Ideas for Celeste Harbor Growth

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Calin, Jun 26, 2011.

  1. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I know there have been several mentions of building Celeste into the primary gathering place on Arkadia. I am 100% for this and I'd like to gather some community ideas here for how to help it along. There are already a number of people starting to hang out there which is great, but such a wonderful and beautiful place needs more people.

    I'll start with a couple of things that i think are necessary to gather the crowds.

    • People gather around a teleporter.
    • There has to be places very close for people to spawn all types of vehicles.
    • There needs to be outdoor terminals, but not in a line like the outdoor ones are now. People want to be able to reach the TT, storage, crafting machine and auction without having to move.
    • There need to be at least one very popular grinding mob spawn very close by (part of what made Twin Peaks on Caly the hub it became).
    • If there are going to be rentable or ownable booths or stalls, they should be nearby.
    • There needs to be a decent size open area for groups to gather.
    OK... anyone else have ideas?
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  2. John BD

    John BD Member

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    your points a quite good i would rep u if i had rep power :D
    i do have 1 too that can be handy.
    visible stage area bit where traders can stand doing their stuff or/and officials can do speaches and answer questions.
  3. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Good idea's.

    I specially like the more and maybe bigger spawn area for vehicles since the Arkadia Star Fleet HQ will be located in Celeste.

    I also hope to attract more people to Celeste with ASF.

  4. RAZER

    RAZER Active Member Pro Users

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    Maybe newbies should have just 2 TP when they start. The academy where they begin their lives and Celecte Harbour. I know from my own experience that the TP you start your game from will be your 'home' for a long time.
  5. Shinobi

    Shinobi Guest

    The OP has a very good point and I tend to agree. Twins is where all the traders are to be found spamming their services in chat. All the factors that makes twins what it is would be a perfect start. There is absolutelly the social aspect to nurturing a economy. I can immagine pilots spamming their services with their wingmen. Traders wanting to buy and sell. A mall and arena wont be such a bad idea. Larger arena in Ark style ofc :) Unique.

    In Pre-VU 10 days, there were two main TPs for such activities. in those days the game was very crowded and lots of gamers. It was PA-Main and Twins. Now the magic of twins lies in its architecture, design and well thought out experiment. Pity to put a mass social exp. that was successfull, to waste. Economically viable. Sound idea. i assume Twins still is the main spot on Cally?

    As a serious skilling miner, I needed to have my goods turned into quick peds with a little MU thats reasonable. Twins was and is the place to go for that. Always had the usual traders I traded with. In doing so I can, with profitable runs, sustain many runs untill I lose all or get tired lol. It would be in the best intrest of the Arkadian economy for the devs. to take this idea into considderation. The crafters rely on the traders who place their wares on auction or directly sell to their contacts.
  6. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    By "very close" I hope you mean outside radar range from the teleporter, just look at how twin or PA looks these days many players wont even go there because of all the vehicles spawned that A) creating lag like crazy, unless you have a good computer B) make it hard to see where people selling or buying are.

    And just outside radar range from a teleporter isn't that far away either...

    All the rest I can agree with

    PS. I mean spawn the vehicles and just let them sit there forever, fine if you can spawn it if you plan on leaving lets say within a min or five
  7. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    Just make the trading area impossible to spawn a vehicle.

    I think thats even possible to do these day's.

  8. Stave Petty

    Stave Petty Member

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    It is, the space stations have zones that your not allowed to spawn vehicles in :)
  9. Teke Styles

    Teke Styles Member

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    I think that the main thing that is missing at Celeste Harbour is noobs. The old pre 10 VU PA had a lot noob players and noob mobs near by. I personally do like the fact that there so many places that noobs can start the game. I think it is much better to have them start in one place, then they will be more of them together, they can learn from each other, and feel like they are part of a bigger group. I think that is better than having them spread out all over the place and being alone more.
  10. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I see something like the landing pads at the firebases or something like that, they have to be fairly close or quick to get to because nobody wants to have to run way off to spawn vehicles.

    I know the vehicle lag can be hell, but it's gotten a lot better than it was early on. Maybe having the very close in area block spawning, but nobody will move way off to spawn.
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I was at Celeste Harbour yesterday, using it as a base for the Oro mission. Its very pretty but appears to be deserted. Think I saw one other person there. Contrast this with Sanctuary Cove. Perhaps if new missions involved local mob spawns it might encourage hunters to spend more time in the area.
  12. Suu Miles

    Suu Miles Member

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    I agree with what several people already mentioned. Whenever I go there it is deserted, but then again, I wouldn't know which of the tps I would have to use to go to the main place.

    If we can't put life into celeste it will become hadesheim. There are several problems though:

    1) it's not a default tp so noobs won't find it that easily.
    2) it's so far spread with 4(?) tps and there is no real "Main market"
    3) there's nothing to do there for hunters, they will remain where the mobs are, no reason for them to go anywhere else.
    4) traders will go where hunters and miners are

    I'd suggest making something unique you can only do there. How about a ring? I'd love to see that! :D
  13. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    1) might been fixed now when there is a girl from the archeology society giving you the teleporter codes for celeste so you can visit their building there at every firebase (not the academy)
    2) as I suggested in another thread, make one TP for ore/enmatts and another one for hunting loots(Military HQ) easy for everyone to find what they are looking to sell or buy ;) (would need terminals at HQ tho :/)
    3) it's Zadul just west of Celeste, and to the east in the hills it's Oro (sure it's no Huon but there is "argo light's")
  14. James Clayton

    James Clayton Member

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    Ask your self why is Santuary Cove so populated? Yes it's a default tp which is important but mainly it's the diversity of mobs that are available for the hunters all within a lvl I or II tp chip.
    Look at the LA/mob zones North of Santuary, a great diversity of mobs and mob levels all stuck one next to each other, just one easy jump away. On the other hand look at CH and you see prety well nothing, some low level stuff to the south east and south west but nothing of interest to a hunter, good for noobs only.
    You want CH to be a focal point, just copy the mob map that is around Santuary to CH and vice versa and within one day CH will be packed with people.
  15. Calin

    Calin Member

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    Thank you all for the input. Keep the ideas flowing!
  16. bass

    bass Member

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    LOL the only way to make CH the base gathering point is to remove command post at Sanctuary Cove :) :)
  17. Fopsie

    Fopsie Active Member Pro Users

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    You basicaly covered it all. I have a few other Idea's to promote that TP when shops comes out but to protect my bussiness model I will be following when shops comes online will not reviel my master plan just yet :)
  18. Billy

    Billy Member

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    Just have 2 places to trade 1 for pilots where they can spawn their ships and another for traders you could put them across from each other'