The definition of demotivation

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Futurama, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    I think finding a low-tt (maybe 1/3) TT weapon in loot is just like finding ammo (if it's the same as the one you're using) or useful to use up the random ammo drops if it's a different type. Either is quite a lot better IMHO than random small amounts of something only salable, at tiny MU, if you collect a mountain of it. Like all that wood, for example.

    As others have said, low-end weapons without much life in them (but not too low!) are useful things to give away to noobs, especially non-depositing noobs. I originally started out trying not to deposit (gave that up when there was no sweating for months) and was ecstatic when someone gave me a CB5 (L) with about 1.5 PED left on it. :)
  2. DaveFoz

    DaveFoz Member

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    I agreee prefer to see items over ammo. but if Item is only 3 PED then ammo would be better for me.

    I can see both sides of the arguement here for TT items in loot, for a new player never set foot in the universe then it is good for them to see items. maybe one or two of them will be UL Versions soon, then are you going to mine them?
  3. Stagger

    Stagger Member

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    i wouldn't like to see this changed,
    low mob hunters indeed will loot tt stuff more often,
    but this means that they will also learn to deal with hunts and search for the items.
    which will prove really really usefull when they decide to hunt bigger.