Untrustworthy people.

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by Cyborg Bill, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I dont take kindly to scammers at all as do most of us. I tolerate people using poor buisness practices and dont say much because they are just pathetic abusers out for themselves. Well I just learned that one of these "Abuser" type players decided he was going to mess with one of my lower soc mates by offering him transportation planet to planet then dumping him off in space and leaving them there.

    When RT came out I wanted to get involved there because of the music aspects but quickly learned how that was going no where fast I left. Anyway while I was there trying to help RT get a start there was a trader there portraying himself as "Helping to get the economy started" but was nothing more then an abuser of new people that did not know better and was out for his own benefit. His avatars name is [name removed] and he has for some reason dedcided he needs to have issue with my socmates. I am not calling him a scammer I am just stating his way of doing buisness specially with new players needs to be known so they can make a choice before they get the same treatment my soc mate did.

    We will take care of this issue on a personal level as a soc so I am not here to point fingers other then to let you know what type of person he is and what type person you will be trading or dealing with if you so choose to work with him.
  2. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Ehrm I think you contradict yourself there since you are actually name calling... which I doubt is allowed.
    However apart from that I can second your post. Traders as such are a good thing for Entropia but you need to choose carefully who you do deal with because there are some black sheep.
  3. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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  4. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    I see a difference in traders and resellers.

    It is not how busy you are, but why you are busy- the trader is praised, the reseller is swatted.

  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You can look at it in terms of who benefits: the trader benefits his buyer and his seller, and in the process, himself. The reseller doesn't benefit the buyer or the seller, but only himself.
  6. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Why was the name removed since I SPECIFICALLY stated he was not scamming people only that his buisness practices having mainly to do with new players was smelly ass and they should be warned of this stuff?

    Now do we want a game at least here on Arkadia that is productive and wanting to move forward or do we want one that is supressed and carries on the favor the rich and condone the criminals one that has been prevelent thruout EU's entire history? This bullshit of covering up misdoings because a peson is somebodys friend dont ever fly in my book. I dont let people like that within my circle EVER IRL or in game.

    So its up to you.. put the name back up as it is a warning to help someone or next time I see shady shit going on I will do like everyone else and look the other way and post the traditional "Awe too bad" comments.

    Put up or shut up. Do we want a decent community here or do we want the same old tired bullshit its always been.
  7. Xaph

    Xaph Member

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    CBB there are many posibilities.

    I dont trade nor take ped for transport I give free transport from time to time.

    What I do fear is being labelled if something goes wrong such as being kicked or shot out of the sky and a recipient of free assistance jacking up.

    Given this I feel the ability to determine what is real or not real is difficult and propose that MA should create a Token system similar to team hunts for transport thus removing all contention.

    Team could be as such:

    Transport free no liability.
    Transport for payment no liability
    Transport for payment no liability guaranteed pick up if lost. ( sets terms on tiers to within hour thru to 24 hours)
    Transport for payment liability (sets shared % of liability) no pickup.

    You may like to brain storm those conditions:)
  8. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Regardless of how you state it, when you name a person on the forums it invariably marks them in some peoples eyes and that is sometimes bad enough to start the mob mentality we have witnessed before. You could have quite easily written your post in a way to educate people and pass on your point of view without naming the person directly.

    Whilst I truly understand, commend and agree with your passion and goodwill in helping people and protecting our newer participants, I must also ask you to do so with a measure of discretion. There are many things I see here on PAF and that I still read elsewhere that I would love to rant and rave about too sometimes but due to my position here and my association with Arkadia, be it perceived or real, I have to be discrete when posting my opinion on many things as it can reflect badly on others. I have to be mindful of it all the time (as do the rest of the Forum Officials, Admins and Moderators), even when writing something like this.

    So, I'm not asking you to censor yourself, all I am asking is that you take a leaf out of my book and reword things sometimes to still allow the message to be received without the perceived hostility or negativity being the overriding element of your posts.

    Cheers mate.
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  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You could always recommend that they use ASF for transport in the future. :) I hear so many stories from passengers about how their last pilot abandoned them in space or dropped them on a station without telling them they'd need 7 ped to TP down. ASF pilots don't do this. Space is an unpredictable (and buggy) place, but it's always smart to use a trustworthy pilot and it's a plus that we have the ability to call for the assistance of other trustworthy pilots when the need arises.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Sorry ... I get a tad annoyed with things like this. On the good note it was a less volital reaction then if I had to deal with this type person in real life. Do I have to sit in a corner somewhere now in time out? 8=}}

    Normally I would have let this go and thought that one of the scenerios you stated was the governing condition to the outcome except this action was mixed in with multiple personal attacks to other people from this individual at the same time frame. After a little checking this is not the first time things like this have happened.