No more teleporting between planets - space travel only

Discussion in 'Entropia Universe' started by Manny, Jun 10, 2011.

  1. Erik Bruser

    Erik Bruser Member

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    Bye Bye Arkadia.. Hopefully there will be safe passages in space to planets. it there aren't then I guess I will not be returning.
    Good luck in getting your own playerbase.
  2. Xavier Target

    Xavier Target Member

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    I think what is going to happen is the initial release will make all face pvp, but they said that in later release they will implement a warp drive. My guess is that Warp drive will provide the opportunity to bypass pvp activity for those who just want an uneventfull trip.
  3. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    In case some of you missed this very important change scheduled for next week:

    Important Changes
    June 16th

  4. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Planet bound auctions.... hmm..

    If I place a bid on auc or use BO and the item in question is transferred to my Won-auctions page, it doesn't expire atm. But...

    What about those bids/won auctions that take place before this upcoming VU and after VU I would have to travel to another planet to retrieve an item I bid/won prior this VU? I really hope this is not the case.

    After VU this can't happen, for I couldn't even place that bid for an item that's on some other planets auction, but week before VU placed bids or won auctions...

    -- Hyssch --
  5. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    I think the safe answer is "don't do that unless you want to go through support to retrieve those items".
  6. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Yes, still loads of areas to mine without being bothered by monsters. Ofc average markup on Calypso is higher though.
  7. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    hmm after I read the latest buzz it seems like:
    a) hangar buildings will be of no importance for space travel.
    b) Arkadia and all other new PPs get hangars in their auctions en masse next VU.
    c) Players will be trapped on planets without hangars.

    Now where is the option that is good for our Universe and how could I miss it? :surrender:
  8. Dab

    Dab Member

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    d) you can TP from a mothership to a planet, no hangar needed


    e) you will be able to land smaller ships anywhere on a planet, same as the VTOLS
    f) the ships which will be given to hangar owners will have the functions of d) or e)
  9. Chrome

    Chrome Active Member Pro Users

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    Buying Arkadia hangar, 1 ped!!!
  10. Numbers

    Numbers Member

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    Space is already announced as a PVP zone. The very nature of PVP can be difficult, especially when it's required during the journey.

    As others comment, I hope this changes, or there is at least a green zone through the PVP zone.
  11. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    I think your options kinda equal my a) one. Since in that case the hangars would be of no importance for space travel. I think that would be quite unfortunate for the hangar owners even though they get a ship. Obviously it would also suck for SEE since they modeled&animated the buildings in vain. So I don´t think this is what´s going to happen. However we´ll see soon enough...

    My personaly guess is the c) aka trapped players. However with the exception of having certain vehicles like modified VTOLs or medium ships who can launch without a hangar so those can still transport a selected few (rich) people away from the planets without hangars.
  12. PeteHines

    PeteHines Member

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    one thing about being forced into space pvp is we should all be on even ground! what I mean is if you were to encounter Star in pvp4 you would be dead very fast but if Star is in a ship the same as yours doesnt that even it up? basically space is taking the disadvantage of gear out of the pvp equation.
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well presumably starship crew profession level counts for something in combat (we shall find out soon). But in any case I am simply not interested in PVP. I just want to travel safely and quickly from one place to another. I would have gladly paid extra for the convenience of TP if it had been left in place.

  14. Danton

    Danton Active Member Pro Users

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    Also not sure, but sometimes I need stuff from auction that is (currently) not available on Arkadia(L Armor, L Weapons etc.). So we have to wait in which direction prices of items are going in future with the additional need for transport through space. Many, many open questions about space that nobody can give an answer atm. Whole space PvP? Secured route for Planet-travelling or not? etc. etc.

    If enough people are staying on Arkadia and try to build up own economy all went fine, but if ppl are leaving and decide to "..coming back later when all is running.." then it will be a pain for those of us that stay on Arkadia for a longer time.

    Also there have to be enough materials dropping and enough blueprints for Arkadian weapons, armor, fap, finder, etc. etc.

    There are many questions atm that only time will bring an answer. I'll hope that "space" not only brings up more costs for us and nothing else....
  15. Hyssch

    Hyssch Active Member

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    Well, I'm not planning to leave Arkadia any time soon and not going to chase (L) items that cannot be found on Arkadia either... unless I really, really have to :)

    We've seen threads on this forum to hire hunters and miners, but what about hiring cafters too? If we can give them a reason to come to Arkadia, then we wouldn't have to chase Them around on this pixel universe of ours.

    UL bluprints would help, we'll see how that turns out, but I was thinking more along the line that, lets say there are 10 miners on Arkadia that would need lvl 5 mining-amps and they sort out how many exactly they're going to buy... and inform crafters that if You gather enough resources, or buy them here from local miners with less % than going MU, or we could hire them the same way hunters and miners are... we give them resource needed, they get free skilling, maybe few globals/HoF's and we get amps we needed + a share of those global/HoF's if we provided the ingredients needed for his/her crafting run.

    I'm sure there are crafters that would like to do longer crafting-runs (better chance to HoF?) but lack the funds to do so and if they knew here on Arkadia is 10 miners that need a big batch of 20 amps each (just imaginery figure) and would provide materials needed, and besides transportation fees, it would be a free skilling with a chance to get some nice HoF's with less funds tied in the effort...

    I'm no crafter, but some of reading this are... what does this sound like?

    -- Hyssch --
  16. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    I'd agree any little effort to help encourage crafters would be good Hyssch. We need them to be making not only amps but armor, guns, faps etc, and hopefully finding UL bps in the process. I'm very low level crafting but do what I can to at least skill a bit and hope for a lucky strike on a bp drop, and now even more trying to focus on Arkadia only bps and resources to help support the miners (and hunters with all that oil that too many end up just tting, using it a lot more now myself).
  17. Numbers

    Numbers Member

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    Pilot friend said their tour guide stated "that looks like a good place to hide." The gist was we may not have it immediately at start and stop points, but it'll be in the middle.

    In the last couple years, I suggested an economy terminal to help understand the supply and demand in EU. I was given the customary "watch the release notes to see if it was implemented" statement. My idea focused on, we can't buy it in auction if it isn't there, therefore how do we really know the demand since it doesn't show in the market graph (and especially pvp trading)? The source of my frustration was needing some material to craft, there were stacks of 20 for like 140% and stacks of 500000 (huge stacks, ok?) for 110%, and I really only needed 200 units for a better price than 140% on many small stacks.

    Whatever the economy terminal should measure, it's very hard to measure demand since we don't have "market surveys" beyond the supply driven market graph. With more planets in the pipe, this lack of knowledge will only get worse.

    "I need to buy X, but very little has been sold in the market graph and none on auction."
    "oh yeah? But I won't try to sell X because I don't want to tie my PED up into something that probably won't sell."

    Of course there is chance for abuse, but I think we spend enough PED elsewhere and I don't want to pay just to tell everyone the equipment I'm looking for in the near future.
  18. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    *Thread Moved*