Arkadian mob skulls and DNA parts?

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Few Scars, Jun 25, 2011.

  1. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi A-Team
    I was just wondering whether there were plans for skulls and other DNA parts to start dropping from Arkadian mobs. I think an Oweko or Huon skull would indeed be a worthy loot :)

  2. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Although this would require MA to make some major changes, maybe the ark team could give the idea to MA :)

    I would like to see DNA become limited and craftable. Hunters (and miners) would gather the raw materials for the crafters to make dna(L).

    Each successful click would create a piece of dna which could give a land area the mob for a single day, and you could put a stack of dna(L) into the fert terminal to have the mob for a month or more. There could also be L prints that create single maturities eg, atrox provider(L) so you can have specific mob and maturity, or special maturity or mobs (eg. atrox marauder or longtooth).

    The old dna's should remain as unlimited dna, but I think MA should allow owners to remove and replace them whenever they want so they can take advantage of L dna too.

    There's more than enough mobs to create a book of dna blueprints, and it would give hunter/miners an additional source of markup as well as allow crafters to make a few ped and land owners to take more control of their land.

    MA would need to alter things so it doesn't cost a fortune to insert a dna for 1 day to have an event, but i think it's probably a fairly easy bit of coding and development work to create a really interesting addition to the universe.
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  3. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    Moved over to the 'Wishlist' for the devs :)
  4. EyE

    EyE New Member

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    slither has some nice ideas, maybe someone will look at this for min.

  5. nahtanos

    nahtanos Member

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    Wonder if they would allow LA owners to put mobs from other planets on their land with this DNA idea...very interesting idea slither

    I agree Bjorn...I still have my first looted shinkiba and argonaut skulls...various mob skulls would be interesting...
  6. slither

    slither Active Member

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    I think mobs should be planet specific, infact I don't think rocktopia could use an arkadia mob as arkadia probably has copyright and exclusive use (I think that's why calypso changed daki to shinkaba, it's now a calypso exclusive mob and if u want to do the iron mission that is setup by calypso u have to hunt there)
  7. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yes do not mix the mobs from other planets either by DNA or other means!

    Not that I know how DNA work today but if you cant take it out without destroying it I think that should be changed so you maybe could take it out once and then it would decay(unless it decays if you just leave it in as it is already) and last for lets say 6months or so. At least sufficient time for it to be any reason to sell it and ofc buy such a DNA

    I dont like the idea of stackable (L) DNA.
    A) it is so rare that it's no idea to buy it because of the insane markup it will have
    B) it needs to be so common so no one crafts it as it's worth 101%