URGENT - Calling ALL Crafters

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by AttacKat, Jun 21, 2011.

  1. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    Arkadia WANTS you!!!

    I am calling upon ALL you crafters in Arkadia to start crafting low level TT level+1 items, such as the Herman ARK-10 Arctic, Herman LAW-101, and stock up the auction terminals.

    With this latest release from MA, we have a serious breaks within the item chain. Many items have only advanced versions listed and no in between TT->advanced exists for noob avatars. If we have a supply shortage for noob avatars, this planet will not be able to achieve a steady population growth and no population = no economy = no planet.

    Please, get your crafting wheels rolling and help this planet's growth.

  2. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Indeed we need more crafters. However I'm sure that most people searching this forum are already here :D

    *Moved this to the crafting section btw*
  3. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    I'm waiting for higher level Arkadian amps and finders to find their way to Arkadian auc.

    Highest Terra Finder that I've seen on auc reached 400m deep and I guess I'm not only miner out there waiting for an Arkadian finder that reaches closer to 1k or even deeper?

    Regular lvl 1 amp amplifies 1.6 and Arkadian Terra Amp starts with eff. 4, so will be interesting to see what the higher level amps will do. If they reach eff. higher than 100... or have higher tt-value allowing longer mining-runs with one amp, then I guess we have something other planets don't... that's simply supply and demand after that.

    If crafting those requires mostly Arkadian ores/enmatters (Like Terra Amp 1 does) and how fast they're cycled among miners (especially if doing ores/enmatters at the same time), I guess Our economy will pick up the pace eventually. If most of the ingredients needed are found here (and those UL bp's start dropping), it would be easier for amp-crafters to stock the rest of the ingredients needed before they come to Arkadia and buy the rest from the local Arkadian miners?

    One more question to crafters/miners regarding this Terra Amp 1 ... is Lanorium found on Arkadia or imported from Calypso? For I haven't found any Lanorium on Arkadia yet.

    -- Hyssch --
  4. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    No Lanorium found so far. Same is true for Melchi, Gazz, Cumb, Alice and a few I can't remember. Very little Narc, Blaus, Typo. Plenty of component bps require Typo so it seems things are "out of balance". Lyst has gotten scarce.
  5. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    I did found Melchi on Arkadia before this Space-VU... now that You mentioned it, haven't found any Melchi lately

    -- Hyssch --
  6. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    1 Ospra find in last 350 drops in my favorite spots. MA is killing Ark economy. Nothing is moving at auction either.

    No profitable runs for me today which is highly unusual.
  7. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I like that Ospra is hard to find. Miners need a high MU ore :D
  8. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    I think Ospra is not hard to find. I find a lot little claims since i start mining Arkadia, about May 26.
  9. nahtanos

    nahtanos Member

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    Things will even out in time....there are plenty of us dedicated to planet Arkadia succeeding...on that note I will be trying to craft more to add to this...would make sense for more people to use forums and ask for specific guns/armor/equipment they would like to buy and a crafter can personally make them...instead of worrying how many pages are in auction...
  10. Zweshi

    Zweshi Member

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    I would say the main problem is that we have to few miners... Unfortunantly there were no real mu in the beginning so alot left.
    We want you back now miners! :)
  11. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    And of course we'll all need to make due until the next couple Planet Arkadia content updates. I'm confident there will be even more items / materials available for us to use, and grow our own econosphere.
  12. slither

    slither Active Member

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    The problem is the lack of usefull ores. Where's all the really usefull common ores like iron, belk, melchi, alice etc?

    I understand the need for the arkadia ores, and I know at some point they will be more usefull when more bps drop, but atm they're difficult to sell and the bulk of the old ores we can find are junk that nobody uses much like azur, root acid, ferrum, gold.

    This is a chicken and egg problem. We can't drop bps if we can't do 1000's of clicks on cheap bps, and cheap bps need the old common ores (iron, melchi, belk etc) - and bringing them from calypso is risky and/or costly.

    I like arkadia and would like to spend a lot of time here, but the single biggest problem with the planet is the ores - i'm seriously thinking about leaving and not coming back unless it gets sorted out.
  13. slither

    slither Active Member

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    btw: as far as I can tell I believe there's only 1 vehicle bp that can be crafted with ores found on arkadia, that's given us a serious handicap in the space race. And people wonder why there's few miners here when every crafter in the universe is skilling for quad-wings.
  14. MindStar9

    MindStar9 Deactivated User

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    I plan to take up mining again, so hopefully I'll be able to add something into the mix. Will also start crafting again, as well as doing a bit of hunting, so every little bit helps from all of us, but ... I certainly understand what Slither is saying about ores and the state of the BP's and their recipes. I have a feeling that we're going to be able to work this out, so let's give it a couple more weeks of this space stuff and see where we can go from here.

    If we ban together and work as a unit, I think we can accomplish much more than if not. There are a few in this community who are making a great initiative in that respect, and I will back them 100% as much as possible. :)
  15. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    I completely agree. I've been on Ark since it came online. After much pondering and giving the space VU a chance, I said "screw it" last night and left. Doing so I prolly left about 500 ped in MU on the table by tt'ing stuff I could have/should have been able to sell. Why?

    1. Auction has been dwindling for the past few weeks. Ok, that's expected after the shiny new planet effect wears off....to a point. I got past that point when lyst stopped dropping and even common Caly ores had no orders in auction. There is no viable economy at this point from my perspective.

    2. BPs are useless. Does anyone really think I am going skill up my O Rings BP to 100 QR with Ospra at 200% & no buyers for O Rings? I've been able to use some of the bps, but again, nothing is selling at auction. No, I am not going to save up to sell to someone trying to make a 40% profit by transporting them back to Caly. I will just move back to Caly where there is an economy. On Caly, I can take my pick of 10 - 15 bps, depending on my ore/enmat inventory, auto click a few k times and have a few days/weeks worth of some component which sells for 150% plus in inventory. In other words, I can craft a bunch and have inventory to sell over time for a profit. Basic Wires, Bearings, Sheet Metal...all sorts of things are profitable. Those options don't exist on Ark.

    3. No Melchi, Alice, Cumb, Belk, etc. Barely any Narc, Blaus, Cald, Iron, etc. I rely on these staples to craft. I know MA/Ark, etc want to spur interplanetary trade so that means some things will be scarce. Fine, but they decided to make oxygen scare. I can't breathe. I get more Devil's Tail on Caly than Narc on Ark. I will leave figuring out alternatives to breathing to all you Ark Pioneers. My heart says Ark, my head says Caly. I usually go with my head.

    4. I got an offer for a ride back to Caly so I decided to take it when MA disabled the TPs (knew about that) and made all of space LOOTABLE pvp (didn't know the details) BEFORE the mothership crews got organized. They will just sit at the choke points and send out fighters.

    I like Ark and would like to visit again, especially after treasure is released. But the fact remains that on Caly I have more options than I can take advantage of and I could see the options dwindling rapidly in the last week.

    As much as I hate to say it, it was a relief to get off Ark. I wanted to make Ark my home or second home but it was not to be....at least so far. I like options. If A sucks, try B, if A and B suck, try C, etc. I was running out of options.
  16. Golddude

    Golddude Member

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    I think arkiadia is talking my money.. Wait Calypso did that too.
  17. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Dave's chatting at sanctuary cove now, he said ores will be adjusted next week :)
  18. AttacKat

    AttacKat Active Member

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    As we all know, Arkadia is a new planet and it is growing/changing with every patch. There will be another patch release within a week, and once again, many changes will be in that patch.

  19. Atlan Leticron

    Atlan Leticron Active Member

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    If you crafters need resources who are hard to get on Ark, just post them in the Arkadia Import List.

    This way pilots can see what needs to be taken home.

    The list is there for you all to use.

  20. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    My issue list:

    1. FIX THE COMPONENT BPS! When you are crafting stackables, the bp recipe must have a higher tt value than what it is creating, ie no 1 ped click to make a 2 ped stackable. It really fucks up the system. I have no idea why or how MA approved these, but they need fixed bad.

    2. SHOPS. Though the arkadia economy is growing, it is slow. I don't like doing a crafting run, then having items take weeks to sell in auction all the while taking up valuable auction slots i could be using to sell higher turn over items. Give me some cheap easy to access shops where i can shove lots of crafted goods for everyone to buy at their leisure.

    3. Ore balance. Like everyone is saying, don't give us low level bps that should have high turn over on them, and then make them use materials that are rare to non-existent on your planet.

    All in all, keep up the good work. What you have so far is much more logical and better organized than the mess on calypso.