Interesting REVELATION in mining on Arkadia!

Discussion in 'Mining' started by Dylan, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    After doing MANY mining runs after the VU, and charting out what resources I am finding, I have come to understand how the new mining works, and I have to say, I like it A LOT! Rather than 9 large regions, as we had on our old mining map, it is much much different.

    Certain resources are found in very localised positions. The size of a land area, or even smaller. I identified several of them in the map I posted here some days ago, and have discovered several more since. This is great, as it will allow us to pick and choose resources (of course not totally, as usually about 4-5 resources are found in the areas) that we mine for!

    Let's get out there and discover them all. If anyone has found a great spot for Zolphic Oil, please let me know.

    Kudos to Dave and the team for a very useful adjustment to mining.
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  2. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    The new mining changes where very favourable for the miners I can certainly confirm that from my own mining runs. :) Some nasty lyst/oil? areas are still there... but once you know where they are you can avoid them. Once I figured that out my markup returns in mining where pretty damn awesome. The only problem that remains is that the markup is currently theoretical since noone buys the stuff. :D
  3. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    Things don't sell because miners put common and uncommon resources up at as high as 200-300%! if you put at reasonable price, most stuff sells in a day or 2.
  4. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    I've gathered some info while mining, check my blog (link on sig)

    Feel free to use any info You'll find there, if it's useful for Your own runs.
  5. Stagger

    Stagger Member

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    this is very true,
    all we need now is loads of miners like you to get a stable market.
    gratz on your find :)
  6. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    I post things on the auction for 110 or less, then if it doesn't sell, I TT it to keep going. I've had yulerium and other materials sit for days at 105 and get no hits, so that's where they went. The best things I've found that sell lately were the average stuff, like Kaz..and a few others, check the 'orders' area for what people are looking for before putting things on for sale, and you'll be able to sell instantly sometimes for as high as 130% but not 200%.