I am the one that made the request. The amount I need for my current project is exactly 2000 units, but this is an item I would like to see a normal supply of on Arkadia, if possible. Thank you for adding it to the list and addressing the issue quickly.
I can understand, but what has that to do with the list? If it is not on the planet, than you can not get it. So someone has to import it to sell it direct to others or put it in auction. This is for the ordering system as well. Besides I usually manage to sell under current Arkadian auction prices. Thats why I tell people to put me on there FL, if I have more orders I can divide my costs better and reduce my MU's. Regards, Ion
Add Robot Buffers to the list. As long as we dont have some decent Arkadia faps we still need to make Vivo175 for hunters (at least for myself )
Thanks Neil, I removed the rocket pod from the list. At the time it got on the list there where people buying them, but not much need for them now. Regards, Ion
I dunno why Thin leather Soft leather Wool thread are on the list - they are found at Arkadia with no problem
Hello Yquem, I remove them from the list as well. They where put on the list because there was a big shortage in those materials. Thanks folks in helping to keep the list up to date. Regards, Ion
Maybe mark each items if they can be found on Arkadia or not. That will be a good indicator for ppl to bring it here if it cant be found.
I was looking for some Angel dust (forgot the name refined hehe) the other day and couldend find any in auc. Imo it dont matter much if u can find the items at Arkadia or not it isnt so many ppl here that selling in auc so it can be hard for a crafter to find stuff anyway, i been looking for a nice stack of soft leather to but seem to be hard to find. I get some when i hunt but need alot more And a Big +Rep for this idea ion Ops i cant give rep it seem U get it here then m8
A few things that I am in dire need of are.........MF attk chips. Acid I and II, combustive I, and Force nexus. always empty now. hopefully others need chips too....
Foul bone buttons should be taken off the import list... I've listed them on auction a number of times and they haven't sold.... I'll probably have to take them back to Caly to unload them. Please, folks, let's keep this list for items that are in regular demand. If you have an item that is not currently in regular demand, please contact an ASF member directly to arrange for a special delivery. And just because something is absent from the auction, that does not necessarily mean it should be on the import list.