How long till we have hangars on Arkadia?

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by GeorgeSkywalker, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    Was wondering if we'll have hangars on Arkadia close to when it opens or will it take longer? if longer how many new players would arkadia need to release their own hangars?
  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    with all these planets they are gonna need a shit load of hangars to provide transprotation.. the old system was a cluster fuck with only 12 or so "Working" pilots. Personally I think them coming back will be yet another nail in the coffin.
  3. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    Hangers will decrease in value big time as players on arkadia that are new wont even know what hangers will do. But arkadia and other planet partners should ahve them. On the other hand i think it would be wise for MindArk to make the hanger system planet indepent so MindArk keeps control of the space etc.
  4. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    yeah I would like to know the answer to OP question too!
  5. Zeke

    Zeke New Member

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    Agreed :-/

    Must spred rep blah.. blah..
  6. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I would like to give you a very direct answer on this but I can't. Suffice to say that like everything, Hangars are linked to player numbers to ensure balance is maintained. I don't think there was ever any lack of hangars in EU, but rather a lack of active pilots. I was a pilot in game myself for around 3 months which was great to meet lots of people, but the waiting was tiresome. We'll have to see what the new systems does to change that. I think with many more destinations (other than just CP and CND), the whole space travel scene will be very different than before.
  7. GeorgeSkywalker

    GeorgeSkywalker Banned

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    Thanks for answering David.

    Well guess to many variables at this stage for us to accurately predict how they will reimplement hangars. They could go down various routes e.g. where catching a flight is automated, everyone can travel to planets via personal spaceship(L), same as before but now actual flight controls while in space...

    Which ever method they use will teleporting to planets be switched off? or will perhaps remain but at an increased cost as compared to spaceships?

    If tp's to planets are switched off or indeed left on at higher cost than spaceships then there is likely to be an imbalance i.e. Calypso has hangars and if other planets don't have hangars at start up then travel between planets is going to be even more of a problem than it used to be...

    So most likely we'll have personal spaceships(L) to address balance or other planets will have hangars...

    Anyway Skywalker Airlines has a nice ring to it :D I may buy a hangar on another planet if they are more affordable now...
  8. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    We are getting trickling info from MA/SEE about this but as usual its still nothing definitive.

    At this stage it appears that the tp's will stay and hangars/ships will be introduced in a couple stages.
    Stage 1 will be as just unlimited ships in the first SEE release of the this year.
    Stage 2 will be interplanetary travel with possibilities of 'adventures' on the journey.At who-knows-when.
    Interpret that how you will.

    So there is no mention of tp's being removed at least in the mean time but we will have to wait and see exactly what functionality the new ships will have before we see what the ultimate goal is.
    If they become nothing more than the interplanetary taxis that they were the price may drop-or basically start again at a more reasonable price-but if it comes to space battles expect prices to skyrocket regardless of numbers.
  9. Cani Ostro

    Cani Ostro Member

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    Biggest issue is that people want to travel when -they- want and not when a pilot is available. This is the biggest issue imo in the former (and again?) concept of hangars and pilot. While it is a nice addition to the game it totally sucks for players that only spend casual time on the game. Me personally don't want to spend my one hour playtime in the evening waiting for a pilot to log onto the game.

    Hangars = Spacetravel -> yes. Pilots needing to be sitting at their computer for travelling -> no. I think it should be something like the auction list. Make a list of hangar owners and let people sign up via the list for a flight. When the number is full, they get a message or alert to go to the nearest launch site (not the site where the hangars stays). All automatic. Even this system will suck, if persons that signed up don't shop up, but if the flight price is charged with signup, it would not matter how many actually fligh with the ship. Costs are paid anyway. If a hangar owner doesn't log on for one, two, three or x days or so, he gets removed from the list, to prevent abandoned hangars sucking peds from people. Flight price could be set by the pilot, rest does the "flight auction list". It could actually be a real auction for the seats because if its filled faster you might want to pay more to get up faster.

    However even this system would suck for me, because like I said, I want to travel when I want to and not when anyone else tells me/ makes me to.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What ever the system.. greed in EU will screw it up. Dont think the price to go will be lower then 40 ped...God help us if they disable interplanetary teleporting as I would bet my last ped the price would hit 50 ped or more to go to a planet. MA is greedy we all know that so plan on the fuel consumption and decay on the ships to be astronimcal. Plan on pilots using that as an excuse to charge high rates as well.

    At any rate personally I will only pay once. When I get to Arkadia that will be the last move I do.
  11. dee

    dee Member

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    The problem was that it was such a hassle to be a pilot, not how many hangars there were.
    I would have loved to be a more active pilot, but with too few customers, long waiting hours, bugs and abusive language thrown at the pilots it was not worth the fews PEDs I was able to get.

    The whole travel system needs to be changes, and when that change has come we can see how many hangars is needed.
  12. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    lesser of two hassles

    When the hanger system was in operation, I used maybe 5 years, something like that. I never could get into the way it was done. I like the TP approach because it's 'always available, always ready' even though they charge for it, not not like having to rely on someone to always be around when you have the time to come and go. Having your own ship would solve the problem but EU won't let the prices on ships fall to where people can afford them for personal transportation, so I say, let the TP's there, at least we know we can come and go and what the set price is.
  13. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    That sounds to me more like your own doing..There were many a night I waswanting to either go to cnd or go back from cnd that pilots had 3 people and refused to fly till they found a 4th. You people could have made 6 trips with 3 and profited vs waits 4 + hours to make one run with a full ship. Poor buisness decissions and the pilot union was the problem with that whole scenerio.

    Regardless its a borked system and I dont see MA having any want to fix it for the benefit of anyone but themselves and then passing down added cost to the players thru the pilots.
  14. Iulrorck Bark

    Iulrorck Bark Member

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    pilot unions was a nice thing allowing ppl to wait less and assuming regular earning for each pilot, there is still the wait but it s because there is few ppl only. i m a pilot. anyway depending the system change. if each estate is owned it means we need bring ppl at cnd then another pilot need take them to arcadia, or pilot need buy a hangars on arkadia. i ll try save money for buy one, is this system is keep. but i m afrais about the cost, oil consomption need a reevaluation
  15. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    If there's one thing I know for sure ... questions get answered here, even if there's not a lot of information that can be shared at the moment, at least we aren't ignored, and I for one am incredibly grateful for this, so thank you Dave and A-Team for caring enough about the community to stay in touch and giving value to what we think and question.

    We are spoiled. :)

    It's also going to be interesting to see what the new space travel system will be like.
  16. ruslan

    ruslan Member

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    I don't think the system should be as automated as the Auction. Automation sucks if it's not based on markets and demand, If people don't pay for these things they do not appreciate the usefulness of such things and often take it for granted.

    1. It would be much better if loot was used in a way to benefit some features of automation.
    2. I'd like to see pilots being more active with their investments.
    3. I'd like to see crafters making parts for pilots & pilots delivering stuff to crafters in an interplanetary trade.
    4. Unions - BAD, this would only slow down the economy and the circulation of PED.
    5. I wanna see pilots gain skills, so there's a certain diversity and individuality in things a pilot can do.
    6. I wanna see passengers get skills or some type of reward in points for using the system to do trade and provide competitive prices for looted items.
    7. I wanna see pilots arrange for onboard drinks, snacks and entertainment as well as an ability to look out of a VIP window to see planets from above the orbit.
    8. Bigger ships & a crew with an ability to walk around, help with ship maintenance and maybe do a few missions on board of a ship.
    9. I wanna see space suits and asteroid damage.
    10. I wanna see a bigger attention brought to the markets based system, where each small thing a participant does is valued by a certain skill or a reward, no matter of it's TT value. Rarity, diversity would take care of the real value.

  17. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I completely agree here. I would really like to see big ships which take 5, 10, even 20 people to fly them. They all would be working together to achieve the goal of flying, or space mining.. etc. Missions in space would be cool too. So many possibilities!
  18. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I believe that IF ships are used, it will be too expensive for the average player. MacDonalds didn't make billions seeing how much they could charge, but there wasn't a second when they weren't busy. If they remove the transporter system and replace it with a pilot system similar to what they had before, I'll probably stick to one or two planets and never travel. If small, one person ships could be made and bought for an amount that a private person (average not investor) could afford, I might buy one for myself, but only if there's something to do in space, like mining or salvaging from debris fields.

    The average person doesn't want ships for transportation for one reason, they want to 'be there instantly' if they travel, so seeing out the windows and sitting back with drinks is silly,and has no purpose besides looks (you gain nothing health-wise) almost no one would use it, and if ships needed 5 or more people to make them usable, then they would seldom fly, since you'd have to organize your whole life to be online together.I like ships, I'm a futurist myself and amateur writer about some games and tv shows about the future, but the people who want slow, detailed space flight are very rare, people want instant gratification.
  19. ruslan

    ruslan Member

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    I think a lot of this has to do with diversity. If there are enough things to do for people of all levels of economy, you would not have to make a choice of whether to buy a ship or not. The choice would be evident and you would do what you think you do best inside your means. Just like in RL, majority of people do not concern themselves too much about the fact that they are quite average and do not own a 300foot yacht, even tho it would be nice if you could wish for something and get what you want instantly.

    The scenario your imagining is something from Wally by Pixar, where all people do is vegetate around the spacestation and sip on high fructose drinks. I was suggesting a more involved approach. Like checking cargo for illegal substances, finding criminals/pests or crafting medicine incase someone gets sick during travel.

    And, you're kinda contradicting yourself when you say sitting back with drinks is silly and at the same time want instant gratification. What could be better then sitting down in a VIP section with a cold drink after a successfully completing a mission or taking the 1st prize in an onboard event, while enjoying a view of the galaxy through a big for a minute or 2, and having your picture taken and posted on an ingame HOF board. :)

  20. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Like I said...The more talk about this the more an a disater I can picture it being. I shall only use the system once be it tp or ship.