Asteroids: Aquisition and Development

Discussion in 'Space' started by CLERIC, Jul 29, 2011.


    CLERIC Member

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    I have taken a few trips through space recently, for purchase of goods and to import products to Arkadia as needed. While during these mostly uneventful trips, I was struck by a possibility.

    Does anyone know if MA has plans already to incorporate the scatter of dead asteroids throughout space into the game's dynamics?

    The idea would be simple. MA could turn revenue from the sale of the asteroids as Land Areas, turning the simple hunks of rocks into a viable asset for space operations.

    To make the Land Areas appealing to the purchaser, the Asteroids could be outfitted with small landing docks, or hangars. Each dock would serve as a small staging area, where one could obtain repairs or purchase oil through a terminal or shopkeeper system. This would create the return for the owner. Let's call them "Rock Docks" for now.

    The secondary advantage to a purchase of one of these asteroids, would be to create a series of "safe stops" for navigating pilots to ferry high value customers or cargo to, thus decreasing the exposure of ships to threat and increasing the confidence in space trade and travel. Pilots could basicaly plot courses of navigation using the rock docks as temporary stopping points along the way, keeping them safe in the event they are detected and followed by hostile ships in the area.

    Another use for these types of small bases? I have noticed through forum and general chat, a struggle for friendly spacecraft to reinforce each other due to travel times between safe zones in the event that such reinforcement is needed against larger hostile forces awaiting them outside the safe zone. These asteroids could become staging areas for reinforcements in between zones, allowing them quicker response times to those in need. (ASF, your thoughts?) Also, for the entrepenuring pirates, these could be used as strategic ambush and resupply points. (We have to be balanced afterall, yes?)

    Now, like most things, MA would not be interested in such an idea, unless there was money in it for MA. This is done easily. The initial purchase amount of the LA could be supplemented by regular revenue created from the same maintainence system as Estate properties. Owners would need to pay upkeep of their docks from usage, this money going to MA. Owners would generate their return by the sale of oil or other goods from the dock, as well as possibly a small "toll" amount, paid by landing pilots. (Just like a LA tax percentage).

    It is my observation, such a type of network of usable navigation and resupply points would not only generate more interest in Space as a playable area, but would greatly stimulate a much NEEDED growth in interplanetary trade and player generated developement throughout Space.

    If we can develop Space, we strengthen all Planets.


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  2. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Nice ideas here and I'm sure the community will expound upon this topic. I hope David and Cyrus take notice of this post.

    Good on ya Cleric. +rep :hail:
  3. Kane

    Kane Member

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    Yes Nice idea Cleric, I'm sure its in the pipe line & if not?
    It is now : )

    But im just waiting to get a home on Arkadia 1st..... been to long already.
    Space has stalled Arks forward movement it feels to me.
  4. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Its is a great idea to have them and really makes sence thru the whole space theme.. 2 downfalls tho that make this garanteed fail.

    First and foremost MA in general. They cant get their shit together and get updates to planets going in a timely and effeciant manor let alone added in a tested working state. I dont see too many normal thinking people wanting to spend big money for an asteroid that would be so far on the back burners to get updates that it would never really get a good start.

    Secondly..PVP space...nuff said there I believe.

    CLERIC Member

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    I agree with you somewhat on this Bill, which is why the small docks would need to be affordable. These small stations would not contain hunting or mining areas, and they would not contain housing either. Therefore, I think MA would need to set the price value of such a LA at a low amount, making the purchase of these docks affordable to most players or societies as a realistic small investment, instead of a massive price tag unavailable to most throughout the game. I would like to see it along the lines of purchasing a large shop, keeping the price tag well below 5 figures, perhaps along the lines of 5000-8000 ped. The layout would not be customized, it would be a standard default (to keep the pricetag low), but you would be able to add things such as displays, furniture, and such as you would in any standard shop. I think the ability to place a storage unit would be a requirement as well.
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Actually, a "dock" in space wouldn't make transporting goods much safer... unless there's a planetary storage unit there or something. The safest place in space is way out there where nothing else is. Pirates hang out just outside the hub, Calypso--if you're going to get PK'd that's most likely where it will be. Having a "safe point" only tells the pirates where you're heading.

    That said, I'm all for this idea. Considering the "thrust barrier" (the peds it costs just to get to space) it'd be nice to have other things to do once you're there... a place to actually hang out and explore things. Right now, space is just a highway to the next planet.
  7. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    It's true that right now there isn't much going on in space and asteroids are everywhere, I'd like to see equipment to add to the weapons mounts to let people mine asteroids. They wouldn't need to own them their free resources, like planets we mine are to us. The players would have to risk being shot or looted as they work, but it would add another degree of realism to space, since asteroids would be easier to mine than running around a whole planet, and each one would only have a set amount of ores in it,so that you cant set and mine one forever. Also making you move around, would make it harder for pirates to find you since you won't be there in a little while. It would be fun and possibly profitable, if we could buy 'asteroid extractors' on the auction and mine asteroids. I might even give that a try,hehe.

    CLERIC Member

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    I absolutely agree with this statement 100%. Arkadia has been completely crippled in growth and economy since the release of the system. It almost seems deliberate on the part of MA by the introduction of lootable open space pvp areas between the planet. This release, so soon after the release of Arkadia, has prevented the economic stabalization of the planet in it's infant form. I feel nothing but frustration as a Manufacturer based out of Arkadia myself. I cannot imagine what the Community Manager and Owner must be going through, watching Space strangle the life from their project and investment.

    MA is unique in the fact, that as to my knowledge, they are the only game company I have ever experienced that has allowed legal theft of actual currency from their players. I spoke to a business attorney friend of mine in the United States, and he stated to me that if an American development company were to attempt the same type of platform, the company would be setting themselves up for massive lawsuits based on ethics and standard violations in more aspects than one. Unfortunately, MA is not subject to these laws, and therefore, we must adapt to our enviornment.

    That is why I belive it is up to us players, loyal to Arkadia and inspired in the potential of the Planet, to create solutions to counter the poor choices of the game developers. The best way I see to accomplish this, is to sudgest ways to develop Space further and help make it a viable resource, and not just a place where a hard working player can lose real money through no fault of their own.

    The ASF and other such organizations of prominent and dedicated players will be the life blood of new systems such as Arkadia. Without these types of communities, the outlook is quite grim it appears.

    I for one will not abandon Arkadia, as it is my home, and sink or swim I will be there. I know there are many others who share this desire to see our Planet survive and prosper. However, if development of Space is not made, I may be forced to resign from operations between planets, as the risk is currently not economical in any sense.
  9. Kane

    Kane Member

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    Im with You and many others Cleric, we wont leave Ark til we give it our all as its still the best potential in game by far as we all can see.

    The other points you brought up are very true & interesting as well I have had many a conversation with players & Soc mates about MA rules & how they apply them to suit at times, but I wont go down that road again today :rolleyes:

    I think we all know Arkadia is going to take off again with the new update as Treasure, homes, shops & the rest of the BPs etc is just going to blow the other planets back to there 2nd & 3rd place as it was at Arkadias launch & MA knows this.

    As for Space & pirates its still very early days & yes MA will tweak it to suit them but the prospects & potential are still very large & wide in what they do with it so lets all just hang in there save our peds a few more days.

    Supply up & make sure we are ready to kick it all off again in August some time:dribble:

    BTW Cleric is that 'calix meus inebrians" my cup runs full or I like to drink can't deceiver the Latin properly : ) hehe
  10. CLERIC

    CLERIC Member

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    I hope in this you are correct, however I have a bad feeling that we may be expecting more than what's on the table at this point for August...

    It translates to, "my cup makes me drunk".
  11. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    OFF TOPIC: Cleric and Kane, please do a bloke a favour and leave the size formatting of your posts as default unless you are doing it to make a point. I have enough trouble reading the screen at the best of times without having to struggle even more to read size 1 text.

    ON TOPIC: OP, excellent post here mate +rep
  12. Kane

    Kane Member

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    LOL Sorry Snape i didn't even notice myself at first must have been done because I Quoted Clerics bit & ended up same?
    Still good eye sight here mate bout only thing going for me these days rest of body's shot so wasn't intentional hehe :fineprint:
  13. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    There are tons of stuff MA can do with space before it even think about selling more LA that turns into empty parking lots with grass taller then your VTOL. :cool:

    Some examples - To encourage more space activities, MA can introduce the following ships and related BPs/parts:
    • Shuttles - To encourage passenger travel between planets. Existing VTOL may fits the current 1-2 person size, so we need a larger 50+ passenger ones.
    • Freightliners - To encourage cargo transport between planets. Heavy armored ships with HUGE cargo space, maybe even limited special cargo area where stackables cannot be looted.
    • Scout ships - Forward/backward scouts. Fast, light armored ships, with extended radar range to help scouting for possible PvP targets.
    • Attack ships - Main battle assault ships. Currently the quad?
    • Battle Ships - Current Mothership fits this role?
    • Logistic Support - In space repair-refueling ships. Who wishes to risk their 25,000 PED Mothership w/o mid space support? :huh:

    These are just some additional ideas. If they happen, space can become quite interesting. Naturally we will need all those additional player-own space stations and/or bases.

  14. WildmanAlpha

    WildmanAlpha Member

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    Shuttles/Freight-liners/scout ships - Look at post for Normandie and I believe a 2nd MS is also flying scheduled runs. Quads and Vtols escort the Normandie no one has been looted on the runs that I am aware of.

    Currently 2 safe zones between Arkadia and Calypso and they paid more than 25k ped for the MS, some closer to 90k. Nothing to risk when a Mother ship blows up unless someone carrying loots actually gets looted. So what the crew and MS revives at closest station and gains skills repairing it, at latter date as more can use RK20 they will become harder to defeat. Hard to loot someone when the Pirate ship is already damage and they still have several quads firing at them before they get a chance to loot anyone. I am guessing your new to game or never been to space? I just don't really see your point.

    Not totally getting the OPs point but most of what you see in space is yet to be expanded IE the new planets still to come. Seeing new asteroids being used as safe zones we have enough. Seeing something up their player owned? I doubt it.. Reason CP and CND/FOMA was around prior to the planet partners coming about. Therefore they were attached to Calypso for income purposes (I am assuming). Who would get the rights to the new asteroids you propose what planet would they be tied to? A server/PP somewhere has to develop it, host it and run it. Who gets the decay/ammo burn from space MA I am sure so they should have the task of what you ask right? Will the other PP agree to that? I wouldn't! Why you ask? I want players on my planet not in space playing on MA severs unless space income is divided among the PPs. Space has mobs easy enough to defeat but any damage to your ship and you have to run to a Neutral Station to repair it up to ensure your at your best to land on a planet, the pirates may be waiting. This Neutral Station is moments away from the mobs so I don't see a point for more places to stop by. If I am transporting goods I want to move quick and fast and AVOID every blue zone where I pirate may lay in wait.

    All in all just wanted to give some food for though on game mechanics and help the guy out that posted above me. Are my mechanics right no clue that's why it is "food for thought". ;)

    If you know how to navigate space it is very easy to get from point A to point B without anyone ever seeing you! Save zones are your enemies avoid them!
  15. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Only just realized this was in 'Land Areas' on Arkadia, moved over to the Space sub forum.
  16. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    To me space is still a massive fail. Its a playground for the same people who could always afford to dump money in the game. The only bad part is it effects the rest of us far more for them to have this playground then anything else MA has done to the normal player base yet.

    Not only did it give the rich licence to rob the avg player and make them even more segrigated above everyone else, it is also destroying entire economies to keep a small part of the playerbase amused. This crap of bp's requiring materials from ALL planets is simply wrong and quite the fuck you to every one it effects adversly.

    Any colonization ever done has been with what you could bring from home within your transportation means to get there. Then it was figure out how to live off the new land and survive. Trade came as a by product of colonization not a necessity. 90% of the time if an area couldnt be self sustaining it was abandoned for new place that could.

    Hopefully this next VU will resolve some of these issues and MA will wipe some of the shit off the stick they gave us with the space release. If Arkadia in the future some how fails it will rest squarely on MA as they for sure have put far more effort into making this planet in the short time they have conceived it then MA has in its entire history. I think thats the main isssue why space was released as shitty to PP's as it is because Arakdia Team has done so well they have embarassed MA and brought to light just how much crap they have put out to us over the years and it shows by comparrison now not just by peoples opinions in a forum..
  17. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    an interesting read!

    A few thoughts:

    About OP's idea:
    I doubt it would work in the way you draw it. Just as a "supply station", would it generate the income needed to earn even low wages for MA? Who needs to refuel in space? And, as mentioned, to what PP they would be assigned?

    What comes to mind would be to have a wider safe zone around the planets, and to allow the PPs to purchase up to [number] bigger asteroids there. Imagine kind of the old CND, just with only 1 dome? The PP could then rent them as LA's, or use as Event zones. Or even as instanced areas like in the old beacon system? A maze with a boss mob at the end? Calypso already works on boss mobs as I have read ...

    About space as such:

    IMHO a big failure, leading to many problems. A "planet" between the planets, operated by the platform provider, that this way competes with its platform customers (PPs)? Is this really such a good idea?

    I understand that there have to be some limitations regarding "planet-hopping" to protect the PPs.
    But in this way? As mentioned, lootable PvP in an RCE game, that, unlike the lootable PvP areas on planet cannot be avoided without heavily crippling the game experience, isn't this a jurisdictionally seen can of worms? Aiding/ abetting to theft and robbery?

    This seems quite bad thought of to me. There's countries with strange legal systems, and there's countries that don't care much about international politeness. We have already the still pending problem of possible gambling, now they add another problem? I'd not be surprised if sooner or later a raging "space victim" would bring such to a court. It's about real money anyway!

    MA seems quite confused these days. The SEE clash should never had happened, ND seems outta control, now they have Calypso again (even more competing their own main customers), and they are ways behind with their development (Ahhhh, the Treasure hunting ...). Chaos.

    About Arkadia:

    I'm quite confident here. The team has shown more ability and professionalism already then we've ever seen in all EU. After the recent VU I'm quite sure Arkadia will be mostly self-sustaining soon.

    A problem is the snail-in-concrete speed of development of the platform provider. As I understand Arkadia wants to have at least its core functions in place before starting an Ad campaign (treasure hunting, again). It wouldn't make much sense to start it now, ppl would consider Arkadia as banana-ware and would be disappointed - and you ever have only one shot at a try-out player ...

    Atm I consider Arkadia as a better version of Calypso. No idea how it pays, if if pays enough to cover the costs, but I'm quite confident the team knows what to do.
    I hope they can stand this long enough, long enough to finally get the Planet work as intended, and to start a hype at least as big as the CND hype back then. I know they can do it! :)

    I've put my stake, have ferried over all my Entropian belongings. And am constantly spamming Soc chat how great it is here :) As long as the platform as such doesn't go haywire I'm very sure the Arkadia team will succeed with the next big thing in the Entropian Universe!

    OMG, this has become quite off topic in wide parts! Should it have been too much I kindly ask for editing/ deleting the irrelevant parts! Thanx, Mod!

    Have a good time!
  18. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Looks fine to me mate. Carry on.