The definition of demotivation

Discussion in 'Hunting' started by Futurama, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. Futurama

    Futurama Member

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    I`m quite sure someone probably has already mentioned this before, but still...

    Trade terminal's items in loot - who's brilliant idea was it? Atm I'm not talking about average markup in the loot, I understand that you can't expect it to be too high, so I'm not whining about ammo in loot etc. But looting an item (at the first moment, ofc you get excited) and than realising It is yet another one from trade terminal - that's just awful, It is as demotivating as it can get. Seriously, my motivation to hunt drops significantly with each ark10 (L) or asi10 (L) drop...

    I'm not asking for more items in loot, I'm not asking for better average markup or for better tt returns. All I'm asking is to stop mocking and teasing me and others.
  2. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    Hi I understand what you mean by this but its currently quite a new planet and these items will likely start dropping less and less as more content gets added to the game giving more loot possabilities. Just give it some time.
  3. Futurama

    Futurama Member

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    I just don`t see any reason why they decided that TT items should be lootable as well... Might as well add extra ammo in loot or something...
  4. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    And then you get those that complain that there are no items in loot. its a catch 22 and you cant satisfy everyone. Also remember that the PP has no controle over loot and what drops its up to MA.
  5. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    All non generic mobs have extended loot table created by PP. MA can aprove it and put in production.
  6. Chiba

    Chiba Member

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    I just wanted to add something about this =)

    In terms of control, I do suppose you can say that the planet partner does have some control... Planet partners decide what items that can be looted but it is 100% up to MindArk what mob that drops it and how frequently.

    So as Futurama said above, yes it could have been just ammo.. But to be honest, I would much rather see the TT items in the loot than ammo... It does make me more happy to see a condition bar instead of a huge pile of ammo =)
  7. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    I understood that all Arkadian specific items are going to be both lootable and craftable, so that includes the stuff in the tt. Don't have a reference to hand but believe the reasoning for this was explained somewhere here pre launch. It is a bit different, but I personally agree with Chiba about feeling a bit more like I actually looted something when I see an item with a health bar rather than ammo and oils. In the end though yes, up to MA how often they drop etc.
  8. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Whilst you feel it is demotivational to you, for a new player who loots a weapon they have not tried before it is definitely not demotivational. It only occurs on new player mobs. It gives a new player who might be using a laser weapon a chance to maybe try a sword or a BLP weapon if they loot the item when out hunting.
  9. Futurama

    Futurama Member

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    I see, well, maybe it "helps" others. I guess the Oro mission is going to kill me :D
  10. Baradhur

    Baradhur Member

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    Hmm I have to agree here, looting TT weapons.. is not a direct motivation to hunt moobz. Especially when you only loot 4 TT handguns in 6000 oro's lol. A newbie can just as well TT 3 ped of ammo and buy it from the.. well TT. I would love some non TT items to drop from certain moobz. Kinda extreme boring after K's and K's of mobs especially with current droprate / I can't see a newbie kill K's of mobs in order to loot a TT gun.

    anyways, back to Oro lol

    cheers and GL
  11. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Then go shoot something else Baradhur, I looted loads of tt weapons off Halix and Jori. Jori as example usually 4-5 LAW-101 in 100peds ammo, and I probably killed a few 1000 of them by now. But the tt pistol loots less common from Jori, still loots tho. And the blades are fairly common from Halix, so go hunt something else then what the NPC tells you to hunt if you want to see other loots.

    And I agree with Dave, if I loot a gun I'm more likely to try it instead of buying a completely new kind of gun as I probably like the first gun I ever bought and have no idea another weapon can be more fun or better then the one I bought.

    And remember this is a new planet and lots of stuff is purely aimed at the new people that comes in as it should be, we that came with the Liberation Fleet's military vessels are probably a lot more experienced then the ones that are coming in now and have the option to try out a lot of different things so if you dont like the loots from one kind of creature try another one and it might give you another nice item or loot...
  12. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    i actually wish i could always loot tt stuff. i love crafting tt stuff too because then i dont have to resell it.
  13. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    You made a very valid point with this statement, and something I think many tend to forget. Planet partners develop their planets with new players in mind mostly (or perhaps should let's say), and while Dave takes into consideration game play of veterans, I would guess that the main priority would be new players. They are responsible for building a player base, and taking care of the newbie should be first and foremost in order to accilimate them and strive for retention.

    While I can appreciate the seeming weirdness of TT weapons looting from mobs, and maybe don't quite understand that either, I would have to agree with Jen here and suggest that you try other mobs for perhaps different items?

    At any rate, at least there's something coming out of those mobs, yes? :)
  14. New York Rose

    New York Rose Active Member

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    I like that!...:)
  15. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    I think it's a good idea that TT weapons are dropped and looted. Reason:

    First, as David said, it makes it more easy for new players to get a weapon that they haven't tried yet. I'm sure that it's a lot of fun and excitement to loot an even 1/3 TT sword, for a player that ever wanted to try one but never had the money.
    Fun + excitement = good :)

    Second, this way very low TT weapons become widely available. Max. TT is very low on the ranged weapons, yes. But even a 1 PED LAW-101 has over 2K shots left!
    Sure, no way to sell it in auction, neither to get any MU for it, but we can trade them for unused ammo, sweat, other stuff new players loot - or we can use them as approbate gifts for nice newbies!
    And a new player itself looting one will be most happy, because it has use for it.
    Useful for old players + new players = good :)

    Third, they drop from the mobs that to kill they are usable. This is very good in my book, this way even low TT loot becomes much more useful, welcome and enjoyable! I'd so much hope this would be similar in the higher classes of loot here ...
    Loot that helps you to continue what your doing = good! :)

    For sure, I understand the OP: You, as a seasoned player, hunt bazillions of tiny Oro for a boring grind mission, for hours and hours, day after day. Suddenly, a condition bar in the loot window, just in time before you fell asleep & crashed your nose on the keyboard, again! Adrenalin flash, immediate wake-up, roars of joy! Then you see the (L), hmmmmm .... Then you realize that it's just another low value TT weapon - Oh Dung!

    But don't be too sad, at least it has saved your nose!

    Maybe it's a sign from Lootius to pause your Oro massacre, to head over to the quarry where the nOObs dwell, and to trade it there, or to use it to take some newbie to a little team hunt, or to just be a nice guy and donate it to the next nOOb that says something funny in the local chat?
    Who knows, maybe your new Soc member just has arrived there, or a phat global for you is in one of the puny mobs there?

    Yeah, it's a bit frustrating sometimes, for a seasoned player, to loot a TT weapon. Sure. But if you think twice, it's better then looting nothing but a few dreaded blazars, a bunch of useless other stuff (like the outdated old UL beginner weapons on Caly), or even nothing at all. And, if you want, you can make good use of it.

    And for a new player it's nothing but great to loot something that it actually has use for!

    Have a good time!
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  16. MIND

    MIND Member

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    great points!

    +rep if i could :)
  17. Bamaken

    Bamaken Member

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    I've not been around long time but I enjoy seeing differant type's of
    weapons and attack items drop. Gives a kinda little push to try new items.
    (Cant wait for mindforce to get added here remember first chip looted
    would have never tryed if didnt loot item ,now I'm hooked)
  18. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Repped her for you ;)
  19. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    talked to a new player last night when she was hunting Halix and she seemed very pleased when she looted a weapon, sure I didn't ask what but my experience from them made so I didn't feel the need to ask.
    So I say again, this is great for new players even if some of you older ones might not find it so fun then hunt other mobs as I already said ;)
  20. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The only definition of demotivation for me in regards to EU is...

    Free to play blah blah blah
    Make money while playing a game blah blah blah
    Loot new and exciting items blah blah blah
    Real Cash Economy blah blah blah

    Omit the crap in the advertising that does NOT apply to every one and many people will no longer be offended and feel robbed when they find out none of its true. That would pretty much absolve a need for the definition of demotivation.

    I think the advert should be "Pay and play big, win big, play small, feed em all"