Norway Attacks

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Puck, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    My thoughts and compassion are with the families and loved ones suffering from the Norway attacks today.

    The real world has so much hate and fear these days. Peace and love be with you all.
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  2. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    My condolences to all who are effected. This is pure tragedy. :(
  3. TimUnleashed

    TimUnleashed Forum Official Pro Users

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    Well said Puck.

    There are so many layer of complexity to the problems, it's hard to understand the people that do this.

    Norway, I feel for you. This is a horrible day.
  4. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    My thoughts are with the wounded and those who have lost friends and family in this tragedy.

    Another black day in a world who calls itself civilized.

    I hope that the ones who are responsible for this drama will be caught and punished accordingly.

  5. Raven V

    Raven V Active Member

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    Well Said Punk, i follow your lead on this, My heart goes out to those affected.

    My best friend ingame is from Norway and was close to the blast (missed it by 20 mins) from the stories ive heard, so definately give my best wishes to those in need.

  6. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    The world is being plaqued by nutcase vigilantes with guns & Bombs and no second thoughts about using it on random peops. Innocent children gets it when the real rich bastards running the world gets away with it. I mean you dont see a hitsquad gunning for the Billderburg group or the IMF. Not that that would help anything just theres no way to predict or prevent such atrocities.

    such random attacks are terrorism in it truest form and extremelly cowardly cos such lone wolfs dont stand a chance against a well trained and armed squad and they know it. And they always go for soft easy targets. How despicable!

    Only the mentally ill or crimminally insane seek attention through the world media with acts like these. I think its the types that grew up with Mommy and daddy constantly saying they are special. Eventually the conditioned nutcase starts to believe it too.

    Right here nearby where I live in Holland, not so long ago another nutcase flipped out and went rambo on shoppers in a mall. He used 3 guns and eventually killed himself when he was done. The stupid Media entertains the notion as to how a mental case could have gun licences, when the grimm truth of the matter lies in the fact anyone can cross over to Belgium and buy any gun over the counter for use in Holland. Do violence in the entertainment industry condition impresionable minds to eventually emmulate the immigary? Is stupidity Macho or somethin?
  7. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    Is sad what happened. However, I think it has to be a reason for anything and I am sure no one does something like that easy. First of all, it was well planned. So it has to be a smart person behind all this.
    I think it would be a mistake to just say it was a crazy man who did it and leave it at that. I am sure there are reasons. And I am convinced things are not in black and white and are not simple. Just drawing fast conclusions and blaming the killer and stop there will do nothing to prevent the next such incident to occur. I think is important to learn what can push a man to do something like that. Insanity is the comfortable answer. But it may not be the real one.
    My condolences to all who are affected.
  8. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I see this news in TV this morning and I was scared. I think about this people is dead, and I think too in our norwegian society member. I understand he is fine, but i say sorry a lot for the other people.
  9. BlackHawk

    BlackHawk Member

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    What is sick is that for all this massacre, that guy risks only 11 years in prison, from what info I have. If this is true, something is really wrong.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    However sad this may be I am truly amazed it took authorities 90 minutes to stop the guy shooting on that island..90 Minutes...

    In the world we live in today where the sad fact that this is and will continue to happen more and more how any country is that unprepared to deal with things like this and protect its people.

    I have seen the aftermath of things like this and had to work in them during the happenings and it is frightening thing to see how it affects the people involved and in the surrounding areas. I do feel for the people dealing with this and hope the healing process is as easy and least painful as possible to get thru and move on with their lives but not in constant fear and anguish.
  11. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    I believe it took 1 hour from that the police got the alarm too they arrested the man. I have read many people saying what you say, "how could it take an hour or more too stop the shooting?" But remember is was on a small island in a lake a bit from any big town, it takes time to get there. And, also, the police can't just storm in without haveing some information of the situation and have the right people and equiment (SWAT team).
  12. Stagger

    Stagger Member

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    Where's superman in these occasions?

    my condolances to the parents.

    and F*** Y** businessmen trying to make every little deal out of this world,
    not caring what kind of consequences it may hold on a group of people,
    where someone will finally go crazy of the situation and starts shooting random people.
  13. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    Greetings all.

    We are all a bit off here in Norway - I suppose - our "9/11". Our small nation has been rocked, but bad. So bad, even our politicians have understood its a time to shut up and skip the crap. There's a sign for ya.

    I was near the blast point not soo long before the bang, makes one consider.

    We had a shithead he thought he'd move us. He did. Only, in the opposite direction of what was his aim. We stand, together, united, more than ever, against hate.

    I thank my fellow GA and all fellow Entropians for your words. Dave, u created Global Alliance society and these days, it remains truly global and truly united, had words from ALL corners of our planet, GA members from ALL timezones and locations voicing their sentiments.

    We will NEVER let fear rule, Norway SHALL remain an open society. We fucking bleed right now, but we will NOT lie down.

    We shall never be ruled by terror.

    I will here cite a poem, or sort of one, anyway

    We must not look at goblin men
    We must not buy their fruits;
    " Who knows upon what soil they fed
    Their hungry, thirsty roots"

    regs, eras :)
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  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Police dont have helicopters and binoculars? I am sure the news media had them flying all over the instant word got out of attacks..Im pretty sure recon would have shown only one person. I have to say its still a sad thing from every aspect. I feel bad for the living that lost so many of their children as they dont deserve things like this in retaliation for what retarded grownups have caused to make people do these things.