Just delete the whole pirate section

Discussion in 'PvP' started by Oboy, Sep 22, 2011.

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  1. sneaky

    sneaky Member

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    Very good point, unfortunately from respond to this thred it seems that overmoderating is here to stay.
  2. sneaky

    sneaky Member

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    I can:) and it's pity that you didn't give it a chance,and again as been said - you can always ban somebody.
  3. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    I'm sorry sneaky but I don't understand you:
    The point is that we did give it a chance, and it got way out of hand, so it needed to be stopped. I think that's moderation, and don't get how it's OVERmoderation.

    We hear you. So you know, banning is something we treat very seriously indeed - it's the final straw when other avenues are exhausted for keeping behaviour within the rules.

    Yes, we can ban people, but if we did it for the sort of rule breaches we saw in the Stagger thread, would you not be telling us that this is overmoderation?
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  4. .Xman

    .Xman Member

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    I agree this forum is overmoderated and threads get closed too often or go into moderation without an apparent real reason , specially if you talk about members of the Advisers' group or any other group connected to Arkadia .
    Yes they change things , but only when the problem is raised and a lot of ppl start complaining about that, Stagger's thread is a practical example, he would still be in the Adviser's group if ppl didn't start complaining about his behavior.

    I agree that Pirates and Knights section should be closed but as always , the thread I started in the section got closed in 24hours or so not letting everybody to state their opinions.

    I'm not surprised that the guy who called me a thief haven't even been moderated ...
  5. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm not really following the space pirates discussions, but I just popped in to say that i really like the moderation here, it keeps the general feel of the forum a lot more positive then on other forums. If i want to read drama, i can always go to pcf.
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  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I'm really getting tired of repeating myself:


    There is a reason why threads have been closed. Unfortunately a select group of people around here still feel the need to troll (Rule 3A) the subject out and whine about being overmoderated or undermoderated (Rule 2J). If you think that we overmoderated it, then I suggest you go to EF, EP or PCF and see how far you would get in asking for such a section to be made there...my guess is not very.

    As for banning people, as TimUnleashed stated above, we use banning as an absolute last resort. Only 1 person has been banned from PAF so far (though there are a few here getting very close to a temp ban at the moment) and we would like to keep it that way as we don't believe banning people really accomplishes anything. If we thought it would accomplish anything, the list would stand at 7 right now. Read into that what you will.

    The fact is, we tried to make an area where something that has NEVER been allowed before was given a chance. We tried to make the rules as lax as possible and allow people more wriggle room than usual. BUT, as is always the case, a select few took a mile when they were given an inch, and have ruined it for everyone else. Couple this with the blatant forum rules abuse and personal attacks that we Mods had to put up with, as well as a huge jump in workload and you can appreciate why we are now looking at killing the section completely.

    I will agree that IF we had established a firmer set of rules at the beginning then MAYBE we wouldn't have got here as quickly as we did. Maybe, maybe not. The rules that were written took into account that the people using the section would be mature and civilised in its use. The fact that we are where we are now would seem that that account has been heavily contradicted. Regardless, at this time the point is moot.

    Now, as I've said before, and as the announcement Van has placed on the top of the forum section says, the future of the section is under review. When we have decided one way or the other, we will let you all know. Till then please give it a rest. As before, if any more threads about this turn up they will be closed and/or deleted.

    EDIT: If you further wish to criticise the way we do things here then abide by the Forum Rules and take it to PM as per Rule 2J or go to the Forum Rules feedback thread and discuss the rules there. If you find you cannot abide by the Forum Rules (that you agree to each time you post) then please do not post any further as we do not wish to cause you offence when we Moderate/Edit/Delete your posts and or Warn/Infraction/Ban you for breaking the rules.
  7. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Not sure that this is a fair comment. As far as I understand we do tend to give real reasons for our actions, and it's usually the result of multiple rule breaches.

    This is staggering (pardon the pun). At what point would you like us to change things, exactly? Before the problem is raised? Not in response to multiple requests from the community?

    Would you like us to be making decisions completely unrelated to, and not in response to, how the community feels?

    Let me see if I've got this straight. Here is what you want from us, all in the one thread:
    • To not be responsive to the wishes of the community, but instead perhaps predict the future or something
    • To ban people for rule breaches where we currently give them multiple warnings and try to guide them in the right direction
    • To NOT overmoderate
    • To let threads run their course after they get out of hand, rather than enforce the rules that everyone agrees to before they post.

    You want us to be harsher and less responsive, but you think we overmoderate.

    I'm very quickly coming to the point where no matter what we do, it will be impossible to please you, .Xman.

    Can you show me where this is the case? Sounds like an aberration on our part. I thought we did moderate that.
  8. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    OMG xman are you still going on about the same stuff.

    I have given you a chance when you decided to turn back from the pirate side by handeling you as a normal player in space but taking into acount your actions sins the stagger insident I hereby notify you that you have failed in my personal reevaluation of your status and have been added back into my KOS & black list and marked to not be removed. So you can now regard me as Hostile in space and will be shot on sight.

    Reasons for failing.
    1: Conflicting statements
    2: Attatude
    3: Bragging about being the cause of one of the advisers stepping down.
    4: Flamewaring constantly on the forum and complete disregard of forum rules.
    5: Continuing to go on about the thread being locked or modorated even when it has been explained to you multiple times why it has happened. You wore mostly the cause of why the thread had to go to moderation due to your flamming of the Adviser group and not the individual.
    6: Trying to pass that stagger got some sort of special treatment while you wore left for the wolfs when infact you wore given multiple chanses to have your thread closed and pirate tag removed that you said was ok. Then complain when stagger's thread got closed after he asked for it to be closed saying you had not recievied the option. You flammed constantly on that thread attacking the Adviser program instead of the guilty individual and because of that the thread was locked for moderation and guess what stagger went and named himself after that knowing that if he left it just there trolls like you will go ape so why are you still complaining about that thread when the end result is still the same?
    7: Still making false claims on the forum that we Advisers get some sort of special treatment and continuing to try and cause trouble even after being proven wrong multiple times and having it explained to you over and over again what the situation is and why stuff like that happens.
    8: Causing trouble for the sake of personal enjoyment.
    9: Nominating yourserlf as a Knight when you clearly don't even understand honor nor right from wrong.
    10: Attacking forum mods for following the setout rules while disregarding the rules even after being told what the rules are.
    11: Still going on about stagger when its over and done.
    12: Creating multiple threads for the sake of flaming about the same thing even after being told that its being handled and that creating a new thread is pointless, then complaining that the thread was closed and creating a new one again.
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  9. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    My personal view on this section is.

    It offered some level of RP but unfortunatly its a forum trolls dream come true and therefor I think it will be a good idea to remove the section completely or redesign it.

    I recomend that it be changed that Pirates can name themselfs and not other players name them (this will allow those that wish to be listed to be while at the same time removing personal disputes caused by other players naming a pirate, the Knight section should remain nomination only.

    Personaly I would rather see the section completely removed then redesigned but that is up to the forum mods and Arkadia team to decide.
  10. Stagger

    Stagger Member

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    all i can say is ...

    .. yep, thanks :)
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  11. Fishfood

    Fishfood Member

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    since you guys like to bring out the rules, i will bring out another kind of rule.

    I would like to enact a scenario here with regards to the happenings in the arkadia forum....

    although you guys(mods) have been wanting to have a beautiful garden,
    you should know that your farmers(advisors) have to handle with all the dirt and crap before everything can be beautiful, so they have to get down right dirty which one of the farmers do not know beforehand.

    however, with all the beautiful flowers, come all the birds, bugs and the bees.

    but comes one day, that particular farmer, although he had been a good farmer, start to get frustrated for things happening in the garden and started to steal honey from the bees which all these hardworking bees had been around diligently producing their honey with pride.

    So one day, the bees starts to sting the farmer badly becos they had been cranky, for he had been stealing their beloved honey constantly.

    although the farmer had now left your garden, the bees still have been cranky, as they are still worried cos the condition in the garden still do not seems to be right, and they still want to protect their beloved honey. so the bees continue to sting every farmer thats passes by.
    and now more bees start to join in the stinging.

    and although the hive have been removed.
    more hives starts to come up.

    see the scenario, mods?

    so now... what will you do to the bees?
    and you know a garden cannot do without the bees.

  12. sneaky

    sneaky Member

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    My point is that that closing a thread is a final straw,that could be prevented by temp banning a particular individual thus saving a whole thread for everybody else to enjoy.And i don't think that cooling some hot head is overmoderation.
  13. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Fishfood, I'm really not sure what your scenario here is trying to convey but if you send me a PM with an explanation I'll happy to discuss things with you if you have a particular point to make.

    In this Sneaky, we will agree to disagree. We see banning someone (whether temp or perm) as the last straw and would much rather close a thread and PM the person and discuss things with them in private, than have all sorts of crap and trolls flood into the public areas of the forum - which is exactly what has happened in the forums we let run.


    Some of you may not agree with the policies we have and you are entitled to your opinions but that is the way things are done here and those are the rules we set out. Membership of this forum is voluntary; noone is forcing you to be here. If you wish to remain members, then its simple matter of following the rules. If you don't wish to remain members then that's fine too, though it would be a shame to lose anyone as I personally believe everyone here has some good ideas and information to contribute at various points.

    Now, once more I will ask nicely, please give it a rest and let us work out what we are going to do with the Pirates/Knights section, after which we will post an announcement informing all parties as to what we are going to do.
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