Missing loot items

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Kinnison, Aug 1, 2011.

  1. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    I've recently run into this problem. A very basic enhancer BP, the Mining Speed Enhancer I BP (available from technician at least on Caly) requires high speed control components - which don't drop from any mob on Arkadia any more. Entropedia lists them as "common" from halix and jori, but I've got through 50 ped worth of ammo on each (of various maturities) and got nary a one. (Yesterday.)

    THis means that it's impossible to craft this item - which in turn means no drops of mining enhancer BPs for any newbie enhancer crafters, which can't be good for Arkadia's economy.

    A similar situation appears to be the case for another component, tier II components. Entropedia lists zadul as "common" for this item - and again, lots of kills and nary a one of these. This of course means it's impossible to tier any UL anything to tier 2.

    Is the latter situation by design, as it appears to be Arkadia policy for everything to be (L) ?

    Or are both of these problems an oversight? By the way, I can't be the only one who has run into these problems because there have been none of either on auction for three days.
  2. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Hm...I know I have looted T2 comps from Zadul before - as well as Hadraas.

    Cannot recall for certain if it was before or after last VU tho...(I'll tend to lean pre as I doubt you are that unlucky)
    They did for certain USED to drop from those mob.

  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi speed control components....I'm pretty certain I got some of those from the space mobs.
  4. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I looted several of the tier II comps from Zadul(last was a few days ago), and probably me who added the loot too but if you don't think the loot frequency is correct change it but you need to do a lot more then one 50ped hunt to determine this. Loot Frequency Ranks

    As of the enhancer component, 5ped into a Jori hunt and I got my first high speed thingy... PM me if you wanna buy the ones I loot on this hunt

    One thing that is seriously not fun that it's missing and have been since day one at Arkadia is the most commonly used texture extractor, basic leather extractor... (and I assume these will be used with our own textures too once MA get them to us)

    EDIT: the enhancer speed thingy is present but it it's this low drop rate it might need an adjustment, 3 from 50ped Jori hunt now, low/medium maturity (maybe this was also a thing that was decided before space went to lootable pvp)
  5. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Oro dropped me 2 T-II comps....Prolly in "uncommon" catagory but they coughed em up....Didn't do any
    Zads today...Just swunted Oro...

    @ Jenny - Yea, we'll be ferkin hurting whenever the glorious text bps decide to drop and not 1 fucking basic leather extractor has been looted here...

    ....Almost the same w/ Muscle oil....Cripes.

  6. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    OK, thanks for the info. However, IMHO both items are in an unsatisfactory state. Uncommon drops for basic items like that, and from one mob only?

    I agree about basic leather extractors. Fortunately for me, I brought across about 2000 of them when I teleported to Arkadia, and haven't used all that many yet.

    Just a small point, and a bit of a thread derail: I assume that when the Arkadia texture BPs come in they will come in as drops from basic BPs. On Calypso, I had a fair number of animal leather texture drops from crafting generic leather texture. I am assuming for the moment that when the BPs start dropping they will drop from something like this; so I'm keeping all my animal hides until they do in the hope of getting some of the Arkadia texture BPs. My favourite ideas are tiarak and oro leather textures; I think they will both look really cool.