Problem: Players leave. Solution: inside ;)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Smoerble, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Feedback for the A-Team:

    I had a chat with several players who leave Arkadia. Just want to give you a feedback what they say:
    I talked to 20+ players, and all mentioned three things... every single one of them:

    1) everyone (!) is annoyed with the current loot after the update. Some are annyoed by the increased mobs, but not all... but everybody suffers more than before, even though some experienced more item drops... you NEED to get that fixed by MA quickly. (This means: ppl loose a more TT return than on Calypso PLUS they don't get items with MU to compensate the losses)

    2) People are afraid to get stuck on an empty planet when space comes... not sure, if you can do anything against this, but also this needs to be adressed immediately to MA

    3) Every single one of them believes that Arkadia has a bright future... still everyone is not happy anymore.

    I am a little frustrated about the last part... because people who are disappointed are very hard to bring back :(.

    My last 2 pecs on this:
    It's a shame that a planet with a lot LESS players gets better drops... more weapons, more armor and even better parts. It's wierd to call this balanced...

    Please let me make it more clear:
    I personally am still happy with Arkadia... and I am aware that loot is MA driven, not A-Team.

    But I see peoplem leaving so I asked them and just posted the result. As the A-Team is not able to play with noob or uber avatars at all, I wanted to collect the feedback of several players and post it as a summary here.
  2. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    Well i am quite pleasd with the loot. All loot on all planets are the same. i did a test on that already. I loot more items now then before the update whihc is cool. My returns are 90% even if i try to go lower.

    Most players that leave are hunters from Calypso that moan they cant loot a big UnL uber gun or the Alienware stuff. Most of them are medium lvls btw. I (because i want to save some money for space) am hunting lower now and actually I have mor fun even. i still get nice items like guns so i am quite happy about it. most hunters go only for huons only which either gets you profit or lose.

    They should try some more different mobs liek the korwill or the kiana for example. Even Dave hinted that there is a lot more to discover in the other mobs =)
  3. jcfuller

    jcfuller Member

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    One Avatars Loot gains = another Avatar losses period! There is no magic involved here people: Fewer hunters less loot!! That's all there is to it.
    Why is this so hard to understand?

  4. Faye

    Faye Member Pro Users

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    because it is not so :) it is about home much ped you cycle

    lemme explain.

    a newbie that goes with 10 ped ammo and a rifle will not loot much. It is too short for the system to repsonse to his decay+ammo lose
    If you extended the hunt tool say 100 ped the newbies covers more time and the system in time gives you that 90% back.

    Now it is a matter of time to find out who long you want your run and how mych ammo (ped) you cycle on one hunt. For me i testeds this on atrox. a 200 ped run gave me more losses each time. but a 400 ped run gave me better chance on break even runs (and even some profit).

    ofc this is just a small part in how loot works because it is also the matter of which gear to use. Why do ppl believe a APIS+dante is good ? it is the worst combo ever. Yes you kill a lot of mobs fast but you do it too fast so the system cant give you the peds back (time based issue here)

    If ppl would tune their gear a bit more and do proper test then even a newbie with 100 ped and last a life time

    And yes i tested this. I mark down every hunt run. Even with zombies on RT i had minimal lose
  5. Lezardine

    Lezardine Active Member

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    Totally agreed on that with Faye!
    Being a low level hunter, I experienced (big) differences on the same mob but different maturities. So what David said!
    Now if you're here for rapid/easy peds, it was an eldorado during the first days/2 weeks, now it's over. It was predictable, we know how the balance is important in EU ;)
    Regarding the other planet with item drops, well, how long has that planet been online now? ;)
    Everything will come in time.

    I have faith.
    And you? :)

  6. Bugg

    Bugg Member

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    I'm back on Calypso since a few days. I think my reasons for that are along the same line as several others.

    I'm not a hunter, so I can't comment on the above, but as a miner it was tough to justify staying, from an economical pov. Markup on the Arkadia specific resources was for the most part gone, and auction activity was on the decline. I don't like wasting auction fees when stuff doesn't sell, and I don't like selling resources to the TT. To a miner like me, being able to sell the "junk resources" for 103-106% without too much hassle makes a big difference in the long run.
    This was by far the most important reason for my departure.

    This somewhat applies to me as well, in the sense that, when space was announced I was initially considering to stick it out on Arkadia until after the 21st and then try to return to Calypso through space, as a way to experience the space system - and if the space thing was too much of a hassle or too expensive, I could always use the TP anyway.
    But once it became clear that the TP would be shut down, I skipped that idea and just headed back.

    This applies to me as well. I'm impressed with the work that the Arkadia team has done and is doing, and I like the "Arkadia vibe." But the vibe alone is not enough; my emotional connection with Arkadia is not strong enough to overcome the economic reality: as a small time miner, I do better on Calypso at the moment.

    I will, however, almost certainly return at some point. This might be on the day of the release which contains the treasure hunting system, or it might be some time after that, when that system has been established for a bit (and perhaps the economy as well.) It will almost certainly not be before treasure hunting arrives though.

    Best of luck, and until some point in the future.
  7. bass

    bass Member

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    What I dont understand here is why people are worried to be stuck on one planet: won't interplanetary service be offered? So why worry?

    We - miners - have a big issue with markup and request of materials. It has been said many times, if A-team will not fix this, they WILL loose all the miners. For granted. I will stay for some days yet, until I have TT ores to recycle, after that I'll go back on Calypso anyway, TP or not.

    As other have said, I'm proud to be here since day 1, but at the moment economy is prohibitive and I dont like to waste all I've done on Calypso just because of bad market.
  8. Bugg

    Bugg Member

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    I don't think anyone's really worried that they'll be stuck on one planet forever.
    In all likelihood, the whole space system will eventually work fairly smoothly, and interplanetary travel should be a viable and affordable option for the average player. It's a crucial aspect of the whole multi-planet platform, so I'm sure they'll work hard to make it work.

    It's more a question of how long it will take before we reach that point of comfort.

    There are too many unknown variables at the moment.

    This will be the biggest update in a long time. Judging by how well the mining update went last month (weeks of bugs which cost us money), it's unlikely that things will run smoothly tomorrow. We could be stranded for a few days for purely technical reasons.

    Then there's the PvP aspect. Will it be lootable PvP? doubtful, but who knows. And even if it's not - how long before the novelty of space combat wears off enough to stop any rich enough space-uber from shooting down anything that moves? And what happens if you get shot down? Or get disconnected? Do we lose the ped we paid to travel?

    And how much will it cost to travel? 20 ped? 120 ped? And how long will we have to stand in line?

    Personally I think it will all work out sooner rather than later, but there are so many potential doom scenarios - well, maybe not "doom," but "make our life a little bit more difficult" scenarios.

    People are simply going on the information they have, which is not enough to make an informed decision. So many of them opt to "play it safe." Which means, going somewhere they feel comfortable enough to sit out the storm - however long that storm will last. Could be days, could be weeks, could be months. Who knows. :)
  9. Nor Alien

    Nor Alien Active Member

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    After space is in place, I think the economy will see an increase. :)
  10. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    I believe Arkadia has a bright future and I may go there again sometime... but it needs to get MindForce first, because I can not rely on other people (friends and socmates) bringing me chips o_O
  11. Art Jennifer

    Art Jennifer Member

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    I see Arkadia having a good future, if it does not become empty due to the space update, and no teleport between them.

    We shall see
  12. Dragon Moon

    Dragon Moon Member

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    I've seen it coming... that everybody leaves, I mean. What you listed, Smoerble, are all valid points for serious EU players, I guess.

    I'm just fine on Arkadia for long as I can buy a gun there and hunt until my eyes and mouse fingers bleed. And after that, I open my window in real world and stare into space. It's all good. :D
  13. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    The changes in the mobs was sad, but as David said MA wasnt happy with the balance and it was pretty much a global fest with the Huon.
    As far as mobs go, there is something for everyone from tiny Oro to nasty Yuki. I saw a mob on RT yesterday with L135! They have to supply mobs for the higher end players as well. Also you may be aware that more powerful weapons are due in the coming months.

    As for being stuck, well I tried to get an UL Spacecraft with no success, so collected enough materials from Calypso and have transported to Arkadia whatever happens.

    As for who stays on Arkadia...well like all planets the first wave is big and the residual is the basis of the new community. From here we will grow.We have so much to look forward to, with shops, apartments, treasure hunting etc etc, new missions, new crafting textures etc
    I will be here for a long time!

  14. Dibbler

    Dibbler Member

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    Arkadia is now my new home, but i do think missions aimed at new players are a must.

    Also more mobs for low end Halix and Fish (Jori?) are a good start but to build a community/economy here i think retaining new guys on planet should be priority.

    I'm sure you are busy working on many things atm, and in time i think Arkadia has a great future.

    Hope this input helps in some way

    All the best Dibbler :)
  15. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Please let me make it more clear:
    I personally am still happy with Arkadia... and I am aware that loot is MA driven, not A-Team.

    But I see peoplem leaving so I asked them and just posted the result. As the A-Team is not able to play with noob or uber avatars at all, I wanted to collect the feedback of several players and post it as a summary here.
  16. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    I am a miner and not unhappy with my returns....but it's getting harder and harder to justify staying because I can't sell my ores at auction. There were 264 pages of auction items 2 weeks after Ark came's down to 112 now. Orders, if any, are way, way below's simply not a liquid market at this point. I will stick around until the space update and hope some nice bps drop as the Ark Vehicle bp book is empty ATM. If things don't pick up, I will head back to Caly which is not my first choice but it gives me more options.

    As I have stated previously, I hated the old pilot/hanger system and I simply won't use it other than to get back to Caly if things don't pick up. The fact space is all PVP is a big turn off to me and I believe ubers will just sit at the choke points and I won't transport any stackables to Caly. I don't mind the TP fees as is the case at this point. If I do head back to Caly, I will visit Ark after Treasure is introduced....but the combo of no auction pages, space being all pvp and pilot/hanger system will cause me to stay on Caly if that is in fact what gets introduced. I will give it a chance but am very skeptical at this point. I guess we'll see starting tomorrow.
  17. Ty Williams

    Ty Williams Member

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    Now With Space coming, Will the Auction still be able to Access other planets??
  18. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    You will be able to look but not touch.
  19. Sir Valentin

    Sir Valentin Member

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    I left Arkadia ( it has nothing with loot to do ) because they started with to do lot of nerfs on mobs and it was more mobs then the 4 the write in förum.
    You all know -->Me and nerfs,,, and when i so so many nerfs and the planet has just started then i know that it is nothing for me.