my previous post and realised what I had written was not really my intention.

    I agree that it could be 2 swords, two boxing gloves (love that idea), two clubs, two whips or whatever. Point I was making is that it would be a weapon as a set of two, equipped and used as a single item and have stats to match. It would make sense to have a faster usage rate with lower damage.

    In regards to whether we can change the avatar movement - I can't answer that YET! So twin weapons won't be available on Arkadia at launch.
  7. Jamira

    Jamira Member

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    A clear "No, not yet." is a way better answer than no answer or a "Uhhh, wait for surprises. We have a large list of things in the pipeline." ;-)
  8. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I agree. It's wonderful to have real communication here!!!
  9. M Rufen Power

    M Rufen Power Member

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    Whether costs are to go up because your ideally using two weapons doesnt really matter imo. One of the things I'm starting to learn is taking your enemy down afap. To take down an atrox young efficiently you need 66dps without misses. So you need 2 LR32's+A104's to do this. I cant hold two LR32's yet but me and a friend can ;). But then I would be getting all the skills instead of sponsoring my friend. But this could work for just about anything, especially for melee (powerfists) as it is heavily undeveloped on calypso. Somehow please make this possible for at least 2012!!
  10. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    Well, holding two twohanded weapons would be ... very cliche but in reality quite silly. A 'dual pistols' item would probably work, but it really would be cooler if you could use two of any. And I mean any. All kinds of games have dealt with "dual wield" over the past 30+ years (yes, I'm counting in various pen and paper rpgs here) and ultimately balance comes down to penalties to both weapons. Say... give the primary a penalty of 20 levels to hit & damage and the secondary a penalty of 50%+20 to hit and damage. So a off-hand Korss H400 would require 72 levels, and at 100 hit/damage you could use off-hand Isis HL8.

    Ok, maybe this is too tough and a simple 40 level penalty to off-hand would work. If it is weaker than that then market for higher end handguns would really suffer, I imagine. And you could get to ridiculous dps way too easily.
  11. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    Well could also have guns that can be held in your teeth. Toes is also another possibility :)

    Would certainly give new meaning to the saying, "Armed to the teeth" rofl....
  12. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    I'm in a agreement with remontoire.
    The idea of weapons that are sets known as 'duel wield weapons'...would be ehh...

    Just have it to were it makes sense... a weapon that could be held in one hand should be able to be held in each hand.

    Holding two pistols ---> Lowers accuracy for both pistols.
    Holding two short swords/clubs ---> Lowers damage/accuracy of second sword and the speed of the first sword.
    Holding two punch weapons ---> Lowers the speed of both punch weapons very slightly, and weaken the damage of the jabbing hand.
    Holding two whips ----> Lowers damage of both whips or Lowers speed of both whips.
    Plus variation with holding
    short swords/clubs with a whip,
    short swords/clubs with a punch weapon,
    short swords/clubs with a pistol,
    punch weapon with a whip
    punch weapon with a short sword
    punch weapon with a pistol
    so on a so forth with primary and secondary hand changes and stat changes.

    At extremely high duel wield skill + what ever other skills are necessary

    Holding two two-handed swords ---> Lowers damage/accuracy of second sword and the speed of the first sword.
    Holding two two-handed guns ----> Lowers accuracy ridiculously for both ....but it looks cool.

    If anything create a duel wield weapon set...and then later try to make the system more open ended... incrementally developing of the system.
  13. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    Really - having a "dual handguns" or "dual knives" or a "sword and sidearm" weapons would be cool, it would ultimately really just be a visual. A good start, sure, but it shoud be taken as only the first step towards the avatars really being able to use both hands. This is what we want, what we really really want ;) End to the "one equipped tool" paradigm!

    That said, where are my dual powerclaws? GIMMMEE! :D Visual eyecandy is often underrated, give us dual weapons as one item and you can have a year to develop the real things.
  14. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    I love the way Arkadia people get involved and answer on forum. Is my first post here and I am convinced this is the way to go.
    On topic, I think it would be cool to have such a system implemented, but it should require huge amount of skills.
    I mean, if you could only have this option trigered at let's say 100 hit and damage, and at that level the second pistol would work as if it has 0 skills, and it would be maxed at level 200 or 250, it would make sense for people to skill at those levels.

    Level 100-200 is an example, because you said something about dual MM.
    For lower level, you could have the option to go 2 handed some levels after you max the L weapon, and have the second weapon be in SIB after 2 times level of maxing the weapon alone.

    This would make it hard for anyone to ruin the balance in the game. Then again, as the community grows larger, having someone running around with 300 dps, won't be that bad.

    That and few nerfs on reload and range for both guns would make this a good and fun system to have. If when you use 2 handed you can only use 75% of each gun reload for example and 75% of range. It would still be a benefit to have it, but if would not be a benefit that would make you ruin the game for the rest of the game.
  15. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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  16. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Soo by saying make the level requirement in the uber levels range that would be your version of keeping balance? That all the real power stays in the top 5% of players in the game?

    Why not make the availabilty requirements be weapon dependant. If a L weapon maxes at level 5 or 500 that is when you coud viably use it to dual weild. Having or gaining the skill in dual weilding sub catagory for each profession is more realistic. That way ALL can use it and you ubers can still afford to buy your way into the best of the best as usual by eating a few chips
  17. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    Any dual wield balancing will have to take into account also the balance vs other, single wield weapons, not just dual wielding a weapons vs single wielding the same. We absolutely do not need another thing that shifts the balance towards everybody just using handguns. Amplifiers already do quite enough of that.
  18. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    I just thought of something... dual wielding weapons increases dps...but in a game with melee weapons... dual wielding should also have some form of shielding or something to drop the dps of another player.. Higher ups should be able to dual wield...hmmmm what are those shield called that the mobs in Halo use. Those transparent....Ah HA! final found what i was looking for. Something similar to the "Jackal Shield." For every Offensive set there should be a Defensive counterpart give or take.

    You should not be forced to nerf a weapon based on the weapon being to strong when you dual wield it. You should create defense weapons to counteract heavy offensive weapons.
  19. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I see what your talking about, but we've already been doing some two handed things. We use rifles, that's two handed and mining tools (extractors) that are two handed. All swords are two handed and many other things. I understand all your asking for is a 'Wow' type dual wielding thing to add more damage per second, but MA has never had that, and I really doubt that Arkadia will be allowed to do something so different, they have to follow MA's rules after all.