Question: How to determine protection based on measured decay

Discussion in 'Armour' started by KikkiJikki, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I've been contemplating spending a bit of time trying to establish %dam from various mobs but I'm missing some info which makes it a bit tough.

    My thought was, as per other discussions, allow a mob to hit me in armours that offer various types of protection and measure the decay. From the decay, calculate the protection from that armour.

    But I am having problems determing protection based on a known amount of decay. There is a really good entropedia article that is based on a post in PCF. It explains armour and decay and has formulas to determin decay for a given amount of protection.

    For example: For armour with durability less than 100000
    decay = (0.003 * dmg^1.75 + 0.05 * dmg) * (1 - Dur/100000).

    But I need to change that into something that reads like:
    Dmg = .....

    But my maths skills have deserted me.

    Can anyone help?
  2. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    No, I've never seen any way to rearrange the formula to make damage the subject.

    I use Excel to calculate the decay based on an input damage and durability, and then use trial and error with the damage variable until I get the right answer (or one that's very close, it's not usually exact).

    It's important that you understand how plates and armour work in combination if you're doing these tests. Usually it's much easier to use unplated armour anyway.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    thanks I thought that might be the way I have to go.