Attachment Blueprints

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by invi, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. invi

    invi Member

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    Has anyone looted any Arkadia attachment bp's ? L or unL ?

    I've been doing some attachments and have only seen calypso bp's. Weapons, Tools, Armour & Furniture have all dropped something Arkadian but not from Attachments.

  2. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    I ve made many, many amps, and gotten 0 BPs. Hopefully this update contains them, as I ve waisted a ton of PED chasing em :(
  3. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    No new blueprints, but maybe they are in the game and not discovered yet?
  4. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    Well Dave said in another post that this is the case. So the droprate must just be super low. Or no crafter tried the right BP yet. ;)
  5. Bamaken

    Bamaken Member

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    The way Dave stated it is if bp book has a slot for bp its in game already.
    But lots have not been discovered.
  6. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    I think Dave might be wrong again... I ve spent about 10k chasing these bps, and all ive gotten is about 10 each of the alecz scope and e amp tier 1 calypso bps... :(
  7. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The attachment BP's are in game, it is disappointing to hear they have not been dropping for you. I have written to MA to ask them to investigate the drop rate. There may be something in the set up of the Shared BP's that is getting them to pop out as a priority above the Arkadian ones, if that's the case then I'll have it sorted asap.
  8. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    Thanks Dave, i think something is definitely amiss. Looking forward to a resolution before I go broke :p LOL
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  9. Bogger

    Bogger Member

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    Thanks Dave, very annoying to loot crappy shared bps, including (L) ones when crafting Arkadian bps, with Arkadian materials while on Arkadia
  10. Bogger

    Bogger Member

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    "8/11/2011 4:32:41 PM Rage 5 (L) Blueprint Ken Bamaken DeNoble"

    1 discovered today

    Hmm it is a tt bp :(
  11. Bamaken

    Bamaken Member

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    Yea shame only bp looted in this line was one that can be bought at technician.
    Maybe that will start the drop of new ones.
  12. Dylan

    Dylan Member

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    I Iscovered a tier 1 too so obviously there was something wrong and they fixed it. Where is the compensation for over 10k ped spent chasing a bugged bp? :(
  13. Mutant Atrax Stalker

    Mutant Atrax Stalker Active Member

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    oooooooooooo that question makes my stomach hurt.

    Myself and many others feel for you. However LMAO at the thought of compensation. There was a similar issue with textures, and they later announced that the BPs weren't even in the game. This went several iterations, and was aggravated with some other issues.

    Even after announcing that those BPs never made it into any drop table, there was no mention of compensation. They surely will never even consider such a thing if there was a 0.000001% chance that it might have dropped for you.

    It's not their fault you stopped 100,000 PED too soon :)
  14. Ace Flyster

    Ace Flyster Member

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    Oh how i wished you had paid attention at the beginning

    I and many others would not have left

    Even the distribution of ores

    But either way, make sure you look at the drop rate for all bps

    I know i sound like a broken record....but from the beginning i said this needs to be a self sustaining all areas, hunting mining and crafting. Not there yet, but fingers crossed these issues will be looked at



    EDIT: i looked up new posts and didnt see that my original post had been posted....damnit i cannot handle new posts not showing all posts lol
  15. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    /personal rant mode on, slightly off topic wandering from OP

    Just a personal comment as a player who has done a bit of crafting on all sorts since the launch, yes there remain issues with drop rates on all bps, in that they are simply very low. At first I assumed this was an MA balancing issue, due to the number of players actually crafting Ark bps, nothing bugged about it. Over time though I have come to feel it may well be something like what David said above about the 'shared' universal bp folder kicking in ahead of the local ones. This makes sense considering I get a lot more of those drop than Ark ones, and for that matter, I can get a lot more Ark bps from crafting the old universal bps than from crafting Ark ones, so yes, something is in my opinion wonked up with how those are set, and that is MA.

    But to be fair, some of the comments being made about the CEO and the team I think are way over the top and just plain wrong. I'm confident that David has been paying attention and doing all that he and his team can from the beginning. The bps have been checked and rewritten (at least some) to encourage the planet being self sustained. The mining distribution map has been changed for the same reason, and was already adjusted once before to try to fix the over abundance of lyst. To say he has not been paying attention seems pretty clearly inaccurate.

    He has now also been personally attacked and insulted on his forum, called a blatant liar about texture bps, with suggestions he has lied about them being ingame repeatedly and from the beginning, and I'm at a loss what the hell that is all about. I never clicked for textures at all since it has been made abundantly clear those bps aren't in yet, again and again it has been stated they aren't in yet, and frankly though I'm not arsed to go back in time searching for every single post or comment saying that, I knew it on and before launch day, as did others, simply from this forum and the newsletters put out by the team. So I don't know how David can be called a liar and a repeated one on that subject.

    He has also made it clear there is a problem with the texture bps and they will be implemented when that is sorted out. Considering all the discussion of them on this forum I think the team is very well aware of the high demand for them, but until this last VU they probably weren't aware some who had no clue were wasting peds on trying to get them. The books that had blank pages only like vehicles, tailoring and textures, were those where bps were not ingame yet. I have seen now that the texture book has had it's fields filled in, and in that I agree it makes a problem in David's statement that if there is a spot for it it is ingame, but he has corrected that statement once he was made aware of it. I don't know when that change happened for sure but I suspect it was this last VU, or if David was even aware of it at first, but he is now. I wouldn't even have looked in the book again until I read the attacks on him about it, since I knew they weren't ingame I had no reason to look inside the book. That one point however was important to bring to the team's attention, it needs fixing asap really, remove the texture bp book completely until the bps are ingame maybe?

    Anyway, sorry for the rant, just wanted to have my personal say on this whole subject. Btw, despite a low drop rate on Ark L or UL bps, I got my first discovery after playing for five years on an Ark UL bp for Gyro Fap 6, a very useful tool. I will try a few more attachments to see what I can find as well :cool:

    /personal rant mode off, back on topic
  16. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    IF you listen to my interview, you will hear great news about textures..
  17. Bogger

    Bogger Member

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    If anyone has crafted Arkadian furniture, I believe that is the way the others should work, decent drop rate of ARK BPs with some of the Shared (L) (sick of small plugs :p )

    Also Ark BPs should only drop while crafting on Ark BPs. Forces use of local resources. And drop rates need to be like furniture, of course higher lvl bps should be rarer but the others need to be common so that we can be self sufficient.

    I also didn't craft textures because I had read enough to know they wouldn't be available

    As to the "Discovery" of TT BPs, this has been happening a long time. Old BPs are rediscovered too regularly.
  18. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    I do hope you all can forgive me for ranting above, am only human after all :D Having listened to zume's interview with David now, on the subject of the OP, apparently having brought the attachment problem to thier attention, it has been addressed with MA and we should be getting more drops now, plus some new ones coming as well at some point. (Textures ready now as well, bring on the patch :) )
  19. Ace Flyster

    Ace Flyster Member

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    Rant away :)

    But it doesnt change the fact is was brought to their attention, in several different threads. We told the team the bp drop rate was buggered and the reply was...."they are there to be discovered".....thats great and all but the drop rate is buggered. This was 2 months ago now......Exactly the same with ores i detailed above. 2 months ago i told them the distribution was buggered. The only reply was....."it needs time to calm down".....i am a full time miner and have been for a very long time.......ores do not need time to calm down.

    Anyways as i said before.....i just wish they had addressed these issues 2 months ago. If they had, myself and others would have stayed.

    Anyways, fingers crossed they sort it out soon, so i can pay another visit



    EDIT: dont get me wrong, i really really really wanted Arkadia to work, and i am VERY confident it will. I was ready to make it my home, but alas not a working economy. I have full faith that the arkadia team will sort it all out

    And of course there is a new mining tool, treasure hunting which will be exciting. But please please please dave make sure it is ready for release ;)
  20. bass

    bass Member

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    The fact that Dave is a good man to interact with, the fact that Arkadia is a nice planet and well organized... and all the good things we can say about all the crew... should not be an excuse for what is not working here.

    Ores and now bps have been fixed too late, when all the people discovering the new planet have been gone. Many people here coming from Calypso have a high PED cycling rate, being mid-old time players, and they cannot sustain their gameplay with a struggling economy. I cannot spend one week selling 3K kaz ingots, because this stops my mining activity...

    That's a fact Arkadia Team must face; we have wasted the first wave of "curious" players coming from Calypso, we need something like a First Golden Age to attract them back, before it's too late... I don't feel like waiting MA will implemente the treasure thingy, also because this will not change anything in economy, since the tool will be available on other planets too.