Hello Fellow Arkadians

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by HardLuck NRF Miner, Aug 13, 2011.

  1. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    Just started on this week. Did a lot of reading on forums first, then decided I would download Arkadian Clientloader and make an avatar of my own.

    I liked the idea of Treasure option and mining on Arkadia. There was one acronym, abbreviation used by miners that popped up on every other post, but no explanation what it meant: NRF


    Didn't took that long before I learned what it actually meant: No Resources Found

    If experienced miners got NRF that often, I thought I would get it even more often, but mining was the one of all the other professions that interested me the most and still does. So, not having too high hopes, I made an avatar named: HardLuck NRF Miner

    Looks like mining is not all fame and glory (I've read of those miners also that find big claims) but thought that name would fit the most of the time on my mining runs, with 0 skills to start with.

    Then I had another problem. While creating my avatar, I got a chance to try out different outfits and when landing on that desert fortress on Arkadia, I thought where to get that outfit , that I tried out on that facility where You create Your avatar etc.

    Fooled around a few days and thought I liked this game. Beautiful planet and I liked the backstory behind all this. But when I checked on auction terminal, I realized there were next to nothing clothes on Arkadia, but most of them on this planet Calypso.

    Waited some more, to get peds on my account. Spent that time reading what there was to know of Space, for I knew, that was only way to get to Calypso.

    I also learned that I needed a Sleipnir and a device called "Thruster" if I was gonna make it to the Space and travel from Sentosa/Arkadia to Calypso. Those Quad-Wings looked great, but I didn't wanna spent that much peds on something I wouldn't use that often.

    Finally I had some peds on my account. Bought a Sleipnir and that thruster device. Then more reading and experimenting how to use them. Some mining too, to get fuel for it. Noticed that Grude Oil needed to be refined to Oil, before it could be added to Sleipnir. I needed a refiner tool for that, but thought I would need it anyways if I was gonna make it as a miner, so bought one.

    First I thought I had deposited a way too much, but after buying everything I thought was needed, I was thinking, I need to deposit some more if I'm gonna have some funds for my mining runs! ;p

    Eventually I got all there was needed for my first flight. Achievements popped up, as soon as I took off the ground with my Sleipnir. Then took some feel for the controls and started to gain altitude really fast. Clicked Yes, on Space, and WOW!! What a beautiful place it was. Then I was lost on controls again. Nothing that I just learned, seemed to work. Okay, looks like mouse steering and just go. Noticed some asteroid nearby, that must have been Arkadia Spacestation? Map looked different also. Took me a good few mins before I found that planet where I was heading at, Calypso.

    I set the course and the rest of the flight was quite boring, after the initial rush was over. Scenery looked great though.

    I headed straight for the planet Calypso and got a popup asking permission to land. Ok. Then all went blur, like when taking off to space from Arkadia, and I was hoovering over some big continent. Descended straight down to some big town called Port Atlantis.

    Soon I discovered more green dots on my radar, than I had ever seen on Arkadia so far. This place seemed to be well populated with players.

    Spent a few days exploring and even tried out mining, but got killed almost everywhere that I went. There were green dots for sure, but red ones were plentiful too and got quite pissed off for getting killed where ever I went.

    I did found those pants on Auction. I had read it on tutorials/guides that on Calypso, there were NPC's to serve the same purpose as those terminals on Arkadia. Still felt weird for the first time to "operate" them.

    I did get my black pants and black boots eventually :)

    Then I headed back to Arkadia. First part went okay, then I got shot down. First I didn't realize what was happening, for I didn't see anyone nearby. But soon as my Sleipnir turned into this charcoal-black brick on space, I saw another ship approaching and then I got revived at Spacestation. Not that I minded, never been on one of those either, but pretty empty, no-one there. I found my way to the hangar-room where I spawned my wrecked Sleipnir. Met this helpful player (who also had got shot down) and was able to get my ship repaired.

    This time I ducked down when leaving Spacestation and was able to make it without getting killed. Now space looked totally different again and it took me some time to find what planet was Arkadia, before setting my course towards that small dot on my screen. Nothing happened on my way back to Arkadia. Landed safely.

    So, now I'm ready to explore this vast continent of Sentosa. Got the outfit I was looking for, also some UL finders for my mining trips, for I read on forums that Arkadia economy hasn't took off yet, so thought I need to be prepared if I won't find whats needed on Arkadia.

    Oh, and if anyone needs a Sleipnir with thruster-device, that has been used for one trip to Calypso and back to Arkadia, let me know. Looks like I could use those peds on my mining runs :)

    If no-one needs them, I think I keep them just in case I need something from Calypso, or wanna take a look on those two other planets.

    So, long story short: I hope to get settled down and see what Arkadia has to offer for a new miner like me.

    ps. Didn't realize it was that long post that I had written. Promise to mend my manners and keep my posts shorter in the future posts to this forum.
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Sounds like you've had a nice adventure. Anyone who doesn't want to go through the whole space drama can just call up ASF and order some clothes and finders from Caly :D
  3. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Welcome to Arkadia, hope the mining turns out to be good to you :) It does sound like you have had quite an adventure already, most newcomers would not actually need to buy a flying vehicle and thruster etc., but you were lured by the clothing preview ;)

    The 'try on' feature on the newcomer starter area you described, MindArk's 'Genesis' area for all new accounts, is imho a bit misleading, since it lets you try on all sorts of stuff, some of which is not only a very long way from being newcomer items, but even a long way from some long time players reach, including 'uber' armor and very rare old time clothing, like the black pants for example, not super rare, but not abundant and cheap either. I watched over a friends shoulder while she was there creating her avatar, and was very surprised to see all that was offered in that preview of clothing and armor etc, a lot of which most of us will never actually be able to own lol. I didn't notice any text explaining that angle of it either, so yeah, not great for a newcomer to pop in looking for all of that at the beginning really.

    Anyway, as far as clothes, we hope to have our own Arkadia clothing blueprints ingame in the next months, at the moment I think we don't have a lot of tailors crafting clothes for sale on our auction, since those old bps require some resources found only on Calypso for example. Once we have shops open here though we should see a bit more on offer I think. In the meantime though we do have plenty of pilots/traders going back and forth each day to help fill orders :)
  4. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    Thanks for the warm welcome to Arkadia Forum :)
  5. Milena

    Milena Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi and welcome on ARK ;) seems you are a great explorer...if you need any help or have any questions feel free to ask me if you bump in me ;= )
  6. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    Not that great explorer. Just started this game, but I needed something that required something else etc. so one thing followed another. I did learned a thing or two on my trip to Calypso and back, so I think I'll just do some quiet mining for now :)
  7. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Wow, NRF, you really took the plunge eraly on to invest in space flight! Very impressive that you were willing to give the game a go and spend some ped upfront. We need more like ya! :)

    If you're able to liquidate your ped from vtol+thruster, you can really stretch that out into hours of fun if you're patient and willing to start slow, buliding up skill. You say exploring isnt your forte', but it's actually a biproduct of mining due to lots of running around Sentosa.

    The Entropia platform is fairly established, coming up on 10 years old, but Arkadia is less than 3 montqhs old. You've arrived at a very exciting time, and again, if your willing to dive into the storyline(on this forum) and be a little patient as the planet and its economy matures, I think you'll find this planet is headed for a great adventure you can enjoy.
  8. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Yeah, and i Think it would be worth the time for you to listen to my recent interview with David Dobson (the CEO) .. Lots of interesting info there.. :)
  9. narfi

    narfi Active Member Pro Users

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    Welcome to the game :)

    its a blast!


    ps. check your PMs here on the forum
  10. Bluebard

    Bluebard Member

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    Welcome aboard, NRF. As previously stated, Arkadia is the newest planet in Entropia Universe and things are still being built (clothing, etc.) Have some patience and enjoy. Those things will be coming soon. Listen to the above mentioned interview.
  11. HardLuck NRF Miner

    HardLuck NRF Miner Member

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    @ Puck, now that I've had the chance to fly around a bit, I noticed that Sleipnir works great for a miner. So, I'm thinking of keeping it. For now at least :)

    @ Zume, I'll read that interview with David Dobson (the CEO) as soon as posting this feedback to this thread. (Edit: Looks like it's a very long audio interview. Listening it right now)

    @ Narfi, PM sent

    @ Bluebard, I'm still training on that patience ingame, but I'm enjoying the game already :)
  12. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Hello and welcome NRF.

    Quit the adventure you had there :D

    Feel free to add me to your FL when you bump into me, I usually at the quarry if I am not flying.

    And as Neil say'd, if you need something from another planet you can save yourself the costs and risks and contact ASF.

  13. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Welcome to our planet NRF. This is the hardest job you'll ever love. :cool: