Laser pistols on auction

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by Dragon Moon, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Am I the only one who is having a hard time to find a decent laser pistol [70-90 dmg] on the auction on Arkadia? There were rarely any CAP 303 or 404 on auction whenever I looked. I tried to support the Arkadia economy, but I had to buy most of my weapons, even CAPs, on Calypso for the past 3 weeks [tp and transport fees suck].

    With the upcoming changes when space opens, I'm really wondering what will happen. Will there be more demand than supply on Arkadia? Will MU's even be higher than they already are? Will I have to dust off my unmaxed EP-40 and hunt Bokol, or take the Opalo to the Halix? Or will the drop rate increase, will crafters craft and traders bring some mid lvl weapons to Arkadia? I want to keep hunting, and I want to do so on Arkadia.
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I have sold 3 Caps on auction so far. Promise to sell any more I loot as I have my trusty unl korss h400 to use. But its a matter of them dropping in sufficient numbers. Also I can't hunt quite as much owing to the mob balance changes in the last release - so less loot due to that.

    Not sure what I am going to do about laser rifles once the TP shuts down. Have been buying adapted anabolics off Buzz. So I am hoping to see volume of decent local rifles increase also.
  3. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    There are a few CAP 303 or 404 on auction every now and then, but by now I prefer to go back to Calypso to stock up on pistols. With an MU of 170-200% on the Arkadia auction, it's still cheaper to import weapons with the same dmg/sec myself from Calypso, even with the cost of space travel added. I'm a hardcore hunter and I burn lots of guns when I have the time to play, and it sure adds up for me.

    Also, the imported weapons from Calypso have a MU 10-20% higher on Arkadia. What justifies such a raise of MU on those weapons, since there is no risk getting them there? I'm pretty sure that the people who bring them to Arkadia, have more than one item to sell in their inventory, so offsetting the traveling costs can't be the sole reason.

    It's all nice and good with supply and demand dictating the prices, but right now it sure doesn't help the economy of Arkadia. So all you weapon sellers (and other imported, non-lootable items sellers), who support Arkadia with their mouths and forum posts, how about really supporting it by lowering the MU a tad, and looking beyond the prospects of a higher personal profit, at least for the time being?

    As it is now, I'm only able to support MA's wallet, and I don't like it!
  4. jcfuller

    jcfuller Member

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    How to avoid Auction campers grabbing all the lower mu items??

  5. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    Hah, ya that too. But from what I observed with the pistols, there weren't any low MU ones offered [on Arkadia], unless I missed it. I have better things to do than camping auctions. :D But if there was one with a slightly lower MU, I'd grab it, and those were imported Calypso guns.
  6. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I try sell several pistols with market value i see in info item but not very much success.
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I ended up taking my last cap-303 back to caly after it failed to sell in auction here. I don't think I priced it unreasonably. Sold within a day on Calypso
  8. DaveFoz

    DaveFoz Member

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    Think some of the problem will be at the moment that there is not as much PED to be spent on Ark as is on Caly. SO those guns going back sell well. While the ones on Ark cannot be bouhgt as there is only new players with out skills or PED to use or Buy, or you miss those that can use and buy cause they are out hunting or back on Caly getting the exported guns from there
  9. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    I've bought quite a few CAP 303 and 404 with a decent MU on Arkadia auction and from players there over the past two weeks, but Arkadia's Lootius is now punishing me for doing that. I won't need Arkadia guns any time soon, if he keeps being an ass over the weekend too. :D
  10. Yquem

    Yquem Active Member Pro Users

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    I sell my CAP-404 Arctics on Arkadia auction. Every time one is sold i add the next one - so just stay tuned - and remember eco is better on CAP-404 than hl14 and hl15
  11. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    I'm done buying guns for now, sorry to say. I'm done depositing over and over again, to be able to buy guns, enhancers, faps etc, and support the Arkadia economy.

    I'm getting the worst returns ever after space arrived, often 50% or less on Huon or Beladoth and such (with globals), and even on low hp mob like Tiarak, Bokol and big Oro (who barely global for me). I'm still staying on Arkadia, not login in alot though, because I'm not doing MA the favor and head back to their "golden child" Calypso, if that's what they want to accomplish with their loot "balancing" on Arkadia. I'm hoping the next VU will turn things around. Hopefully all the useless hides then can be sold with MU and will help reduce losses...hey, one can dream.. :D

    Even the most excellent A team will be helpless if MA drags it's ass again. Was ist Schiller who said: "Against stupidity the very gods themselves contend in vain."? :D

    Ooops, back on topic....I sure hope you'll still be able to sell your guns, because all the hunters I saw around all these weeks seemed to have vanished too. And the "tourist hunters" obviously bring their guns from Calypso.