Heh I can easily see this Milton Lee going POOF for leading with his face all the time. Just like the gulls on the preflight area that passed thru a front loaded radar dish under test. Better yet his head exploding in a pink mist when he jumps in front of a turret fireing at attacking indigenous as he questions what is happening. Just goes to show why us lowly laborers arer needed. So many smart people are too engaged inside their own heads to pay attention to the world around them. You definatly paint a good picture with your words Alex. I KNOW this guy and have met him several times IRL.
OZI OSTRICH, MISSA MOUSE tps? sry caps wasn't on when I typed those j/k Have the tps been named yet or names to be decided still? What I like is how I can picture the lay of the land so far, wonder how close my vision will be
Don't expect any TP's or anything named after me Most of the names are done already, although I suspect Cyrus may have a competition coming up to get a chance to name something yourselves.
This is a very good story line... great job =) . It reminds me of a program on National Geographic Channel - Aftermath: Life After People, only on another planet. Planet Arkadia is a hit for me and my avatar hasn't hit the ground yet! lol ( i like history & archeology ) ! My bags are packed and my TP fair is set aside and now I wait with great anticipation, exception, and excitement ( as i pace back and forth at the tp) lol
Just don't let the naming go to votes only use what fits and give Alex final say, we trust him already
Noooo!!!! Is this It?? Hurry up!! Have you guys actually made this whole thing up? BS! Sounds like a true story to me. Anyways, waiting for 2.5!
Glad you all trust me to name stuff! Hopefully my creativity doesn't run out soon, or else you could all find yourselves exploring 'Alexville' Though sounds like Harmony's off to a good start for naming places