New miner and selling resources found ingame

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by HardLuck NRF Miner, Aug 14, 2011.

  1. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    Ingame auction looks like the obvious place to sell stuff, but that service has a fee for using it, so if I was to look other means to sell those resources found, where would that be on Arkadia?

    Place where buyers usually hang out?

    If I was to list here on Arkadia Forum what I want to sell (make a Selling thread and keep that up to date) would that be okay?

    What quantities of resources, buyers are looking for?

    What is too small of a tt-value to list here on Arkadia Forum. A stack: Less than 10peds tt-value? Less than 20peds tt-value? etc.

    Sorry, if this thread is misplaced (mods, feel free to move this if needed) but thought this would fall into a new-player area kind of a question.
  2. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Ofc you can make a sales thread here! :) You can also take a look at Sanctuary Cove. Most ppl hang out there. You can offer your stuff in the trade channel(!) of the ingame chat there. 10ped+ sounds good but the stack sizes that sell well really depend on the ressource. For instance Lyst is best to sell in quite huge bulks. It allways depends on how much of the ressource is used up per click for the crafter.
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Hey Hardluck,

    Welcome to PAF. As our friend XeroX mentioned, you are more than welcome to make a Sales thread here in the Trading Forum (have a look from the Forum link at the top of the page and you will see the Trading forum).

    If you have any questions either post them in the appropriate thread or PM any of the Mods and we'll do our best to help you out.
  4. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    Thanks for the feedback on this. After reading that sales sub-forum, thought it's better try to sell them on ingame first. Not that many are selling their stacks of Arkadian resources sales sub-forum and if more experienced ones are not using it for the purpose I had in mind, there must be some reason for it.

    The first reason that I could think of is, that once the deal is done here on forum, then You should see each other ingame, and that might not be that easy as it sounds. We all play this game on so different hours.

    So, I decided to try to sell my resources found on ingame first. I'll try that Sanctuary Cove as Xerox suggested.
  5. Cymonika

    Cymonika Member

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    Also try Celeste Quarry, thats where I usually go, stand in the CP doorway when you post so people can see your post both inside and outside to get the maximum chance of a sale :)

  6. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    Celeste Quarry, thanks for the tip Ikwasho. I'll try that one too.