Important! Curb The Oratan Food Supply Event (3rd Sept to 16th Oct, 2011)

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by Cyrus, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I would have to agree, that many are uninspired in competing for fear of ubers coming in early or in the last couple weeks and grinding away all the prizes. since the rules cant be changed now obviously, i have seen some suggestions, however
    starfinder. you were talking about a system based on what people normally hunt or similar too, the problem i see with that is some of us, myself included sometimes or often hunt things above our level with imp mod or some time of pay per hour or pay per decay fapper, In this event that would not be the case so me for example, if you were using your possible future solution, I would be in a cat or maturity that i really couldnt handle, because when i do high levels its with L armor and fapper, normally for a mission.

    I do think a skill or prof. level based tiering system would be more useful.

    For me personally, what I hate the most is the fact that the people who can actually use the weapons and need them are not the ones that will get them. an uber will get them, and turn around and sell them, leaving the people who need them either without, due to not enough money to buy, or paying for what they should have been able to try to win.

    Nobody wants to watch michael jordan compete in basketball against a little kid. This is what its like when you have ubers against mid and low level players.

    On another note, you have to take into account the fact that ubers do everything cheaper than the rest of us because they are more eco. so the longer the event the more benefit they have, also when almost all the loot return is low and tt food, this destroys most of us early on. Within the first week of the comp I have lost about 6k ped. Just an example. Very little if any hunting loot sells on arkadian market, for us to grind for 6 weeks we either have to have uber funds, or tt stuff because little sells, either way, its in favor of the uber, on this.

    I hope this info helps. Its not meant to be a rant but constructive feedback
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I just wanted to say huge gz to you and Sententz for your efforts so far. I'm watching the raw global data and you 2 are the standout performers in Cat 5 so far. I don't know if you will be able to hold off Stryker or Dan over the long competition period but if you do win it will be well deserved.

    It's a pity that with a few exceptions, crafters havent turned up to help us out by buying and using the loot. My MU stackables are now close to TT food with sale frequency down despite the cheaper prices.

    But I'm still having fun and am going to hang in there as long as I can.

  3. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    Crafters are here, but unfortunately there is very little in hunting loot that are usable for current Arkadia bps. A few weapon bps use some animal oil, same with components. Furniture uses a bit more oil and the wood. Besides that pretty much everything else that could use the hunting loot can be done on Calypso, and for much cheaper.

    Once Arkadia gets some tailoring blueprints it should be much better for the hunters.
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks for the feedback Svena
  5. Kerham

    Kerham Member

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    What you said is true for all cathegories: players kill ostelok stalker (120 hp) with LR41 or first gen electrick lvl5, for guns wich are equivalents of korss 380 respectiv p5a/hl8 and which they obviosuly won't want to use, because such guns require slow kills.

    Or on second cathegory, oro stalker (320 hp - argo young) with 70-80ish dmg guns to compete for prizes lower than current guns?

    Or on third catheogyr using adj v1 to try to win a knife which is equal to p5a?

    I doubt that most of competitors actually want those prizes to use them. People just compete in cathegories where they can be cool and they can win, that's all the logic. If you want a rule which to bar ubers from competing on huon (altho huon is uber mob..), then you need a rule which to bar medium players to compete on ostelok or halix.

    Aside from all that (or inline), you're on another continent than the prize on your cathegory and your complaint is pathetic. At 8 month since your first global you should still be hunting argos or drones. You're just another confused player who's paying this game more than it should and, exactly because of that, will never reach the uber status and will quit this game in 1 year top complaining how is too expensive and blabla.
  6. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Thanks for the vote of confidence KJ, I am having the same problem, having to tt oils, woods, components, and especially wools, hides, leathers. It is really eating up my pedcard. I hope that something is done about loot distro soon. I feel like im hunting levis with daki loot. Too many no loots, there are lots of globals, but they dont bring me near break even, i average at least 200ped loss each hunting run. and 3 or 4 runs a day takes its toll. I have had 3 profit hunts out of around 20 or so hunts so far. The loot really needs to get a tweek. If the youngs were dropping output amps, and i could mine pyrite on ark, then i could at least craft a bit with what i loot. other than that, ive had terrible crafting runs on what i try as well, im not sure if its just my bad luck or if there are not enough crafters crafting on ark.

    KJ good luck to u in the comp too.
  7. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    obviously your a silly person who doesnt know how to research before you run off at the mouth. Agro? Really? I have over 200k skills 90% or more earned not bought. I use a maxed cb26 and was one of the top 5 finishers in the NWO RT mission. You have obviously mistaken me with someone who has not worked there ass off for 8 months. The ARK40 IS the next gun in line of SIB for me to use. So another continent no, not at all. I wont get into an argument with u about who has put in more peds or whatever, my stats time ET and gear speak for itself. And although my et tracker is only around 70k total loot, check teams with the name BRX or Brutal Redux or Kuwait Internet Sucks or insert cool name or about a thousand others i have used. I killed teladon for the first 8 weeks that arkadia was open until my losses got to high from MA's nerf of the loot pool, which is still there. but still come back and kill and mine and stuff since then.

    So why is it again that i should be hunting drones and argo?

    I AM NOT CALYPSIAN, ARKADIAN, ROCKTROPIAN or whatever u call the islanders. I am an Entropian. I have and will continue to balance and play on all planets, as i feel that they all need equal interaction, none are my favorite.
  8. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well I really want those weapons in the Huon category. I need an UNL Sib rifle of some sort. I am maxed on those and they have the dps (and hopefully dpp) for the mobs I hunt. Its a bit harder to judge with the fap but once again UL sib, maxed looks good and will almost certainly be more eco than the vivo T50 I use for combat fapping.

    If I wanted the weapons from the category below, then I would compete in that category.
  9. Dreicc

    Dreicc Member

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    1 week already and not much player take part of the event so i assume some "mutated" player (those who not need to sleep) will come soon and take first place on the 2 last category in few day.
  10. girtsn

    girtsn Member

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    Yea some rule should be added stating explicitly that 24-hour shooting is considered cheating.
  11. girtsn

    girtsn Member

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    A mutant arrived,
  12. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    Dunno how long I can keep this up I am already tired of grinding away at the same mob... because of studies and no motivation coupled with some bad loots lately I have already dropped 2 spots in my category. This comp was a good idea from the arkadia team but I am sorry to say just not thought out well enough. If you want an event to continue for 6 weeks you should install a daily cap on how many hours someone is allowed to grind the mob.

    The 6 weeks thing just feels like an old MA pedsuck to me.... and I was hoping you guys as players were better then that. If you want to just suck the ped out of our cards then make some insane mutant mob like the trox queen and have them spawn 24/7. That will get you all the peds you want from the idiots without sucking the life out of this game for the real hunters.

    I will give the hunting a try again tomorrow but if its more of the same I am out... not going back to Calypso... just switching off EU for a few months. This kind of grind is no fun at all.... and fun is why I play this game and hunt at the level I do.
  13. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    i have now seen puppy drop out of my cat, mordrell possibly dropping crystal dropped, and i am considering it. This really is not going well, big neg returns on almost every run while some players can magically play 24/7. Not to mention the fact that the some ubers are already in the mix and others will come im sure after the loot pool is nice and full, they will loot the ATH's and win the prize, its no fun knowing the outcome and dmg to pedcard. A RULE that should have been put in place was u start of first day, not after migrations and other events. the first day. Thats when competion began. I know when u run a race u show up, your disqualified if late, same in ohhhh.. just about any competition there is. I think one of the worst things about this is there isnt even an iron challenge with som atrributes or small skill gains people can get for at least participating. just bad loot.
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorry to hear people are thinking of dropping. This was always going to be an event for people with persistance and peds. Thank goodness I had overtime on the weekend.

    As for the 24/7 players, one thing MA could do for Ark PP is check the connection logs for top 10 in each cat on a weekly or daily basis. If an avatar is logging in from ip addresses from significantly different goegraphic locations then thats an indication of possible multiplayer shennanigans. Other than that I'm not sure what could be done. Some people can actually stay awake for extended periods.
    And top players obviously have just as much right to compete as the rest of us.

    One way people could look at this is that 6 weeks is so long that time spent playing is not the limiting factor but your budget. If you set yourself a total budget, how efficiently can you play to get the maximum number of kills (globals being kind of proportional to kills) for your ped? This encourages you to play more eco. I havent been able to keep up with the top ranked in my cat because my dps is limited by my desire to keep a reasonable dpp. Maybe if I can lose less than others, I can last a bit longer and global more over the total period. Yes I know I am an idealist but its an interesting thought.

  15. Dreicc

    Dreicc Member

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    u can add :

  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Just on the Teledon globals you are tracking. I see Hidden Avatar. That could be more than one avatar. Starfinder will be able to tell but we wont know one way or the other.
  17. Dreicc

    Dreicc Member

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    yeah will be nice if starfinder check this because i'm 100% sur (weekly top 5 hunter don't hide the name) it's the same avatar and it's choose the hidden option on tracker for one reason he try to hide that many player use the same avatar for play 24h/24h. So first it's not fair for event like that but it's against the eula so now i wait to see action take by arkadia staff and ma.

  18. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yep I see the avatar you are referring to.
  19. m0000

    m0000 New Member

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    Wow, I haven't read so much bullshit in quite a while, funny how wrong you can be and still keep on spurting your bs. 1) I made an ET account very long ago, i made myself hidden very early, Starfinder can verify this. 2) what do you know about top5 hunters being hidden, are you joking me? 3) I did a long session yesterday, I'll do a long session today, and the next day, and the next, and so on and so forth, until irl stuff comes up. If you don't have enough spare time, that is not my problem. 4) Starfinder can confirm its not a team thats getting the globals. Nice to see how insecure the #1 and #2 pos are, insecure enough to post lies and also total bullshit. If you want I'll sit in voicechat (mumble) with any judge for the remainder of the event to confirm its 1 person playing one avatar, but, then I expect all others (dreicc and smilgs) to do the same.
  20. girtsn

    girtsn Member

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    If you continue this rate (20h / day), I would really love to hear that crazy person on they other end mumble after a week. I agree its possible to do 20h for a day, maybe 2-3.
    What I really hate is
    * you entered after a week, knowing if you had started like this on the first day nobody would try to keep up, at least not for the 1st place
    * you say I am liar - please show where I lied
    * and most importantly, there should be a limit by MA / event organizers. It's sad there is none. Afaik some people died from playing extensive hours, wouldn't want that to happen, even for a virtual gun :D
    Not saying anything about hiding the avatar on ET, its allowed and I don't care.