Hello there I've been crafting components on ark to try and fill out my bp book here but seem to be looting a goodly number of calypsian bp's . Simple I springs, basic filters etc.... just a heads up. All the best Dibbler
Up to the devs to say for sure, but from all the discussion so far this does not appear to be a 'bug'. The majority (or at least a large number) of Calypso bps are now 'universal' bps, in a shared folder for all planets rather than exclusive to Calypso, so yes, they will drop from any other planet's bps as generic loot. It is also the reverse for now, which may or may not be a bug as well, in that Arkadia bps can and do drop from some Calypso bp crafting, and I'd guess the same for other planets who have thier own bps. I believe that is tied at least though to the location where you are crafting them, so for example you must be on Arkadia to loot Arkadia bps from any other.
I was crafting on arcadia, just seemed kind of odd that caly bp's dropped here but not vice versa. thanks for the reply