Missions Mission and Mission counter

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Yquem, Sep 1, 2011.

  1. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I hope we will have some missions that's not only counting mobs but count mobs depending on there maturity.

    In the last MM it was like Young gave 1 point and Stalker gave 10 points.

    As a higher skill player i would like to do missions but just shooting young to get a mission fast is borring. I would prefer the option where different maturity of the mob gave different points.

    When will we have a Korwil mission :)
  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    I really like the idea Yquem, however it's not something we'll be implementing with the next round of missions.

    It is great for events though which I'm sure we'll do in the future.
  3. Stagger

    Stagger Member

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    sounds like a really fair way of handeling missions to me,
    that would certainly save the higher leveled people from having to farm low mobs to quickly gain the mission done.
  4. Elford

    Elford Member

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    Same Here. I prefer to kill the highest maturity I can handle. The way things are on Calypso practically all the LA that have mission critters are set to lowest maturity.
    What a complete :tired: fest.
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  5. ElijahBaley

    ElijahBaley Member

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    as someone already noted commenting the new hunting competion.. you could enable the revised mission system to be a "support system" for events too, as a tracking system..

    Enabling this would have at least two benefits imo:

    - you have to subscribe to the mission/event: this helps not forcing you to limit your online time if participating to a seasonal time limited event (like MM).. subscribing only when prepared and ready to attend the event.. and this would support you in easily creating/partecipating to overlapping events too

    - a mission/event counts mobs ..so this acts as a "limit" and you could avoid to set up limited time events and you are still preventing 24/7 cheating at the same time; or, at the contrary, you could set up short time limited events with additional "counters goals".. like "can you kill 1000 in 1 day???" using both the constraints at same time

    - this don't necessarily relies on Entropia tracker and this could be an advantage in some scenarios

    anyway can't wait to see new missions! :)

    really good work ATeam!