Suggestion Suggested change to loot variation/loot dynamics

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Mikass, Jul 18, 2011.

  1. Mikass

    Mikass Member

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    Some of you who have been around for some time know there were few big changes to the loot system.

    Initially all mobs returned loot. "no loot" message didn`t exist. Loot variation was very small prior to this, a 300ped hof was reason for big celebration at the time and about the maximum a player could get.

    2nd change came after VU 6.5 when "no loots" were introduced allowing even higher loot variation. At this point maximum hof size for mobs like drone or molisk was 2-3k max.

    3d change came after L items were introduced, MA saying that change was needed to allow high tt items to be dropped. We know unL items with 50% cond limit go beyond 4-5k minimum tt condition and L items also go up to 600ped tt value and such. At this stage hofs like 10k were possible for mobs like drones where the cap was previously 2-3k.

    While these changes make sense somewhat, they also alienate players that get many rounds of 40-50% returns in tt value. Many of these players will just quit not knowing these dynamics and will never get back the share they`ve left behind. If loot distribution were to be more even, MA would get better player retention. I`m sure of this.

    Areas like Hell or CND increase this dynamic even further, making loot 2X more dynamic allowing even higher variation on top of 3d change. Why not create hunting grounds like CND with higher variation, BUT with a clear warning sign about it.

    Also why not return and decrease loot variation to pre-VU 6.5 levels to allow players who want a more steady return and stability to hunt/mine/craft there. Create such special loot areas with very low loot variation. It was possible to create a high variation place like CND and Hell, where loot is 2X more dynamic. Please consider creating the opposite of that, a low variation loot environment.

    p.s: Before you mention "rookie" tools and "puny" mobs, remember those are subject to same loot variation just that on a smaller scale. It only caters to 1 week old players.
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  2. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Well one cool thing I have seen with the smugler edition weapons on Arkadia is they have a decent TT value but not overly high like most of the other UL sib weapons. This leads me to think that they will be more comon in loots as the loot does not have to hit insane highs of 10k ped just to loot it but guess that is still up to MA and you may get a big HOF or ATH and not get one of them.
  3. MIND

    MIND Member

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    would love have loot in all mobs :)

    but PLEASE no Blazars and Novas thx and goodbye
  4. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    more even loot distribution

    I've never been a hunter but I have friends that are, and they'll tell you, if you want to loot anything worth having you'll need good armor and guns and hunt high end mobs. MA has never given much to lower end mobs and as such has segregated the new people and middle class players from any chance at big loots or even good guns from one.

    If they want only high end hunters to get loots then its working as I have never seen a small to medium sized animal drop high end loot. Let some fall more evenly, so that high end animals drop cheaper loots as well as high end stuff and lower animals can occasionally drop good loots to let the average player feel like it's worth paying his hard earned ped for ammo to hunt them.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Great idea Mikass. I will however disagree on the issue of puny weapons. Not just for very new players. Kiwio is a great little gun.

    I looted an esi from a merp young. That was worth having. Gremlin thighs from plumatergus. Aurora armour and TP chips from drones. And there are reasonable MU stackables in various non-huge mobs.

  6. Mikass

    Mikass Member

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    I didn`t say rookie tools are bad. In fact, I think they`re an improvement for noobies so they can stretch out the ped long enough to test how system works but they`re still subject to same loot variation.
  7. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Not sure Dave and team can influence loot variation / frequency, only loot content. This suggestion may be more appropriate in the Entropia Universe forum?
  8. Mikass

    Mikass Member

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    Neverdie created "Hell" with 2X more dynamic loot variation. I don`t see why won`t Mindark be open to such requests from Planet Partners when it would be something extremely easy to implement. Just create a Hell/CND like area with -2x dynamic loot variation instead of 2x.

    Planet partners can make suggestions for new systems and such. Treasure finding will be implemented across the platform at Arkadia`s suggestion. I also know Planet Cyrene persuaded Mindark to introduce the mission system we have now.
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  9. MIND

    MIND Member

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    well thats good points!

    plus rep for you :D

    this is how it should be like but then BIG areas :)
  10. Bear

    Bear Member

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    Instead of "Places" it should simply be the mobs you hunt.
    The higher the Health of a mob, the higher the "loot variation". Simple as that..
  11. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    I think that's true..but I also think it would be even MORE exciting if there is a "surprize" loot variation in the lower ones also..keeps player momentum for new players and existing ones excited about the game. What fun would it be to grind on lower Hp mobs over and over for months on end with same stuff?..Boring!!!..:/