Buying Cap-404, ASI-40 series pistols

Discussion in 'Buying' started by KikkiJikki, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I have a ongoing need to buy Cap-404 or Asi-40 (standard,Arctic,Desert,or Jungle) weapons while the hunting competition is in progress as I use them up quite quickly.

    I'm looking to pay less than MU, cos if I wanted to pay full price I would just go to auction. I get a discount, you get a quick sale.

    Once the comp is over I will drop back to more eco, lower dps setups so this offer is good for the next month, depending on the capacity of my ped card and the weapon stockpiles I manage to build up.

    I may also be interested in the occaisional Law-404 but they last me much longer so I am not so eager to purchase those.

    Drop me a pm or find me at Sanctuary Cove if you are interested in doing a deal.

  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  3. starfinder

    starfinder Member

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    I got a hold of a CAP-404(L) bp.. So I have a few for sale.

    Doing a run of 20 clicks, it came to a "break even" price at 175%.
    With the markup of 175%, the dmg/pec is 2.85.

    With the average markup of an apis, its dmg/pec is 2.86 - and its a rather popular gun.

    Please tell me which % you would like to buy the CAP's for.
    (One of the CAP's I have have insane tier rates, like 1500 to 2500 in all 10 tiers)


    Edit: The last sales of the standard cap-404 has a markup of 194%...
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Hi Starfinder

    I had hoped to pay less than the figure u mentioned as break-even as I have previously paid between 160 and a little over 170 for looted jungle and arctic editions but I can hardly expect you to take a loss. So I will sleep on it and follow up with a PM. I guess the good news is that MU impact on eco is only on the decay which I estimate is less than 20% of the cost per shot. Can you please let me know the decay per shot of the CAP-404? its not currently in Entropedia.
