Good or Bad times for Arkadia?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by krm398, Jun 22, 2011.

  1. krm398

    krm398 Member

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    Anyone noticing a good/bad time to be on Arkadia? I'm not a worrier usually and it's not just the new patch, every since I've been on Arkadia from 8-9am in the US East Coast, I get bumped from servers a lot, no matter where I'm mining, and between those hours, cant get anything done. Might be some rush somewhere else? But I have started a mining run and got thrown out two maybe three times before it was done, even stood watching the claim while had to restart,and the only way to get back in was to leave the start entirely, not just back to desktop..all the way out, or it wont allow me back in, must shut it down and go somewhere else for a minute..checked my machine and dsl before saying anything, can do right online everywhere else, and then back in after a minute but not for long.Have to wait until 10 am or so to come back on, then never seem to have a problem,oh well.
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Hi Chaser,

    I'm just west of you and haven't had any issues during same timeframe.
  3. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    This sounds like more of a problem with your isp to me, but still more of a bug report. Moving over to Bug Reports.
  4. Calin

    Calin Member

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    I'm east coast US and I haven't had any trouble at any time with Arkadia. I agree with Lee, sounds like an issue with your isp.
  5. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    New England here, no problems at any time of the day.
  6. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Left Coast USA here an no problems like that observed.
  7. Kinnison

    Kinnison Active Member

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    Might not be your ISP; it could be your modem and/or router, or even a cabling problem.

    For cable modems, eliminating any router you might have between PC and the modem (plug straight into the cable modem) can eliminate router problems as a possibility. For ADSL modem/routers that's more of a problem.

    Another possible problem is weak wireless signals and/or competition with a nearby (next door?) wireless network. How to check? Find out what your signal strength is for a start. Assuming that's OK, try changing channels on your wireless (all computers on the network and the router itself will have to be changed) and see if that solves it. Of course, this presupposes that you're using wireless in the first place.

    Someone might be hijacking your wireless network, too; always, always, always use WEP or WPA to prevent this.

    And finally, what else are you doing on the internet at the same time? Using BitTorrent clients at the same time as playing online games is asking for trouble, for example.
  8. Milesio

    Milesio Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    It is only in Entropia Universe or is too you are using Internet generic?.

    About Entropia Universe only, i have a problem in the past, and answer by support was i must down connection speed (Tools section in prelogin screen) at 56K. I was amazed because i say i have 6 Mb and how can be down to 56K? But thing is working well.

    About Internet generic problems, i have problems sometimes. I check some wires, and i do not know why but sometimes works. I try electric wires not touch or not are near telephon-Internet wires. All is working good, then some day i am cleaning room ground and forgot that and move wires, then all start again.

    Good luck with problems.